
Land Reclamation

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No 4 (2020)
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12-18 178

The article presents the results of studies on the effectiveness of vertical drainage to regulate the water regime of soils in difficult natural conditions, based on the example of the experimental-production system for vertical drainage of the Osipovka object of the Maloritsky district of the Brest region with an area of 312 hectares. The characteristics of the natural conditions of the site, the design of the system and its operation modes during drainage and irrigation are given. Disadvantages of vertical drainage in dehumidification of areas with complex hydrogeological conditions were noted. Recommendations are given to increase its effectiveness.

19-23 177

The analysis of experimental data on the functioning of existing polder systems and the results of numerical experiments has shown that the reconstruction of existing polder systems based on experimentally determined values of the drainage flow module of drainage systems has a significant potential to increase the efficiency of their operation.

24-29 193

Today the reduction of hydrological posts of supervision over a flow in the territory of Belarus is observed. Researches have shown that the quantity of hydrological posts existing today is sufficient; but the quantity of stations of supervision over an annual flow comes nearer to a critical minimal value and the further reduction of quantity of hydrological posts in the territory of Belarus is inadmissible. The analysis has shown that the required least quantity of hydrological posts should be more. Researches of optimization of quantity of stations of supervision over a flow during the shallow-flowing and full-flowing periods testify that the quantity of hydrological posts corresponds to available quantity practically for all kinds of a flow except for quantity of stations of supervision over a winter flow in shallow-flowing years.

30-34 182

The analysis of types of cutting devices; their features and advantages is given; dependences on which the trajectory of the knife movement changes are determined. In order to increase the productivity and quality of the technological process of mowing vegetation from the bottom of reclamation channels; an improved design of the working body of a rotary mower is proposed.

35-40 291

The article presents the results of the research about snow cover characteristics observed in Belarus within a representative period of 1945–2019. Excessive or insufficient amount of snow may cause such problems for the country’s economy as winter crops damping-off, frost-killing of seedlings, snowdrift on highways and railways, deformation of buildings and structures under snow loads, spring floods in rivers. The purpose of this research is to determine the role of snow cover in forming spring flooding on Belarus’ rivers. The authors have estimated space-time variability of the characteristics of snow cover in Belarus and revealed their transformations over the last few decades. The calculation of spring snowmelt allowed them to determine how much snow water equivalent contributes into the yearly river runoff. The maps created in this research can be used to forecast spring floods.

41-48 187

The article outlines the methodological principles for choosing options and parameters of hydro technical measures to protect river channels and valleys from floods. The options for hydro technical measures are proposed to be assessed on the basis of a functional-cost analysis according to the measure of the effectiveness of measures, which is defined as the ratio of the achieved functional effect of measures to the value of costs (investments) for their implementation. At the stage of making design decisions, the functional effect of hydraulic engineering measures to increase the throughput of river channels is assessed. The substantiation of the choice and calculation of parameters of three variants of hydro technical measures, increasing the flow rate of flood runoff from the flood risk zone, is given: strengthening of river beds; straightening of river beds; construction of coastal dams. At the stage of making managerial decisions, the functional effect of hydraulic engineering measures is assessed by the amount of prevented damage in the flood risk zone, and the indicator of the effectiveness of hydraulic engineering measures is the profitability index on investment.


49-53 172

The article presents the results of the research conducted in 2011–2016 to study cultivation of Festulolium within legume and cereal agricultural plant communities. It was found that the dry matter output and the protein yield of the legume and cereal agricultural plant communities are, respectively, 1.2–1.7 times and 2.0–4.3 times higher compared to the case when Festulolium is cultivated alone. The first mowing of grass mixtures in the early stages of plant development provided the green mass with the protein content of up to 17.0 % and the OE concentration up to 10.0 MJ / kg SV.

54-59 229

The substantiation of the need to develop and use new technologies for the application of fertilizers on anthropogenically transformed peat soils is stated. Innovative technologies for the use of fertilizers on such soils provide an increase in comparison with the basic yield of grain crops by an average of 6,6 centners / ha and their payback up to 9,4–11,7 kg of grain / kg NPK (or in 1,6–1,8 times more), reducing the unit costs for their use by 20–30 %, obtaining additional profit on winter crops – 64,1 and spring crops – 73,1 US dollars / ha.

60-66 192

Studies carried out on the soils of the Belarusian Poozerie in unfavorable hydrothermal conditions for hybrid clover during the growing seasons of 2018-2020 revealed the possibility and problems of obtaining seeds and their quality. This work presents the results of assessing the hydrothermal regime of growing seasons, reveals the dependence of the elements of the yield structure on this indicator, and proves the positive effect of growth biostimulants on the yield and sowing qualities of seeds. The most promising drugs have been identified.

67-71 234

Spring sowing of clover of the hybrid Krasavik variety on drained sod-podzolic medium-loamy soil formed a better structure of the herbage than the early summer one and due to the higher seeding of the heads (1.4 times more), the seed yield was 2.6 times higher. Non-root treatment of clover crops with boric acid and Maxibor 21 twice during the growing season (regrowth and budding phases) improved the structure of the seed crop, increasing the number of heads, the number of seeds in the head, the weight of 1000 seeds and yield. Adding boric acid was more cost-effective.



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ISSN 2070-4828 (Print)