
Land Reclamation

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No 4 (2018)


5-11 209
The article analyzes the limitations of the known methods of cleaning drainage from silting. It is shown that the main disadvantage of the most common method of cleaning with a drape-washing machine is the possibility of its implementation only during low-water periods with a free drainage mouth. As a result, there is a water deficit and it is problematic to ensure sufficient speed for removing sediment due to shortage of water for washing. A new method of cleaning using high-speed pressure flow created by pumping water from the drainage cavity by the pump during the high-water period is described. Possible variations of the implementation methods are presented. The results of experimental verification of the method under production conditions are given.
12-15 219
The article introduces the concept of operational diagnostics for land reclaiming systems and provides terminology and classification. The economic benefits of the modern diagnostic equipment use for the verification of reclamation systems elements is justified.
16-23 218
The relationship of agricultural irrigation norms with their watering rates has been studied. The analysis of the results of water balance calculations for a longterm period (1980-2015) was carried out. The data from 42 meteorological stations located in different hydrological and climatic zones of Belarus have been used. It was shown that technically and economically feasible norms of water demand in projects of drip and sprinkler irrigation can be calculated from the maxinorms irrigation using a linear relationship with a single empirical coefficient constant for all vegetable crops, but varying in soils. It was established that with an increase in watering rates, irrigation norms intensively decrease, following from loamy to sandy loam and further to sandy soil. This pattern is valid in the range of watering rates, which covers the whole range of economically sound and environmentally safe drip and sprinkler irrigation throughout Belarus.
24-30 179
The conditions of the impact of wind waves on the ground uphill slopes of the retaining structures and natural shores, having fastening in the form of reinforced concrete slabs with deformation, are considered. The results of the analysis of field surveys of the condition of reinforced concrete fastenings of slopes and shores of artificial water bodies of reservoirs, as well as laboratory studies of the stability of fasteners under the influence of wind waves are presented. A criterion for assessing the stability of ground slopes and coastal slopes with reinforced concrete fastening with a broken structure is proposed, and the conditions for its applicability are determined.
31-37 239
The description of the navigable dam structures of the hydrosystem No. 12 “Stakhovo”, methods of field surveys are given. The compressive strength of concrete structures is determined by a non-destructive method using the concrete strength tester IPS-MG4.03. The technical condition of the structure and its mechanical equipment, the presence of defects and destruction of the structural elements of the dam are described. All the most significant structural defects are photographed. Based on the conducted research, recommendations on the repair and reconstruction of the navigable dam were developed.
38-44 224
The analysis of the applied hydraulic lubrication systems in transmissions, gearboxes and reducers of tractors and drives of the working parts of machines used in the mechanization of land reclamation works is carried out. The results of experimental studies on the determination of the temperature of lubricating oil in the box and its consumption depending on the operating conditions are given. Recommendations for improving the nodes of the lubrication system for transmissions of mobile machines are given.


45-49 217
This article presents the results of studies on the effectiveness of creating a seed grass festulolium under the cover of grain crops. It has been established that in order to obtain a yield of 8-10 centners per hectare and a highly profitable production of seeds, the laying of the grass stand should be carried out under the cover of winter wheat or triticale at the earliest opportunity to start mechanized work. The seeding rate of festulolium seeds should be 4 million seeds per hectare in case of planned application of nitrogen fertilizers for grain crops (at a dose of N60) and 6 million germinated seeds per hectare (with increasing nitrogen dose to N90-120).
50-62 251
This article presents the observation results of the process of drained peat deposit precipitation with the reclamation system "POMS" for the 56 years. The data on the change in water-physical properties, the magnitude and intensity of the total peat sediment at the initial (before drainage) depth of 150-200 cm and the use of peat in the monoculture of grasses and field crop rotation are presented. The forecast of complete peat extraction at different depths and usage is made.


63-71 240
Content of heavy metals in soil and Deschampsietum cespitosa, Trifolium repens, Caricetum gracilis, Junco-Deschampsiеtum cespitosae, Poo-Festucetum pratensis, Phalaridetum arundinaceae plant associations was studied in flood meadows. Significant differences in the content of heavy metals in the soil and herbage phy-tocenoses were revealed. The specificity of the content of heavy metals in the soil was established in relation to the plant associations that form on them. The average content of heavy metals in the herbage ranged from 0,01 to 304 mg / kg. The decreasing series in terms of the average content of heavy metals in the herbage can be represented as follows: Mn > Fe > Zn > Cu > Ni > Pb > Co > Cd > Cr. The values of the accumulation coefficient ranged from 0,008 to 19,88.
72-77 174
This article presents the results of studies on the effect of various ameliorators on the migration of heavy metals in a 0-40 cm sod-podzol sandy loam soil, obtained in the short-term experience. It is concluded that the use of reclamation techniques in combination with the action of municipal wastewater sludge has a prolonged effect on the agroecological properties of poorly cultivated sod-podzol sandy loam soil.


78-83 301
In Belarus, in a short period reclamation of more than 1 million hectares of wetlands for the agricultural use of peat soils has been carried out. A retrospective analysis of these work and the exploitation of peat soils is presented.


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ISSN 2070-4828 (Print)