No 1 (2016)
7-10 185
Technology of deep reclamation plowing on peat soils is presented. Some recommendations on improving normative documentation concerning reclamation plowing on peat soils in modern conditions are suggested.
11-20 195
The article describes the results of investigation which studied structure of geotextile and other materials to prevent drainage siltation. Sizes of elementary fibers and micro pores are found as well as its optimal parameters for strong filtering properties what improve the structure of geotextile PNM-PEV-I-150-C, Ltd Grodno nonwoven materials. Process of wettability of porous materials using Voshborn sorption method is described. Requirements for protecting filtering materials for drainage are formulated considering study which are not belong to standard list of ISO 1980-2009.
21-25 176
Some modes and units for operational management of operating irrigation regimes are anylized; modern equipment and watering mode by sprinkling are presented which are recognized as invention proved with copyright.
26-31 183
The paper provides a methodology of calculation the movement of water flood wave in the river below reservoir. The system of equations: balance of flood and movement equation were solved by numeral method. The computer program has possibility to make a prognosis change of the river water level below reservoir. The authors gave an example of calculation for Vilia reservoir.
32-38 175
Accidents on the nodes and the urgency of risk assessment for river sustaining nodes on the territory of Belarus are analyzed. Risk assessment is evaluated for two water reservoirs located in Minsk region based on the experiences of evaluated risk of fracture of slim storage dams of “Belaruskali” and methodical recommendations of Scientific Research Institute “VODGEO”. The results prove the possibility to use risk assessment during testing Belarusian water reservoirs
39-47 215
High share of physical clay in sod-podzolic soil increased from 9,6 to 17,8% due to peat adding and recultivation radically changes phase composition of soil porous structure in favor of water component what improves its water-holding capacity by 2-3.5 times. Also soil water-holding capacity in topsoil rises from 370 m3/ha to 622-732 m3/ha as well as productivity of five-course rotation increases by 1500-3700kg/ha of feed units (32-80%).
48-54 182
Current agricultural use of peat resources in Russia is described. In agriculture peat resources are expected as ecological and economical profit obtained without environmental violence and biosphere losses. Peat fertilizers with peat attend provide good crop what makes it quite profitable; peat-marsh soils are effective for intensive agrocenosis cultivation, environmentally friendly food and balanced nutritious food due to its rich organic matter and nitrogen.
55-65 220
The article describes modern methodical and practical ways of saving soils and resources during corn cultivation for green mass what gives 20-22 t/ha of feed units and up to 17c/ha of crude protein along with 36% economy of product unit and high ecological quality of soils. The main aspects for better corn growth are given: soils selection, predecessor, way of main soil cultivation, fertilizing system based on the results of new methods of soil and plant diagnostics and features of anthropological varied soils etc.
66-70 179
Field germination and survivability of singlespecies grass and grass mixtures are studied on sodpodzolic soils of Ryazan region. 2012-2014 investigation of survivability of single-species sowing rare estimated and concluded that loose bush and rhizome bush cereals have the best field germination; red fescue, bent grass and Poa pratensis are more survival. Among grass stands complex grass mixture comprising four species of lawn grass of various types of tiller.
71-78 225
The article describes the impact of slope soils and mineral fertilizers on legume-cereal grass mixture comprising alfalfa, Lotus corniculatus. Grass mixture comprising alfalfa is estimated as preferential both on the middle and the bottom slope of 3,0-3,5º. Due to soil fertility dry mass of alfalfa was 56,8-64,4 c/ha. Further yield increase was achieved due to phosphate and potash fertilizers. Virtually equivalent increase is obtained if potassium chloride will be replaced partially by sylvinite.
79-84 176
Clover additional sowing in sod of old age grass stand without its violation forms legume cereal grass stand on peat soils where ground water level is higher than 0.5 meters. After additional sowing the amount of legume species is managed to provide grass stand with biologically fixed nitrogen for two years. Clover additional sowing increases grass stand yield on the average by 97,2% over two years. Also 1 kg of seed gives 11.1 kg of dry mass. Percentage of legume species in grass stand yield decreases by 1.3 times, as clover drop out of grass stand share of legume rises due to foxtail growth. If cereal grass stand turns into legume cereal one due to clover additional sowing value of crude protein will rise, value of crude fiber will decline.
85-92 198
The article presents the study of red fescue and describes the process of formation of its seed productivity depending on seeding rates, dozes and terms of use mineral fertilizers and growth regulators during seed cultivation. The optimal terms of seeding are determined, the use of mineral fertilizers is systemized what gives competitive product of a high quality if seed productivity is 4,5-4,9 c/ha and profitability is 20-25%.
93-102 140
The equipment developed in Republic of Belarus for diagnostics of internal state and cleaning of the closed drainage is presented. Elements of technology and approximate norms of time of technological operations performed using this equipment are given.
103-111 180
The article discovers some aspects of traction forces during the overhaul of water wells of high output by removing filter column with filter type FTP produced at JSC “Promburvod Plant”. This study tests how to remove filter column without any defects if it is down shifted to break all colmatation compounds. The percussive equipment what is optimal for this operation is determined.
ISSN 2070-4828 (Print)