No 3 (2018)
5-16 174
Dynamic of state and maintenance of reclamation systems are given. The role of maintenance and repair is assessed. Some ways of improving of maintenance of reclamation systems are presented. This article is intended to help specialists of reclamation branch, who organize the exploitation of reclamation systems using main rules of this recommendations for selection of values of work and implementation costs for regulatory technical services of reclamation systems
17-23 201
Ratio of water consumption of crops and its productivity is studied. Thus it is shown that the ratio of water consumption to yield is not a direct indicator of the consumption of moisture per unit of yield, but an indirectone. Due to bio thermal coefficients the structure of the ratio is determined between the current water consumption of the irrigated crop with the yield and the maximum air temperature - the meteorological parametermost easily determined in the production conditionswhen calculating the operating irrigation regimes.
24-29 282
Technical and economic indicators of the gravity-pumping system "POMS" are given in different years inthe warming climate. It is established that the use of gravity discharge of water on gravity-pumping systems in modern weather conditions allows approximately 8 times lower specific consumption of electricity for pumping water by pumps in comparison with polder systems. The share of the cost of electricity spent on pumping water by pumps on a gravity-pumping system is on average, 0.9 % of the value of agricultural products received.
30-33 175
The article presents the mode of filling of drain tubes. Data on water intake ability of drains are obtained on filtration model. The operation of drain tubes is studied in peat grounds both with filling and without one. Filling of drain increases water intake ability and allows to exploit humus of soil more rational.
34-38 206
A significant part of the reinforced concrete hydro technical structures of the water management and reclamation complex in the process of exploitation, under the influence of the environment get various kinds of damage what requires the carrying out of repair and restoration works by the method of monolithic concreting. The effectiveness of such works is based on the quality of concrete, its technological, physical-mechanical and operating properties. One of the most promising materials for repair and restoration works is concrete based on high-mobility self-compacting mixtures. Modification of such mixtures by polymer latex and polypropylene fiber makes it possible to create self-sealing polymer-cement fiber-reinforced concrete for efficient repair and reconstruction of reinforced concrete structures of hydraulic structures.
39-49 156
Productivity of soils is estimated in Poozerie area. It is found that Vitebsk region has the worse results especially according Grodno rates. In cereal structure of Vitebsk experimental reclamation station the significant specific weight is occupied by winter wheat. Its productivity is shown for the last five years. Despite the relatively low productivity of dry sod-podzolic soils it is quite possible to get 40 center per ha of cereal in Vitebsk region if regulations for cultivation cereal are met, especially in relation to weeds, diseases and pest protection.
50-53 218
Modified hytotoxicity assessment methodology of soils with the high percentage of organic matter was presented. This methodology allows to get comparable evaluation results on soils with various percentage of organic matter. Besides it allows to estimate phytotoxicity of the polluted soils and to form experimental conditions with different types and doses of carcinogens. The convergence of results on this technique is less than 5 %.
54-62 192
Values of total evaporation of cranberry plantation calculated using our formula of maximum air temperature and equation of water balance are compared. Also formula for additional humidification of explored soil layer (0-50 cm) by ground water on cranberry plantation for water balance accounting are presented.
63-68 200
The article presents the results of a two-year study on the accumulation of137Cs in blueberry fruits tall (Vaccinium corymbosum L.) of medium-grade Bluecrop cultivated on sod-podzolic sandy soil. If soil contamination density of137Cs is 6 Ki/km2, the specific activity of radionuclide in the berries, depending on the variant of the experiment, is in the range from 26.0 to 43.1 Bq/kg.137Cs transition coefficients from soil to blueberries of high-growth varied from 0.117 to 0.213 Bq/kg:kBq / m2.
69-73 223
Clover is the most widely spread perennial leguminous crop of the Republic of Belarus. The current register of varieties includes many varieties of meadow clover, which are different in terms of maturity and productivity, the technology of cultivation in irrigation conditions has not been studied, what makes this study relevant. During the whole period of the study the height of plants, foliage, leaf plate area and yield of dry matter were registered. On the basis of experimental data, it was found that the highest height of grass stand, leaf plate area and yield of dry matter is observed in all varieties of meadow clover of the background of 70-80 % of the lowest moisture content.
74-77 177
The article presents high performance units for reclamation plowing of pat soils which increase productive longevity.
78-84 189
The article presents the results of long-term study of reclamation effect of systematic application of sewage sludge, liming on agro ecological properties of sod-podzolic sandy soil. Unconventional sources of plant nutrition as sewage sludge is has a positive effect on agro ecological properties of poorly cultivated sod-podzolic sandy soil.
85-93 210
Involvement in agriculture circulation excluded radioactive areas requires a serious approach. It is feasible on the base of complex ecological and economic evaluations and methodology designed by authors. The article presents briefly methodological mode which is a base of methodology and technical aspects of using the express scale of economic evaluation are also shown. Due to designed means it is possible to return in agriculture circulation excluded areas of Mogilev region taking into account further directions of use.
ISSN 2070-4828 (Print)