
Land Reclamation

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No 1 (2020)
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5-14 267

The most common formulas for calculating the critical speed of pulp transportation in communal and industrial pipelines are analyzed. Calculations were carried out to determine the volume concentration, density of the slurry, as well as the critical speed of transportation of slurry of sand deposits in drainage pipelines with a diameter of 75…125 mm.

15-23 345

The article discusses issues related to the use of polyethylene double-layer corrugated pipes “CORSIS” of large diameter in the reclamation industry as discharge and conducting manifolds instead of some conducting channels. This reduces the contours of the fields being processed. The most significant factors are noted – the length of the run, the configuration or relief of the field areas, affecting the productivity of agricultural machines. The most rational sizes of the fields to be processed are recommended. The hydraulic characteristics of the “CORSIS” pipes of 200, 315, 400 and 500 mm diameter examined and the possible drainage areas with the use of polyethylene double-layer corrugated “CORSIS” pipes as conducting and drainage manifolds with partial replacement of some channels are given. It has been found that if the slopes are greater than 0.001 and the fill degree h/d is greater than 0.3, all pipelines provide nonbinding flow rates.

24-35 296

The article provides brief information about the designs of drainage wellhead structures used in modern reclamation practice; experimental design of a new wellhead structure of the type EDW is presented; the cost per unit of a wellhead structure device for various diameters and types was calculated under comparable conditions. Based on the data obtained, a feasibility study was conducted on the structure of wellhead structures of various types and diameters; justified the use of wellhead construction type EDW.

36-43 268

The features and differences of the formation of a waterproof layer on pens and in the furrow are revealed. It is established that the microrelief significantly affects the depth of the waterproof layer. An assessment was made of the possibility of its occurrence in a warming climate. Recommendations are given to prevent the formation of a waterproof layer


44-55 397

Demand for alfalfa sowing to the water regime, the provision of soils with plant nutrients is considered. It has been established that the necessary levels of groundwater (LGW) during its cultivation are largely determined by the granulometric composition of soils. It is shown that when it is grown on light soils underlain by sand, LGW should be located at a depth of 0,6 m. A twofold increase in this indicator reduces the yield of dry mass of alfalfa by 26%. The causes of deterioration in the quality of grassy feeds are given.

56-60 253

It was found that the highest productivity of perennial grasses on peaty-gley soil with optimal parameters of its availability of mobile forms of phosphorus and potassium is provided by the use of P90K180 (P90K120 – for the first mowing and K60 – for the second mowing), which is 67.9 C/ha of hay or 34.6 C/ha of feed units. With the payback of rates of phosphorus and potash fertilizers P90K120 by adding hay on average 4.6 kg per 1 kg of RK, increasing the rate of potassium to 180 kg/ha increases the payback of fertilizers to 7.1 kg of hay.

61-70 778

The results of the study on rates (90 and 120 kg/ha), methods (scattered and local) and timing (pre-sowing cultivation, sowing, additional fertilizing in 5–6 or 7– 8 leaves) of applying nitrogen fertilizers for corn. It is established that different variants of application of urea show close to each other, the height of plants and yield of green mass of corn. The introduction of urea during sowing at a rate of 30 kg / ha a.i. leads to a decrease in field germination of corn seeds by 10.2–11.6% and as a result to a significant shortage of dry matter and grain. The highest yield of dry matter and grain, as well as the best economic indicators, are formed in the variants with 30 kg/ha of nitrogen to the basic application and 60 or 90 kg/ha in the phase of 7-8 corn leaves in a scatter way.

71-77 776

The main objective of the experiment was to develop options for a raw material conveyor on sod-podzolic light loamy soils from varieties of early ripening clover. The studies involved clover varieties of Belarusian breeding: Tsudouny, Yantarny, Vitebchanin,Mereya. The cultivation of meadow clover was carried out under various conditions of moisture supply. The irrigation of meadow clover had an impact only on the nutrition and productivity of grass stands, having no effect on the time of ripening phases of each variety.It has been found out that modern varieties of meadow clover make it possible to harvest feed for 10–15 days without reducing feed value. Based on the analysis of experimental data, two options for organizing a raw material conveyor have been developed.

78-83 240

The article presents the results of research on the dynamics of the species composition and yield of forage grass stands created as a result of joint seeding of perennial grasses and spring cruciferous crops. It was found that in these communities, the yield of dry matter increases by 3–42% and the content of exchange energy increases by 0.07–0.64 MJ/kg, in comparison with independent grass crops. In the first year of use, the dominant species are oilseed radish and spring rape (53.5–78.8%). A high proportion of cruciferous crops leads to a decrease in the number of legume species by 1.2–5.6 times. In the second year of use, the content of meadow clover approaches the level of double legumecereal mixtures or is inferior to them by 0.2–5.4%, and the reduction of alfalfa occurs by 2.1–15.6%.

84-88 230

The yield of dry matter, the yield of feed units and the collection of crude protein in annual and perennial grass stands on soddy swampy soils were assessed. It was established that paiza has the highest productivity among annual herbs, and sowing alfalfa among perennial leguminous herbs. In perennial pasture grass stands differences in productivity are insignificant. The inclusion of an additional legumes component in the grass mixtures did not contribute to an increase in the productivity of pasture grasses.



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ISSN 2070-4828 (Print)