
Land Reclamation

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No 3 (2024)
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5-11 46

The issues of choosing the most functional and costeffective material for well-filtering backfills of drainage trenches and water absorbent columns are considered, as well as the connection between the structures and materials used for the construction of drainage filter elements with the proposed measures for long-term maintenance of high permeability of the drained layer of swelling low permeable loamy soils

12-24 34

The development of methods for creating effective industry-wide systems of regulatory documents, including in the field of engineering protection of water facilities, is a very relevant task in the context of updating the state standardization system. In order to analyze and synthesize normative documentation in the field of survey and design of engineering protection of reclamation facilities, current regulatory legal acts in construction and reclamation, as well as policy articles on the regulatory framework of the reclamation complex of Russia have been considered. The article offers an approach to analysis and synthesis of normative documentation, develops an effective conceptual system of normative and technical support of the field of engineering protection of reclamation objects. The high level of quality of normative documentation for the implementation of design and survey work is ensured by the presence of systemic connections and a common goal aimed at improving the quality of the final product. Normative documentation is the main method of ensuring the quality of design and survey documentation

25-31 39

The article presents an overview of the reasons for the deterioration in the efficiency of drainage melioration in various natural conditions in the Republic and abroad. The conditions under which the intensity of the melioration systems decreases (in particular, the filtration coefficient in the subsoil layer decreases as a result of long-term operation of melioration systems are indicated) and a such rarely analyzed reason as soil degradation, i. e. its destructuring, depending on a number of factors, are given. The differentiation of drainage systems by factors of performance and degree of drainage is given. The measures for creating the required water regime of soils, capable of improving the drainage effect of drainage at reconstruction sites, are recommended

32-38 40

Definitions of the terms are given: monitored indicators, diagnostic indicators, safety criteria for hydraulic structures; the levels of values of their diagnostic indicators are given. The characteristics of earth dams are outlined for classifying them into the classification of categories of possible operational technical conditions existing in Belarus. A justification for the need for repair (reconstruction) of earth dams is given

39-44 33

The data of the state accounting on the condition of hydraulic structures in the open reclamation network of Belarus are given. A new method of non-destructive control of technical condition of hydraulic structures at reclamation sites using photogrammetry tools is described. The approbation of photogrammetry software tools is carried out and the option of their adaptation to inspection and diagnostics of hydraulic structures condition is proposed


45-53 45

Soddy-podzolic soils immediately after mechanical treatment are characterized by very low erosion resistance. The erosive velocity of the water flow does not exceed 11.1 cm/s. Soil resistance to erosion decreases with increasing degree of erosion degradation. The use of eroded soils in soil-protective grass-grain crop rotations helps improve their resistance to erosion. Moderately and highly eroded soils on loess-like loams in grain crop rotation were characterized by low VΔp (16.5–18.5 cm/s), and in grass-grain crop rotation with alfalfa cultivation – high and medium VΔp (33.1 and 29.8 cm/s). With the organomineral fertilizer system, an increase in the anti-erosion resistance of soils was observed compared to the mineral fertilizer system. The application of lime ameliorants against the background of an organomineral fertilizer system did not lead to an increase in VΔp. A close correlation has been established (r = 0.76) between the erosive velocity of water flow and the weighted average diameter of water-resistant aggregates in the soil



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ISSN 2070-4828 (Print)