
Land Reclamation

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No 3 (2020)
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5-14 184

The article discusses activities that contribute to improving the effectiveness of reclamation systems to regulate the water regime of soils in various natural conditions. It is noted the importance and relevance of preserving water reserves at land reclamation facilities, taking into account unstable climatic conditions. In modern conditions, the most real way to preserve local runoff on drainage and humidification systems is to provide reliable retaining control structures that allow accumulating local surface and ground runoff, thus preventing the discharge of useful volumes of water from the drained object. The design of new experimental wells-regulators built on a conducting network of largediameter pipes at a land reclamation facility in the Oktyabrsky district of the Gomel region is given and the characteristics of its natural conditions are given. The technology of construction of wells with structures of coupling devices is described and observation points for investigation of their operation efficiency.

15-22 218

Economic indicators of the main methods of utilization of tree and shrub vegetation shafts are determined. A new method of utilization by biological acceleration of shaft decomposition with the preparation «Phlebiopin» is proposed. The economic and technological efficiency of the proposed method is determined.

23-34 192

To assess the damage to soil structures, a survey of hydraulic structures of the Republic of Belarus was carried out. The main types of damage of slopes protection of soil structures and shelfs have been identified. Examples of destruction of fastenings of coastal protection soil structures on reservoirs of Belarus are given. The types of control over the state of slopes protection of soil structures of all classes are considered. The organization, frequency and composition of examinations and observations is established. Suggestions are given for processing and generalizing.

35-42 185

The article proposes a method for calculating the parameters of the filtration flow of the reagent in the gravel dusting of the filter of a water intake well during gas-pulse reagent treatment. To determine the kinematic parameters of the reagent flow that occurs during pulsations of a vapor ‒ gas bubble, a differential equation of the reagent movement in the explosive chamber ‒ gravel dusting-air cap system is obtained. The resulting equation was solved by the Runge‒Kutta method. Taking into account a number of assumptions, an analytical expression was obtained for calculating the maximum speed of the reagent in the blast chamber and gravel dusting.

43-54 273

For the first time, for the territory of the Gorky district of the Mogilev region, according to the hydrologically correct digital elevation model, a complex of cartometric and morphometric calculations was performed, as well as maps of the erosion network from elements of 1-4 orders and the density of horizontal dissection of the relief were constructed. Shuttle Radar Topographic Mission (SRTM) data with a spatial resolution of 1 arc second (30 m) were used as the source data. Comprehensive morphometric analysis of the digital elevation model was performed using the functionality of spatial analysis and hydrology toolkit the ArcGIS version 10.3. The streams of four orders with a total length of 508.21 km were identified during the analysis. At the same time, 54.2% of the total length falls on the first order streams, and 79 % – on the total length of the streams of 1-2 orders. The average length of the streams ranges from 0.59 to 1.91 km, and the distribution of the lengths of different-order streams obeys the inverse exponential law. The ratio of the lengths of the streams ranges from 0.17 to 0.73, reaching a maximum value for second order watercourses. The predominance the streams of 1–2 orders of magnitude indicates the development of water erosion processes within the study area. According to the results of cross-validation, the method of empirical Bayesian kriging turned out to be the most suitable for the purposes of predicting the spatial distribution of the degree of horizontal dissection of the relief. As a result of the application of this method, a surface was obtained with a minimum horizontal fragmentation of the relief of 1.89 km/km2 and a maximum of 3.45 km/km2. The automation model for the process of morphometric analysis of the relief using the functionality of the ModelBuilder ArcGIS application can be used to optimize the process of inter-farm land management and planning of land reclamation measures.


55-64 157

The dependence of the productivity of grain crops on the hydrothermal conditions on heavy loamy soils of Poozerye has been established. It is shown that with the greatness of the HTC 2,0‒2,5, the minimum yield is formed. It is proposed to change here the structure of sown areas towards an increase in the share of perennial legumes. Based on 37 years of research, a high efficiency of drainage reclamation on sod-gley soils has been revealed. The expediency of using increased doses of potash fertilizers on old-growth herbage with the participation of alfalfa has been proven. The deterioration of the botanical composition of the herbage in the variant without fertilization is distinguished by a decrease in the proportion of the legume component. Data on the decrease in the content of calcium and magnesium carbonates in the arable layer as a result of long-term use of drained soils of light granulometric composition in comparison with the undrained area are presented.

65-70 191

It was found that on peaty-gley soil with optimal parameters of its availability of mobile forms of phosphorus and potassium, the most effective application for perennial grasses is the application of mineral fertilizers in rates of N140P90K180, including N80P90K120– for the first mowing and N60K60 – for the second mowing. This fertilizer system provides grass productivity at the level of 110 C/ha of hay (56.5 C/ha of grain units) and a profit of 99.0 rubles/ha (41.52 USA dollars), with a profit margin of 18.9 %.


71-77 182

Based on the analysis of radiological and soil factors, an assessment was made of the radioecological suitability of agricultural lands in the southeastern part of Belarus contaminated with 137Cs for cultivation of tall blueberries. Four groups of regions were identified: with high, medium, low and very low suitability of lands. The results of the work can be used in planning the placement of tall blueberry plantations in the regions affected by the Chernobyl accident.


78-87 183

The article describes the characteristics of the Belarus meadow lands, their agrobiological potential is shown. The role of scientific research оf the Institute of land reclamation in the development of grass and meadow farming in Belarus is considered.



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ISSN 2070-4828 (Print)