
Land Reclamation

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No 2 (2004)


5-12 223
It is shown, that the traditional algebraic form of submission of a water balance of soil can not take into account a regular variability of soil humidity being integral characteristic of flowing continuously process of consumption and redistribution of a moisture in a soil profile. It is offered to divide components of a water balance into two categories: acting continuously (evapotranspiration, replenishment etc.) and discrete (precipitation, watering, run-off etc.). According to this division, the integral equation of water balance is set up and decided. The analytical solutions of the equation for elementary cases are indicated. Their correspondence to the experiment data is shown.
13-19 197
The basic parameters of present climate changes in Belarus are presented. On the basis of 59-year's series of grass sprinkling norms designed on regional weather stations of the Republic, the positive trend of averaged long-term and provided values is determined.The qualitative change of character of long-term variations of sprinkling norms in period from 1984 to 2003 is revealed. This is caused by augmentation of number of the extreme climatic phenomena.
20-27 202
The procedure of generation of temperature condition of сlose-to-earth layers of air, similar statistically to data observed earlier in long-term period is considered. Data of monitoring observations at the Pruzhany permanent establishment carried out with frequency 10 times per day at heights 0,5 and 2,0 m on drained bogs, on adjacent to it mineral lands and on undrained bog utilized or analyses and accounts. Series more than twenty years' duration were processed. The process of generation of air temperatures was carried out with a method of statistical tests (Monte Carlo method) using techniques of Markov chains.
28-39 236
The conceptual definition of a problem of water control for the purposes of optimization of parameters of reclamative systems and agricultural usage at a stage of up-dating js represented, the algorithm of formaliяing, numerical realization and programming is described, the frame of user interface is considered, entry into model of data necessary for calculations is provided, the results of numerical experiments are given.
40-52 213
The problem of creation of the system of decision making on agricultural production on improved lands is considered. The analysis of its components: kind of a optimization problem for the agreed choice of versions of up-dating and transformation, kind and intensity of agricultural usage both structure of data support on the basis of databases and geo-information systems (GIS) is carried out. The procedure of area complex zonation of parameters and processes that define yielding capacity and ecological state of reclaimed watersheds by means GIS for implementation of optimization with due account of distribution of parameters is represented.


53-70 202
The article present the results of mathematical and physical simulation on development of theoretical principles of a power-saving technology of river deepening on the basis of usage of eroding ability of controlled stem stream. By results of investigations, the procedure of account of the process of river (canal) deepening is developed. The method includes installation of the constraining device in a channel with its subsequent moving. The procedure allows to account an optimum technological regime of channel deepening under specific geomorphological and hydraulic conditions.
71-83 274
To calculate contraction of peat with the infringed structure, relationships are offered. These are obtained on results of laboratory investigations and can be utilized to forecast contraction of a peat soil, when the decrease of a moisture does not result in overdraining. For calculation of a relative volume shrinkage the dependence of peat density as a function of humidity, and also value of a factor of a volume peat shrinkage are offered.


84-94 185
On the basis of theoretical investigations of distribution of emulsions by watering boom having centrifugal nozzle, procedure for calculation of a universal centrifugal nozzle with variable the geometrical characteristic in limits from 2 to 4,5 was developed. The numerical values of coefficients: discharge of a nozzle, filling of orifices, angles spraying, emulsion flow rates and velocities at nozzle outlet in dependence on the geometrical characteristics are determined. The design (patent of the Republic of Belarus No.3263) can be utilized to apply emulsions on the basis of the “Roundup” shrub vegetation with the purpose to annihilate it.
95-102 220
The results of development of procedure for creation of thematic electronic maps using charts and plans of reclamation projects, characteristics of their technical conditions etc., used to operate reclamative systems in Belarus are presented. As a source data, cartographic materials (for open application) on paper carriers are considered. The procedure will allow to store cartographic materials in design groups of reclamative organizations and maintenance services in an electronic kind to make efficient operational decisions.


103-113 183
The results of many years field and laboratory investigations on analysis of productivity of legumes, legume-grass and grass mixtures on sloped lands are discussed. Are presented indicated Collection of dry matter, feed units, crude protein and provision of a feed unit with digestible protein. The structure of hay grass mixtures for different soils, character of a terrain relief, water regime and fertility in Poozerie are recommended
114-122 176
The basic causes of salt incrustation on internal surfaces of pressure pipelines during pumping livestock wastes of industrial pig-production farms, situated mainly in Polesie, are considered. The incrustation is caused by the heightened content of phosphorus and other compounds in pig excrements, that results in formation of crystalline deposits in the form of magnesium-ammonium phosphate (MgNH4PO4·6H2O). This is a result of features of chemism of waters used for washing a litterless manure, and also condition of internal surfaces of pipelines. Weak solution of hydrochloric acid is offered to dispose deposits. Besides, at the hydraulic transport system of wastes it is necessary to prefer not metal, but plastic pipelines.


123-143 215
The interdependences in the system «a plant-environment» are examined. The reference (standard) values of controlled factors of environment are picked out, these are the basis for creation of the crop yield model, which takes into account quantitatively influence of the most dynamical factors of plants life (moisture, nutrition). The identification of gradient model by results of field investigations of influence of fertilizers on a crop yield is carried out. Its correspondence to experimental data on interdependence of a crop yield with levels of a water consumption by crops, and also plant protection and technical equipment of an agricultural production is shown.
144-163 216
At conservation of the reached level of a gross yield of agricultural production the removal of underproductive arable lands from agricultural usage can slightly improve economic parameters in the case of use of small doses NPK only. The reduction of areas under crops is expedient when soil cultivationof and maintenance of crops. However it is always compelled measure that indicate on deterioration of a situation in agricultural production. And it, most likely, will reduce a gross yields and increase of the cost price of agricultural product.
164-170 195
The influence of decompressing a subsurface soil horizon with furrow sole ripper РПП-20 and chisel ПЧ-4,5 on yielding capacity of farm crops is investigated. Characteristics and description of the ripper РПП-20 are represented. The three-years data on efficiency of different methods of decompressing a subsurface soil horizon are indicated.


171-184 232
Long-term usage of drained peat soils as agricultural lands has changed their initial properties. The technological expedients and rules for effective usage of anthropogenically-converted soils and for increase of their productivity are developed. These provide the careful count of changes taking place in soils differentiated cultivation systems, fertilizers and plant protection. The set of crops as much as possible adapted to new ecological conditions is offered.


185-190 194
On the basis of experimental data it is established, that the shearing strength increases proportionally to compressing load for all kinds of biogenous soils and silts. As the main volume of water being contained in water-saturated biogenous soils is bound and retained by organic soil component, the humidity of organic component can be accepted as a structural parameter that define fastness of these soils. For all kinds of biogenous soils and silts, enough close dependence of strength from humidity of organic component is established.
191-198 168
Investigations established that the application of all investigated methods of soil cultivation in regrassing is profitable in usage of legume-grass grassstands. Unprofitable there was Cultivation of grasses without application of mineral and calcareous fertilizers (referarence) on a background of one-kind usage of a dolomitic meal for 1,0 and 1,5 norms of hydrolytic acidity and at joint application reclamative agent for 1,5 norms of hydrolytic acidity with the peat-manure compost.



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ISSN 2070-4828 (Print)