No 2 (2005)
5-18 219
On the basis of archive materials the history of the reclamative science in a Belarus from 1910, the making and development of the Minsk Experimental Bog Station (1910-1929), of its successor - the All-Union Bog Research Institute in pre-war (1930-1941) and post-war (1941-1992) periods is shown. The information on forming directions of research works and their basic outcomes is presented. The period of making of the Institute in new conditions after 1992 is emphasized, the purpose and problems facing by scientific collective of the Land Reclamation and Grass Farming Institute of National Academy of Sciences of Belarus are disclosed.
19-28 198
There is brought the wording of the problem of multicriterian optimization to agrarian production in agricultural enterprise in intercoupling variant to reconstructions reclamating systems and choice of the type of the agricultural use the lands, as well as level to their intensities with provision for presence both reclamated and automorphic lands. There is presented the tree of aims and criterion of different hierarchical level of generalities at agrarian production optimization, and is realized their choice for considered problems. There were analysed principles to motivations all subject in chain investor - customer - designer - builder on searching for economic motivated decisions.
29-35 204
The procedure of an empirical estimation of probability of unfavorable water phenomena on the basis of long-term of decade meteorological data is stated. Quantitative indices of the unfavorable water phenomena atmospheric generalized over natural-climatic zones of Belarus are represented.The outcomes of calculations of a hydrothermic factor and factor of climatic humidity in the growing period for years of different provision are indicated.
36-43 175
As a criterion for a choice of the best variant of an interrelation between capacities of individual pumps of multiunit pump stations, it is recommended to use a minimal volume required for their normal work of regulating reservoir. The relationship to determinate a required volume of regulating reservoir and procedure of calculation for every interrelation of pump capacities are given. The required volumes of regulating reservoirs that provide time cycle in designed limits are established for a number of interrelations of pump capacities for pump stations having from 2 to 6 pumps. Majority of the considered variants of pump stations with identical pumps needs in volume of regulating reservoir by 30…70% greater, than those with different pumps.
44-54 185
For perfection of managerial process by a water mode on POSMZiL it developed and the electronic table of the dispatcher which does more proved decisions of tactical and strategic problems of management by a water mode on POSMZiL has successfully passed initial practical approbation.
55-57 573
The land-reclamation technique for draining of the small closed lowlands having area up to 0,5 ha by means of seepage slits has developed. The slits are made with the special implement from the center of lowland with an incline inverse to an incline of a surface, and water removal into canals, absorbing wells, settlers, or onto elevated plots of relief.
58-68 177
The closed drainage network layouts used in draining lands having a plain relief with due account of draining and damping action of the open canals depending on “level conductivity” of soils and other factors are analyzed.The competitive nontraditional drainage network layouts on the basis of single drain and procedure of calculations of basic parameters for complex field check and decision making on their usage are offered.
69-76 238
The method of calculations of parameters of polder systems is offered, the method bringing such systems to linear hydrological objects with concentrated parameters without limitations in size of developed land area having a draining uniformity required under conditions of agricultural production. The use of the offered method to analyze functioning polder systems allows to determine, on the basis of a drainage runoff value, their possibility to control a water regime of soils on a drained area, and also to select measures and design solutions permitting to increase a technological level of functioning polder systems.
77-81 182
The procedure for determination of repair sequence of elements of a reclamative system with due account of different importance of individual elements in provision of a water regime and yielding capacity is offered. First of all, it is offered to repair the elements which provide maximum increase in operational reliability of a whole reclamative system.
82-85 166
The paper reviews development of a drainage in the country from its origination, most typical stages of investigations and unsolved problems are noted.The basic directions of improvement of drainage systems; advance in design, theoretical and laboratory investigations, technology of construction; problems of updating a drainage in connection with the changed environment and increased ecological standards are considered.
86-93 178
Analysis of a state of machines and mechanisms for maintenance and updating of reclamative systems, basic directions on improvement of designs of specialized reclamative machines and mechanisms are given. The need for machines and nomenclature of its for development, running in and production of new high-performance machinery for all-round mechanization of works in 2006-2010 are determined.
94-99 214
Dependences of the loss of organic matter rate on time of drainage and their differentiation on agricultural use are resulted. ОМ losses after 30 and more years of agricultural use make about 2,2-2,5 t/ha*year-1 at perennial grasses, 3-3,5 - grain crops, 5 t/ha*year-1 - plough-land and under a crop rotation - 3,5-4,5 t/ha*year-1.Obtained results can be used at feasibility reports on meliorative actions and variants of agricultural use oldarable peat bogs where it is necessary to take into account losses of organic matter as an element of technologies.
100-107 185
The outcomes of analysis of change of properties of peat soils during agricultural usage are presented. The formulas permitting to estimate change of dry peat density in dependence on compacting deformations of individual layers, contents of mineral and accordingly organic components and also a significance of the different factors onto change of peat soil composition at different transformation stages are obtained.
108-117 182
Connections in the system “yielding capacity - natural-climatic factors of environment” are presented. The empirical-statistical model that allows to order an source information, to estimate quantitatively and interpret substantially the causality between yielding capacity and environment factors, evaluate reliability and productivity of different hypotheses about mutual influence of the observed phenomena and effecting factors, to identify parameters of the design equations of different purpose is studied. The offered empirical-statistical model is also “raw material” for creation and substantiation of the approaches to models of other forms (first of all imitative).
118-126 238
He materials of long-term investigations of development techniques for increase of productivity of lands with a composite soil cover in Poozerie are stated. The efficiency of draining swamped mineral lands is shown, the techniques for enriching their fertility by means of application of local organic fertilizers and composts prepared on the basis of that, using mineral fertilizers and green manure crops are presented. The significance of an adaptive contour-reclamative farming system for increase of productivity of these lands is noted.
127-143 267
The outcomes of investigations of productivity of fodder agrocoenosises on post-peat soil complexes in Belarusian Polesie have allowed to compare effectiveness of different cultures and mixtures of those. The ranking on economic and energy parameters has shown high effectiveness of alfalfa. Usage of it will increase forage production efficiency by 1,5…2 times.
144-148 172
On the basis of outcomes of field inspections, the analysis of a state and agricultural usage of 1137 plant macerations and overmoisted plots on improved lands at farms of the Sharkovshchina, Glubokoye, and Senno districts of the Vitebsk region is conducted. The characteristics of the revealed lowlands: size, configuration, soil cover structure and usage, are presented. The obtained data will be hereinafter used as an information basis to fulfil typification of depression lowlands.
149-154 200
The causes of overcompacting soil and negative influence on growth of cereal and tilled crops are stated, the influence of decompacting subsurface horizon on yielding capacity is shown, the machinery for decompacting overcompacted horizon and performance data of it are presented, the production data on yielding capacity and economic effectiveness as a result of decompacting subsurface horizon by means of provision of general-purpose plows with accessory working equipment (plow sole ripper) are presented.
155-161 174
In studying an effect of growth regulators on emergence rate and germination capacity of seeds of fabaceous and gramineous plants, it has been established: the studied agents have exhibited both stimulating and inhibiting effect on parameters being found, in dependence on concentration of solutions, plant species, variety, ploidy, yield year. Increased concentrations has caused negative effect. During investigation it has been determined the arrangement of growth regulators by degree of decreasing influence on desired parameters. Epybrassinolide and homobrassinolide are characterized by action specificity: with zero or minimum parameters of emergence rate of seeds of species majority, they actively stimulate germination capacity for a short time interval. Seeds with reduced natural vitality poorly responded to action of agents in these concentrations.
162-169 161
The outcomes of a complex assessment of the meadow grass by a growth and development vigor, earliness, seed productivity, forage quality, immunity to diseases and pests have allowed to select a most valuable variety samples with complex of economical-useful signs.
170-176 183
The information on flooding regimes and stability of perennial grasses in the different year seasons is presented. Ways for solution of the problem of clover cropping on peat soils are shown and the methods of extension of its productive longevity are offered. The most stable and high productive species and varieties of perennial grasses for creation of long-term haylands on flood-plain peat soils are represented. Ways for intensification of flood-plain grass farming with due account of ecological conditions in each region are offered.
177-180 221
The main ways for increase in productivity of hay grass stands in Gorodok district, Vitebsk region conditions are considered. The role of meadow grasss structure and mineral fertilizers in increase of their yielding capacity and cultivation effectiveness is shown.
180-188 160
The outcomes of investigations on development of methods for determination of the contents of nitrate and ammonium nitrogen in degraded peat soils are represented. The estimation ofoutcomes reproducibility of repeat determinations is given. Deflections from average account for 8,7% on nitrate nitrogen and 7,3 % on ammonium nitrogen. That is much lower, than by other methods. The close connection between contents of the organic matter and nitrate nitrogen and also ammonium nitrogen.
189-194 169
Changes in delivery of mineral fertilizers at farms of the Bobruisk district, its structure, cost of purchases as a whole, and structure of the purchase costs for each kind of fertilizers is analized.
ISSN 2070-4828 (Print)