
Land Reclamation

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Editorial Board


Anatoly P. Likhatsevich – Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Professor, corresponding member of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Chief Researcher of the Institute for Land Reclamation (Minsk, Belarus)

Deputy Editor-in-Chief

Petr F. Tivo – Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Institute for Land Reclamation (Minsk, Belarus)

Editorial board

Alexander S. Anzhenkov – Candidate of Engineering Sciences, Associate Professor, Director of the Institute for Land Reclamation (Minsk, Belarus) (RSCI)

Alexander L. Biryukovich – Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Associate Professor, Head of Laboratory for the Use of Drained Peat and Mineral Lands of the Institute for Land Reclamation (Minsk, Belarus)

Nikolay N. Dubenok – Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor, full member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Russian State Agrarian University - Moscow Timiryazev Agricultural Academy, Head of the Department of Agricultural Reclamation, Forestry and Land Management (Moscow, Russia) (RSCI) (SCOPUS) (WEB OF SCIENCE) (ORCID)

Vladimir I. Zhelyazko – Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Associate Professor, Belarusian State Agricultural Academy, Land Reclamation and Construction Faculty, Head of the Department of Land Reclamation and Water Management (Gorki, Belarus) (RSCI)

Yury A. Mazhayskiy – Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor, Chief Researcher of the All-Russian Research Institute for Hydraulic Engineering and Land Reclamation n.a. A.N.Kostyakov, Meshchersky Branch (Ryazan, Russia) (RSCI) (SCOPUS) (WEB OF SCIENCE) (ORCID)

Eduard I. Mikhnevich – Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Professor, Belarusian National Technical University, Department of Water Supply and Sanitation (Minsk, Belarus) (RSCI) (WEB OF SCIENCE) (ORCID)

Nikolay N. Tsybulko – Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor, Deputy Director for Research of the Institute for Soil Science and Agrochemistry (Minsk, Belarus)

Eduard N. Shkutov – Candidate of Engineering Sciences, Institute for Land Reclamation, Head of the Laboratory of Amelioration Systems Enhancement (Minsk, Belarus)