No 1 (2015)
7-18 129
Authors give us the structure analysis of reclamation activities, which are carried out under the State Program of 20112015, which is aimed to conserve and use the reclamation lands rationally. The specific volumes of major works are identified according to the types of activity on the area of 1000 hectares and regional features. Analysis is performed and preliminary conclusions about the direction of transformation of work structure for normative maintenance are presented.
19-33 215
In the 50-90 scientific research concerning improvement in diagnostic of waterlogged soils in Poland were carried out during drainage melioration of arable soils. This study was focused on morphological features of soils which help to forecast soil anoxia. This evaluation method was widely used and qualitative in nature. Its principle was the basis of new branch of water melioration, directed to support oxygen balance in soil. In the result parameters of soil redox optimal for Poland were def ined.
34-43 148
The condition analysis of 110 collectors based on act of checking is carried out. The technology how to perform syrvey and siltation removal using equipment OD-100 is presented.
44-53 163
The justification of calculated dependences concerning irrigation standards and irrigation norms for vegetable crops irrigated by sprinkling on the open and protected ground is accomplished. Statistical characteristics of empirical equations are presented.
54-67 174
Causes of poor water regime on areas drained by tube drainage are analyzed. The most important of them are causes reducing the effectiveness of drainage work and affecting the ability to absorb water. The most essential are silting of drainage pipes and mudding of perforation holes in drainage pipes or protective filters. The range of activities and sequence of its implementation are developed to estimate technical condition of drainage systems, protective filtering materials and nonstructural filters. The most common cases of reduction of drainage efficiency are presented. The range of activities and methods to define technical condition of drainage and ability of drainage pipes to absorb water are offered. This method can be used in developing of reclamation systems. The method of determining the ability of drainage systems to absorb water on field area is tested. Author gives us recommendation how to select protective filters in incoherent, peat soils and loams, which should be used during the reconstruction of reclamation systems.
68-75 177
The use of trenchless construction methods of drainage in humid zone is described. Author gives us technical characteristics of draining stacker mechanism used before and recommended to exploit currently. The advantages and disadvantages of this method of construction and implement mechanisms are shown. Reclamation objects with trenchless drainage constructed in Belarus are highlighted also its current status and some study results are analyzed. In particular, during excavation it was found that after 30 years running trench backfilling using clay soil and lime had a hard structure of soil aggregates.
76-84 158
Conditions of electricity consumption reducing on drainage pumping stations of reclamation system equipped with a outfall are shown. The article demonstrates that reduction in water intake during vegetation period at the constant pump speed leads to excessive costs of electricity, but reducing of the pump speed save electricity. Methods of optimization the process of water pumping with minimal costs are given. Possible energy saving in the hydrological conditions of 2011 on polder “Zhuk” is determined, which would make 32.2% of the annual costs in the case of frequency converter using to regulate pump speed on the one of motors.
85-90 218
The article presents the results of study concerning yield dependence of the 1st year clover green mass on main soil cultivation for cover crop. On the highly cultivated sod-podzolic sandy soil the 1st year meadow clover gives the greatest yield of green mass due to combine cultivation in rotation crop based on alternation of plowing and chisel cultivation. In the case of average cultivated sandy soil for cover crop no significant differences in green mass yield of the 1st year clover are found after changing plowing disking and chisel cultivation. Sowing of stubble barley leads to decrease of field germination of clover seeds and facilitate weediness what reduces green mass yield of legume as a result.
91-104 183
The article presents the results of field research for the formation of red fescue seed productivity taking into account sowing time (factor A), methods of sowing (factor B), herbicide use (factor C). The research established the optimum time of sowing (spring and early summer), methods of sowing (wide sowing and half sowing), the most effective herbicides for weed control on seed crops which allow to get competitive products of high quality with seed yield of 4.0-4.5 t / ha.
105-110 176
In our republic perennial chin is profitable on peat soils as this legume is a good source of feed protein
111-121 172
The article describes how drainage and long-term (50 yeas) agricultural use of peat soils causes transformation in composition, structure and reserve of potassium fractions. In peat-bog soils reserve of gross forms of potassium in 0-40 cm layer is 560 kg/ha, exchangeable peat forms - 100 kg/ha. In agro peat soils of different stages of evolution gross peat form increases in 2.5-4.9 times, moving fractions and others increase in 5-10 times or more. In organic mineral soils with organic matter less than 20 % all fractions decrease. The lowest reserves of peat fraction are in mineral post-peat soil (exchangeable, moving, and available forms are 0.5-0.52 t/ha and water-soluble form is 0.14 t/ha.
122-130 192
The lawn quality is evaluated depending on the species composition of grass mixtures, seeding rates of seeds of lawn grass, feeding by different doses of fertilizer and lawn mowing regime. the most optimal methods to create high-quality lawn under the Belarusian Polesye conditions is defined.
131-136 232
This article presents some modes of yield modeling , in particular balance type and empirical type (regressive). The main components affecting the reliability of dependencies are analyzed. Its impact on accuracy of decision-making concerning the use of agricultural areas is examined.
137-149 165
Data on the impact of long-term and systematic using of liquid organic fertilizers on air pollution, soil, plants and natural waters are presented. A set of measures to improve ecological situation in the areas affected by big animal farms is proposed.
150-159 303
Land drainage and reclamation in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries at Belarusian Polesye were carried out at the impermanence of climatic conditions. Climate variability influences the course of development of the reclamation of swamps and wetlands of the region.
160-165 128
Shows the results of field studies of hydraulic structures of "Zaslavskoye" reservoir. Measures have been developed to prevent their destruction by seepage flow.
166-170 144
The work deals with the problems of optimization of the food business based on the reduction of anthropogenic load on soil and environment-oriented technologizing food production.
171-188 160
The authors gave generalized results of experimental studies related to slope and riverbed channel protection according to recommended types of drainage channel enhancement.Represented types can be widely used in local repair activities and reconstruction of reclamation systems.
ISSN 2070-4828 (Print)