No 4 (2017)
5-11 185
The article presents how to improve the strength and effectiveness of horizontal tube drainage according the siltation process. Optimal parameters of construction elements including protective filters which prevent siltation and provide self-cleaning in the case of mechanical siltation are described. Recommendations are given how to protect plastic drainage using both domestic and imported geotextile filters according main physical and technical characteristics of mineral and peat soils.
12-15 161
The article present experimental equations of ash content and volume weight at various stages of the evolution of peat soils. An experimental dependence of the total moisture capacity of peat on its volumetric weight is also proposed. In the range of changes in volume weight, four zones are identified, reflecting the stages of evolution of peat soils.
16-23 173
Article presents the modes how to use reclaimed lands for purposes of meadow fodder production and recommendations how to obtain feed of exchange energy of at least 10.0-10.5 MJ in 1 kg of dry mass, compositions of meadow herbages which save its productivity despite the method of use. In the case of three cuts legume-cereal herbage with two types of legume grasses (clover creeping and clover meadow) as well as alfalfa formed crop with crude protein of 716-834 kg per ha. Costs of cutting and livestock grazing are shown. Cost structure of coarse feeds are analyzed. Feed amount for cows of 5000-1000 kg milk per year is defined.
24-31 171
The article study how to improve fertilizer system for perennial legume grasses and corn for green mass. It was found that clover of the 1st year of use had weak reaction to fertilizer just on middle-phosphorus and middle-potassium soils. At the same time on the area with 11-years old alfalfa these fertilizers enriched productivity by 46-79 %. Economic efficiency of perennial legume grasses is higher compared with corn.
32-39 169
On the anthropogenic-transformed peat soil the minimum accumulation of 137Cs with spring wheat is noted at a nitrogen-potassium ratio of 1:1.0-1.2. At a ratioof 1:0.2-0.6, nitrogen deficiency and an increase in radionuclide concentration in grain are observed due to a decrease in yield. The introduction of high rates of nitrogen fertilizers on a low background of potassium nutrition broadens the N:K ratio, which is accompanied by the formation of a potassium deficiency and a decrease in the entering plants. An increase in the accumulation of a ra-dionuclide in the grain is observed at a ratio above 1:1.5.
40-44 163
Botanic composition of legume cereal herbage used at first as a pasture (6 times) and than as a hay regime (3-4 hays) was studied. Herbage with clover creeping was less resistant to changes in use regime, alfalfa had better reaction. Proportion of motley grass in herbage depended on mineral fertilizers and was lower in 0.9-1.2 times if fertilizers were introduced annually.
45-51 160
The problem how to cure radioactive areas which are temporally taken out of agricultural use today is quite important both regionally and governmentally. The article has the results of study of the such territories in Mogilev region. The reuse of cure areas is presented as rational. Technology to remove woody-shrubby vegetation according cultural and technical state of land is described. Positive economic effect of further reuse in agricultural production is calculated.
52-56 190
The article presents the results of a study of the ecological and economic potential of the viticulture industry. Possible approaches to the functioning of this industry and its sustainable development are shown on the basis of systemic accounting of environmental and reclamation aspects of adaptive landscape agriculture.
ISSN 2070-4828 (Print)