
Land Reclamation

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No 1 (2009)


5-25 176
Analyzed: Land-reclamation building during the Soviet period, present-day state of ameliorative systems and agricultural use of ameliorated lands. Illustrated: directions of scientific investigations aimed to transfer from gross criteria to economical ones based on coordinated development of material and informational technologies.
26-31 165
Technological flowcharts for control of water regime of drainage and wetting systems differing in their technical and resort resources are proposed. Aimed to achievement of maximum efficiency of control within such systems those technological flowcharts are divided into three levels, namely, low, middle and high ones. It is recommended to choose the level of control depending on the index of the limiting resource of drainage and wetting system (according to the adopted estimation scale) and the real productivity of ameliorated soil (relative to mark assessment of their potential fertility). So, the balance between the resources of drainage and wetting system and the efficiency of work of the landowner is observed.
32-40 236
Presented: The results of inspection with respect to capacity for work of developed by the Institute “The Procedure of Selecting Objects for Amelioration during Reconstruction and Renewal Followed by Updating and Arrangement of Ecological Zones”. During inspection the materials of cadastral valuation of lands and objective indexes of lands productivity are used. Formula of calculation for correction factors characterizing amelioration state of lands with unsatisfactory water regime. The article shows that the most objective factor in evaluating efficiency of investments to reconstruction of ameliorative systems is the incrementation of cadastral valuation of lands. Recoupment of spendings in reconstruction depends on the efficiency of further agricultural use of lands.The writers made investigation of ameliorated lands in farming of Louninets district, found and pointed to the problem areas with respect to water regime. They determined that correction factors of ameliorative state of lands earlier defined during cadastral evaluation in many cases do not correspond to the actual situation. Correction of the given factors in made in accordance with “The Procedure”. To cut the expenses the amalgamation of several neighboring areas demanding reconstruction into one general tract of land was proposed providing thereat performance of repair-and-operation works.
41-47 166
Devised: The way of calculation for the dynamics of rate of water stream through crests of protecting embankments and weir-openings at arrangement of weir-opening in the middle part of longitudinal (side) embankment. The analysis of dynamics of rates makes it possible to define the most dangerous sections and to provide for the procedures on preventing the protective fence undercutting.
48-54 169
The article presents the functionality (hydraulic permeability) modelling of the regulated Southeast Lithuanian streams overgrown with woody vegetation and the possibilities to plan naturalization of the regulated streams. The research of woody vegetation was carried out in the Neris river basin.
55-59 248
To make a decision on conducting agro reclamative measures the state of drained soils shouldbe appreciated or, in particular, the form of soil, the area of soakings and overwettings, the levels of ground waters, humidity, the terms of exporting redundant surface waters, delay in optimal terms of conducting agricultural works, density of soil. The given criteria enable choosing the most optimal complex of agro reclamative measures for increase of production performance of ameliorated lands.
60-71 183
The results of many years' supervision for changes of bed and hydraulic conditions in rectified rivers-water intakes and transformation of beds are analyzed. The process of formation of dynamically stable bed parameters as a result of accumulation of silts and their removal onto the bottomland is considered. Suggested: Systematic approaches for prediction of dynamics of erosion accumulating processes within the area of interaction of bed and bottomland fragments of stream flow so enabling to determine the tendency of bed deformation processes.
72-78 156
Regulation of lake basins results in extension of their efficient capacity and water-surface area. Upwelling level causes development of a number of processes, such as abrasion of banks, formation of submergence zones, change of abiotic and biotic factors affecting the vital activity of plant and animal life in the coastal zone. The main factors that influence to formation of coasts of lakes and water basins are determined.
79-84 160
Examined: The factors resulting in abrasion process, their influence onto the coast line of artificial water objects (including protection areas). Analysed: The influence of totality of forces from the direction of water basin and the coast onto the coast protective constructions. Presented: The assessment methods of working up of the coast line on artificial water objects and the causes deteriorating the stability of coast protecting constructions.
85-91 203
Examined: The requirement for organization of works on operative control and regulation of water regime on ameliorated lands with participation of land owners responsible for total results in plant cultivation. Stated: The results of analysis of crop-producing power of cereals and leguminous plants depending on productivity number of soil, with augmentation of a part of reclaimed lands in a structure of arable lands for a group of farms. Established: The tendency for increase of crop-producing power for one number of soil productivity, with augmentation of a part of reclaimed lands in a structure of arable lands.
92-99 157
Based on full-size models metering characteristics of absorbing wells made of slotted smooth-wall tubes and fluted polyethylene tubes have been investigated. Wells with various types of perforations under different hydraulic conditions have been examined. Particular features of hydraulic work of slotted smooth-wall tubes and fluted polyethylene tubes are revealed. Based on the performed investigations formulae and factors are proposed for estimation of water receiving capacity of absorbing wells. Such formulae and factors take into account the conditions of their operation.
100-107 212
Given: The analysis results of various ways of reclamation of lands with undulating relief and poorly permeable lands that are tested on land-reclamation object in SPK “Mazolovskiy” in Mstislavl district of Mogilev region. The analysis was performed with the aim of determining and further application of the most effective and economically appropriate ways of reclamation under such natural conditions.The article examines new design elements of drainage systems, marks the defects revealed in design and construction of the object. It gives the results of investigation of water regime of lands and soil-reclamation situation at the object. It is noted that after carrying out earthworks active erosive processes of washing-out of soil are observed in the areas with significant slopes of ground surface. Such processes require taking operative measures on their elimination and prevention.
108-113 229
With the purpose of revealing and the prevention of infringements in functioning meliorative objects and estimations of their technical condition it is required to spend regular inspections of meliorative systems on an establishment of defects, deformations, degrees of serviceability of constructions and devices on them. Practical actions on the further operation of meliorative object are developed on the basis of materials of inspection according to certificates on an establishment of defects and in view of a parameter of failure of elements of meliorative systems.
114-120 182
A tendency of construction of balanced in longitudinal plane separated tillable aggregates appeared in theworld agricultural machine building industry. The aggregates carry ploughs on front and rear hinges. Such a construction is especially actual based on crawler-mounted spring-loaded tractors having a high different in the process of operation.The aim is to develop algorithm of calculating efforts in rods of tractor hitch taking into account forces and moments of interaction of the tractor and the tool appearing at the moment of crossing the irregularities of relief. To avoid the action of tractor body different affecting the hitch automatic system of hitch adjustment is proposed, with tractor’s upper arm having length varying depending on the effort value in it.It is ascertained that for Belarus-2103 tractor in the aggregate with three-body plough on front hitch at tractor body different being φ = 3º the upper rod works to compression, at that the value of appearing in it effort considerably exceeding the values intrinsic to operation on smooth base surface. For compensation of such different it is quite enough to miniaturize the length of upper rod for 11.3 mm.


121-128 150
Presented: The results of many years' steady-state studies on assessment of comparative efficiency of forecrops and the ways of their use to productivity and quality of posterior cultures of rotation link. As forecrops there have been used various combinations of cereallegumescruciferous cultures and maize. As a way of their utilization is fodder green mass and green fertilizer. As forecrops ”winter ryeAustrian winter pea-oil radish” or “winter ryeoil radish for green fodder” provide productivity of rotation link cultures at a level of 71 to 79, and aftereffect ensuring the obtaining of productivity of 62 to 71 centners/ha of fodder units of high quality. By the output of fodder-protein units rotation links by these forecrops exceed the effectiveness of maize after-effects on the background of dung by 16 to 28 centners/ha. Advanced embedding of green mass of forecrop for fertilization the productivity of rotation link cultures drops for 3-4 centners/ha of fodder units.
134-142 163
As a result of realized study it is determined that grown red clover have reduced the concentration of Ntotal, and quite the contrary increased Ptotal .Due to growing of red clover during II years of use the concentrations of Ntotal reduced up to 3.8 mg .l-1, and Ptotal increased to 0.03 mg .l-1.According to the standards classified in Lithuania drainage waters are not clogged with phosphorus, though average annual concentrations of nitrogen exceed the ceiling in soils where spring wheat with undersow and sugar beet is growing.
143-157 178
Investigated: The alteration of structural management and water-physical properties of mineral soils under the influence of drainage and soil-conservation measures with the use of methods of macromorphology and micromorphology. The most significant changes of soil profile occur after planning the surface and filling of valleys. The changes of soils after cultivation-chinking bear local character and are concentrated near the place of pathway of the working tool. The effect of deep cultivation consisting in improvement of structural characteristics and filtering properties of soil are characterized by relative short-life (approximately 4 years). Extension of the term may be achieved by application of chemical meliorants.
158-163 143
Results of measurements of the maximal evaporation for of some agricultural crops on the mineral reclaimed grounds in conditions of the Belarus lake grounds in view of carrying out of actions on deep loosening are resulted. Empirical settlement dependences are received. It is established, that loosening promotes increase in the maximal evaporation. Deviations from a variant with use of standard processing can make up to 6 mm for a decade that makes 122 % in relation to the control. Results of experiment allow to raise accuracy of calculations of water consumption, water-balance calculations, designing of modes of humidifying and an irrigation of the agricultural grounds at use of actions on deep loosening.
164-171 183
Presented: The dependences of crop-producing power of fodder crops from the levels of groundwaters and the content of organic matter. Based on the received experimental and calculation data the effective structure of sowings for each of considered soil varieties was developed on three levels of reclamation, such as normal, below normal and above normal. It is shown that on all the arable lands regardless the hydrological and agrochemical properties it is possible to create the structure of sowings providing for balanced fodders in energy and protein required for receiving the average annual yield of milk equal to 5000 kg from a cow. It is established that conditional profit to a great extent depends on hydrological and soil conditions. The analysis of the obtained results showed that for creation of the effective structure of using arable lands it is necessary to adapt species composition of fodder crops to hydrological and agrochemical charactristics of a field. Aimed to receiving balanced fodder it is necessary to consider all the aggregate of soil conditions of arable lands.
172-177 200
Given: The results of many years’ research work on study of the influence of amelioration of overmoistened mineral soils onto the water regime of soil, the terms of sowing and crop-producing power of spring-planted cereal crops. It is stated that draining of soils accompanied by the procedures on organization of surface drain promote more rapid ripening of soil in spring and planting of barley and oat in average two weeks earlier during the years of research; extend the vegetation period for 6-8 days and nights; raise productivity of crops for 84.2 and 67.3%. The expenses for realization of reclamation works are compensated with increase of yield during 7-8 years.
178-185 218
Developed: The design of closed collector ZC-2 with the use of new absorbing columns. The calculation method of closed collector ZC-2 with absorbing columns and the use of regions of pipes with diameter increasing as the increase of collector consumption along the length is proposed. Depending on agricultural usage of overwetted valleys there is defined the range of areas ameliorated with closed collector 3C-2 when mounted with KPF-1 absorbing columns from 10 to 30 pieces with a consumption of 0.2 l/s. The effectiveness of amelioration of overwetted valleys is shown when used in absorbing columns ZC-2 with higher flow capacity: KPF-2-0.4 l/s and KPF-3-0.7 l/s.


191-201 185
Brief excursion in the history of station development. The basis of station experimental field consists in many years’ field stations continuously operating from 20 to 70 years. The most important problem explored by the stations is maximum preservation of peat fallow in the process of its usage in farming. Given: The data on wear of organic matter, change of phytocenosis, soil characteristics within station fields.Described: The results of systematic experimental observations for a change of characteristics of worked-out peat swamps used in fodder production, occupied by forests and as garden-plots and also for reswamping.
202-207 189
The problem of productive macrobiosis of meadow grass stands is priority. Under the natural conditions thestability of biocenosis to a great extend depends on the composition and the structure of poiums. Many years’ investigations showed high stability of meadow grass stands on peat soils and the ability of productive macrobiosis of the given grass stands without meadow reformation within at least 20 years. Out of perennial graminifolious herbs the most adaptive potential is characterized by meadow foxtail. The deserving plants for long-term cultivation on peat soils is meadow foxtail, meadow grass and cock's-foot grass.
208-214 191
Given: The results of study of the influence of Dactylis glomerata and Festuca pratensis onto cropproducing power, phytologic composition, the quality of fodder and eating of gramma. It is established that crop capacity of dry mass of grass stand while introducing such very species increased for 9.9-16%. The content of raw protein for control mixed grass crop made up 18.7 %, for Dactylis glomerata made up 16.4% and for Festuca pratensis made up 17.7%.The reaction of meadow clover to unfavorable weather conditions was specified. Optimal proportion of seeds of Trifolium pranse and Pheleum pretense in mixed grass crop was proposed for after-grass use.Assessment of use of cereal grass showed that at long-term use of grass stand on sod-podzolic loam soil to receive 4000 kg of milk from a cow the application of nitrogenous fertilizers is required starting from the first years of using this grass stand.
215-221 215
The problem of increase in a biological variety of meadow with long-term moisture-loving grasses is actual. There are territories with deficiency of a moisture and there are the extensive areas with surpluses of a moisture during the vegetative period in republic. Morphological, biological features and economic-valuable attributes of Beckman’s grass (Beckmannia eruciformis) are presented, the agrotechnics of its cultivation for seeds is given. Beckman’s grass stands long surplus of a moisture without decrease in efficiency of a herbage and nutritiousness of a forage. Its cultivation is an element of biological land improvement and allows to use effectively hydromorphic grounds with coherent granulometric structure.


222-228 308
Presented: The procedure of examination of woody and shrubby vegetation on ameliorated channels and definition of its characteristics Examined: The peculiarities of distribution of a number of stems of shrubs and low forests in diameters and wood stock, interrelation and interconnection between them.



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ISSN 2070-4828 (Print)