
Land Reclamation

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No 4 (2016)


7-17 349
Calculated structural mathematical model shows how gravitational moisture drains from root layer of the soil during short-term over moistening. The article presents the results of field experiment. Comparative analysis of the measured and calculated soil moisture reserves shows that the calculation of the water balance in waterlogged soil, taking into account runoff in the soil, calculated in the prescribed dependence, gives an fault which does not exceed the fault of measurement of soil moisture reserves in the field.
18-23 261
Authors describe the fixity criteria of transverse and longitudinal profile of the reservoir shore affected by the wave processing to consider pressure acting on individual particles and elements of incoherent soil in the shallow surface (slope) to calculate form of dynamic equilibrium profile.
24-33 179
The article shows how closed drainage system works being equipped with protective and filter materials, reclamation facility is placed on peat soils of central part of Belarus. The analysis of features shows that drains enhanced by near-wall filter of patent BY 15513 have maximum module of drainage flow, what should be taken into account in design of close drainage, particularly in complex hydro geological conditions . Among protective and filter materials the most suitable for peat soil drainage are Typar® SF32*,Typar® SF27*, Gronema I-150-S, PINEMA T-150*, PINEMA T-150.Drainage runoff, soil moisture, groundwater levels indicate the work of drainage filters.
34-39 181
This article shows formed liquid motion in prefilter zone of the well during its regeneration by circulation reagent method carried out due to drilled additional well with tubes of small diameter in its near zone. Filtration flow is investigated both theoretically and experimentally during its regeneration in pre-filter zone.
40-43 182
The article present a brief review of the literature about soil slop challenge in various soil-climatic conditions, in particular how surface slop depends on precipitation intensity. Special attention is drawn to construction and size of runoff area. Soils composing runoff areas are characterized. Some results of observation of surface runoff on areas of different slops and agricultural use are presented.


44-48 174
Due to triple mowing and mineral fertilizing meadow grass stands have a high productivity what allows us to obtain a food of exchange energy content of more than 10.0 MJ in 1 kg of dry weight. Legumecereal with Trifolium repens and hybrid, Trifolium repens and alfalfa, grass stand with tall fescue and Trifolium repens have good quality results. Invasion of non-sown species (Taraxacum officinale) was in 1,8 times less in legume-cereal phytocenosis than in cereal one in moisture deficit.
49-53 413
The article describes current problems of meadow forage production in the Re•public of Belarus, ways of elimination and further development. The role of scientists of the Belarusian state agricultural academy is recognized both in the process of formation of grass seeding and grass production in Belarus and spe•cialists training.
54-58 197
The article presents the results of research based on technological methods of cultivation of reed canary grass on reclaimed land. The most optimal terms and methods of sowing are found, seeding rate, dozes of mineral fertilizing, terms of harvesting and mowing crop residues are specified, the most effective agents for weeds control are tested to obtain competitive product of high quality provided that the seed yield is not less than 2,5-3,0 center per ha.



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ISSN 2070-4828 (Print)