
Land Reclamation

Advanced search
No 1 (2005)


5-12 185
There were designed algorithm and programme realization for the process of generating of casual values of level water in channels in intercoupling with random quantity of precipitations and air temperature by the method of statistical test (the Monte-Carlo method) with use of Markov's chains. Materials of perennial monitoring regime observations on the Pruzhanskiy stationary were used as dataware for realization of the described algorithm and realization numerical experiment.Realized calculations have shown the convergence on probability of values generated on designed algorithm with directly measured one.
13-26 219
In article there are brought methods of the estimation of different variants of agricultural use and intensities of their realization with provision for stochasticness of weather-climatic conditions. Calculations are founded on building curves of probability for harvest and determinating on it the probability of profit.Using data of 40-year multi-factor field experiences on cultures productivities, were distributed economic efficient variants of crop rotations and doses of fertilizers. There are represented results on working out of the peat for period of observations.
27-32 190
The variability of annual precipitation for many years at two weather stations is considered: the Senno and Polesie (Luninets district). The initial analysis of variability of precipitation is executed, the results are presented. It is established the sums of extreme precipitation for the selected stations tend of periodic increases.


33-40 226
The procedure of analysis of the filters-absorbers fabricated of good-filtering mediums during water discharge from closed lowland through low water-permeable interlayer into underlying waterbearing horizon is presented.


41-48 178
The solutions on development of complex flow charts for planning routine operation of reclamative systems are presented. The adaptive approach that is oriented to the account of new agroecological and economic decisions for usage of reclaimed lands is offered. Methodical and tool base of model of operational processes, geoinformation means of analysis that provide routine assessment and forecasting change of technical state of reclamative systems, “alternative” choice of operational measures are offered.
49-56 252
The method of evaluation of reclaimed lands for parameters of soil humidity is offered. This, together with other principles defining efficiency of a land reclamation, can be utilized to reasonably plane allowable cost volumes for a land reclamation, choice of fields for up-dating or modernization of reclamative systems, operational, land-reclamation and agronomic measures.
57-63 172
The problems of reliability of catch-waters on provision of water regime that is necessary to produce a planned yielding capacity in influenced terrains are considered. The methods to estimate catchwaters reliability in self-flowing and pump water removal are presented.
64-70 174
Investigations of flotation properties of grass seeds and moving in the closed pipelines of a hydroseeder have shown the speed of transportation of a suspension is expedient to determine with due account of seed size, since they are larger than particles of mineral fertilizers by 5-10 of times.


71-74 236
The data long-term of observations on influence of flooding grain crop fields and underflooding assemblage of rootlets upon productivity of plants on peat and mineral lands are stated. It is established, that among breadstuff the most sensitive to soil overwatering are wheat and barley, in a smaller measurewinter-annual rye and outs. The measures to decrease productivity damage of grain crops on soil overwtering under unfavorable weather conditions are offered.


75-79 185
The outcomes of investigations have allowed to determine influence of a species composition of a grass stand, varietal specificity and dose of nitrogenous fertilizers upon biochemical parameters, nutritiousness and energy value of a forage underconditions in Kareliya. Thus the effect of soil conditions on investigated parameters is marked. The features and behaviours revealed allow to simulate grass stands with thr given parameters of fodder characteristics and to replicate them under production conditions.
80-88 227
It is developed procedure of assessment of meadows and meadow vegetation in Belarus. Тypological constructions are made on the basis of its group composition and are mapped by means of the trinary coordinate system. The quantitative assessment of disturbance of herbage of meadow lands is executed on a special scale.
89-99 194
The methods of regrassing long-used worked out peat soils are considered. The analysis of terms and methods of regrassing has revealed features of changes of a botanical composition and productivity of cereal grass stands.
100-102 176
The investigations have shown that early-spring disking as the method of maintenance of perennial pascual grass stands is effective, economically grounded procedure to promote positive change of a botanical composition of grass stands and as outcome of yield increasin and extension of usage terms of pascual coenosises.
103-107 173
The results of investigations under conditions of Poozerie have shown that underseeding perennial legume grasses provides yield increase of 18,9-19,7 % under normal moistening. The underseeding under droughty conditions increases a yield of grasses the next year.


108-111 303
Morphometric characteristics of common reed grass (Phragmites australis (Cav). Trin. ex Steud) and common cattail (Typha latifolia L) are considered. Data on the contents of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium in macrophytes in dependence upon a degree of pool pollution. The information on usage of these plants in bioengineering structures used for an afterpurification of sewage is given.
112-118 162
The analysis of efficiency of separate processing operations in silage making of forages in horizontal storages is presented. By means of investigations is established that the technology of a silage making in horizontal storehouses, now in use in the Republic, does not allow to maintain standards to provide production of a high-quality forage. Taking into account limited technical facilities, the compromise variants permitting are offered to reduce essentially losses in silage making are offered.
119-127 190
The results of analysis of physical properties and composition of peat soils for different stages of transformation during agricultural usage are presented. Considerable variability of parameters and behaviour of change both on depth and on area is shown. The evaluation of a role of the separate factors in change of properties at different stages of transformation of these soils is given.


128-133 205
The article deal with the established economic situation at farms in Stolin district is considered.The variants of farm reforming under conditions of market economy are offered.



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ISSN 2070-4828 (Print)