
Land Reclamation

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No 4 (2024)
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5-10 57

А main stage of field studies of parameters of radio signal passage through soil for marking of underground elements of land reclamation systems has been carried out. The optimum frequency, which is acceptable to use within the framework of the legislation of the Republic of Belarus for marking of these elements, was been determined. Dependences of the level of the induced signal in the mark on the frequency of the signal supplied to the transmitting antenna were obtained.

11-18 55

The article presents the results of studies on the regulation of the water regime of soils by the meliorative drainage and irrigation system of vertical drainage at the experimental production site of the Polesie experimental meliorative station of the Luninets district Brest region. The natural conditions of the site, technical and design solutions of the vertical drainage system are given. The main indicators characterizing the efficiency of drainage in the drainage and moistening (irrigation) mode are highlighted, its high drainage capacity is noted. The expediency of using vertical drainage in certain conditions when designing the reconstruction of meliorative systems, especially in the Polesie region is emphasized.

19-28 63

The destruction of groundwater dams, as a result of which a breakthrough flood occurs, refers to dangerous hydrological phenomena as material damage and human casualties. Due to the suddenness and transience of the dam destruction process, data on these phenomena are fragmentary and few in number, therefore it is necessary during of their study to use methods of physical and mathematical modeling. In this article, the process of destruction of an underground dam is considered, the cause of which is the overflow of water over the ridge, as a result of overflow of the reservoir. The orginality of research lies in the fact that, based on the research, the methodology proposed for determining the parameters of the breakthrough wave, as well as constructing a hydrograph of discharge costs, was confirmed.


29-36 51

On anthropogenically transformed peat soil, it is necessary to introduce Ecosil + Ecohum FC + Ecohum Complex into the tillering phases and exit into the tube and Ecosil + Ecohum Complex into earing, which ensures the harvesting of winter triticale grain 59.7 c/ha, an increase in yield of 21.1 c/ha (or 726.3 rubles/ha). Winter rye on average for 3 years generated a yield of 51.4 c/ha, and the introduction of Ecosil + ADOBE Profit + Ecogum Mn + Ecogum Cu + MicroStim B in the tillering phase provided an increase in yield of 12.8 c/ha (with a cost of 366.4 rubles/ha).

37-42 50

On anthropogenically transformed peat soils, strip sowings of alfalfa and a grass mixture of awnless brome, festulolium, perennial ryegrass and timothy with a strip width of 6 m alfalfa + 12 m grass with application of N120P60К120 in three cuttings formed a yield of cereal grasses of 54.6 c/ha and alfalfa 48.7 c/ha of dry weight. With a strip width of 12 m, the grass yield was 22.4% higher than with a width of 6 m. The determination coefficient R² between the yield and the width of the sowing strips for alfalfa was 0.95, and for the cereal grass mixture – 0.69. Strip sowing with a crop placement of 6 m alfalfa + 12 m grass increased the yield of crude protein per hectare by 1.6 times.

43-49 50

The article presents the results of studies of the influence of microfertilizers on the structure of seed sowing and the yield of hybrid clover seeds. The maximum yield of hybrid clover seeds (2.4 c/ha) without underseeding annual ryegrass on average over 2 years was obtained after adding MicroStim and Nanoplant – Ca-Si; the increase was 41.2 %. In joint crops with annual ryegrass, the highest yield of 2.6 c/ha was noted in the variant with Nanoplant Ultra; the increase was 30.0 %.


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ISSN 2070-4828 (Print)