
Land Reclamation

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No 2 (2018)


5-12 198
The article describes new elements of drainage aimed to improve the efficiency of drainage in hard weather conditions on closed depressions of reclamation objects composed of slightly water permeable soils. Some of presented constructions were tested in field condition and showed positive results. The ongoing reconstruction needs careful consideration of the experience in the design and operation of land reclamation systems of the previous period and the applicationof newpromising, economically justified solutions
13-19 190
The main principles of balance mathematical models for calculating the equilibrium profile of the abrasion coast and the equilibrium stable shoreline of reservoirs of Belarus based on the law of conservation of masses are given
20-27 231
The circulation reagent treatment of water wells filters by swabbing method is described. It is shown and calculated how constructive dimensions of submersible device and filter regeneration affect parameters of filtration flow in gravel backfilling of water intake well


28-32 213
Spring sowing of clover hybrid Krasavik on drained sod-podzolic medium loamy soil formed better structure of herbage than early spring one did, due to higher amount of seeds on the plant head (in 1.4 times more) the productivity of seeds was higher in 2.6 times. Fertilizing of some clover areas with boric acid and maksibor 21 twice a vegetation (growing and budding phases) improved crop structure of clover for seedlings and also increased number of heads,seeds in a head, mass of 1000 seeds and productivity too.Boric acid is more profitable fertilize
33-42 213
Some reasons which cause the problems of liming of soils in Belarus are given. Decalcification of soil is concluded as negative effect which leads to decrease of soil productivity, crop and its quality. Less energy-intensive types of lime fertilizer used in agriculture are found as profitable ones
43-50 187
Phosphoric and potash fertilizers added to anthropogenic-transformed peat soils in P90K120 doses for perennial legume-cereal grasses provide profitability of milk industry of 95%, if the dose is increased up to 180 kg per ha, the profitability of 108 % will be obtained. Dose of K240 reduces profitability to 107 %, despite the increasein benefit in relation to P90K180 variant. Fractional application of N60 (30 kg per ha nitrogen fertilizer under the first and second cuttings) on P90K180 base is recognizes asmore profitable method for perennial legume-cerealgrasses which are used in milk industry. Benefit is1172.84 rub. per ha (591.1 U.S. dollar per ha), profitabil-ity of production is 119 %
51-55 178
The preliminary data of two-factor field study according mineral fertilizers impact and sowing of the clover-timothy mixture without damage to the sod are presented. The green mass of clover shoots is determined, the difference between the options with and without seedingwas 68 kg/ha. Fertilizers N60P60K90 and N60P90K120 gave asignificant difference of 38-45 kg/ha. Option with grass sowing and N60P90K120 is the most profitable, yield in-crease according control variant was 148 kg/ha


56-60 207
The article presents 6 years study of productivity structure and productivity of green mass of Silphium perfoliatum L. grown both by seed and by root stem of different density methods. It was found that density of plants affects stem-forming ability. Herbage of a highestplant density has the biggest and the highest leaves of the first mowing. Due to intensively sowing the plants were higher by 3.8 sm. Analysis of date shows that variant of root stem sowing with location scheme of 70 thousandplant units per hectare allows us to obtain productivity by experimental variants of 112.4-112.8 t/ha if hydrationis optimal during the year
61-64 221
Productivity of legume-cereal herbages with an additional legume component on soddy-gley sandy soil was estimated. It was established that an additional legume component in the grass mixture (red clover, sowing alfalfa, Lotus corniculatus, sainfoin) did not increase productivity of the herbage significantly. The yield of green mass was 314,3-320,6 c/ha, the yield of fodder units was 57,5-60,6 c/ha, the collection of crude proteinwas 12,1-12,4 c/ha


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ISSN 2070-4828 (Print)