
Land Reclamation

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No 1 (2014)


7-21 187
The article presents the algorithms of automation design reclamation systems in the reconstruction using GIS. Questions of construction of digital elevation model to find fill landforms with the required accuracy, given the fractal shape of the land surface by means of Model builder. The developed model for the automated calculation of matrix relief characteristics required for the design of reconstruction: bed natural runoff, swales, catchment areas, taking into account the impact of the existing channel network.
22-30 202
These inspections of technical condition protective filtering geotextile materials of a drainage for a number of reclamation objects are given in the Pukhovichsky district of the Minsk region and the Luninetsky district of the Brest region. The drainage made of plastic corrugated pipes with the protective material Typar SF 27. In the course of inspection the reclamation situation on a drainage site was established, the drainage drain was measured, the condition of the mouth and its internal surface was fixed. Excavation of drains is carried out and samples of drainage pipes with protective a filtering material with operation terms from 2 to 8 years on the peat soils spread by sand are selected. Excavation and survey of pipes and a filtering material revealed big degree of a zaokhrivaniye of an internal surface of a pipe and filters. It is noted essential кольматаж by ferruterous deposits of punched openings of pipes and protective a filtering material. By Zaileniye of pipes sandy particles it wasn't observed. As a whole by results of inspection of objects it is established that the drainage from plastic pipes with protective a filtering material from geotextiles of Typar SF 27 provides a satisfactory water mode on the reclaimed lands. The drainage drain for inspection (May - June) made 0,01 - 0,2 p/a of collectors.
31-37 145
As a result of performed experiments, were found the values of allowable intensity intermittent irrigation soddy-podzolic loamy soils with a frequency of rotation of the staff of 0,7 rpm that can be used for the selection of appropriate irrigation systems under conditions listed above.Also set the values of allowable irrigation depth and time of sprinkler irrigation for дальнеструйной machine Bauer Rainstar T-61, which is not formed by surface runoff.
38-44 171
Methodology of scenario analysis for modelling and evaluation of project irrigation regimes, determination of irrigation and water removal norms based on multilayered moisture transfer models is proposed. Information analysis system which enables to select and evaluate options for irrigation regimes by the certain tree of experiment is developed. It is given as an example the modeling of four options: one for rainfed conditions, another two for water-saving regimes and one more for biologically optimal irrigation regime for the years of different water probability to compare irrigation and water removal norms in case of low (3 m) and high (1.5 m) groundwater levels.
45-52 174
Results of researches on influence of overhead irrigation by drains of livestock complexes are given in article on properties of the cespitose and podsolic soil. Need of carrying out on irrigated lands of special agromeliorative processing and frequency of its carrying out is experimentally proved.
53-58 147
Research results of efficient use of materials for Aerospace Survey in the preparation of soil maps and mapping of soil cover of reclaimed land Belarusian Polesye was detected.


59-66 170
The article presents the results of research to identify the most effective ways of combinations of basic soil tillage (plowing to a depth of 20 22 cm, tillage with no loosening of overturning a depth of 16 -20 cm and superficial tillage to a depth of 10 12 cm) and various systems of fertilizer, in the cultivation of maize for green mass in anthropogenically transformed peat soils.
67-73 173
In article are proved a choice of ways of struggle against water erosion of arable slopes on the basis of harnessing the potential of bio-based agrocenosis. Efficiency of use long-term lupine in quality green manure and fitomeliorant on eroded soddypodsolic sandy soils of the Vladimir area is shown.
74-83 166
The investigation results showed a peat soil complex formation of different transformation degrees: agropeat and degropeat at every drained peat regardless of the agricultural use period (up to 450 years)with differenet organic matter content. The nitrogen status of peat soils is determined only by the degree of their transformation (agropeat soils amounts to 10-17 thousand kg per ha, and in degropeat soil 5.5-6.5 thousand kg per ha) and the portion of available for plants nitrogen forms increases (easyhydrolyzable from 4-6% to 8-10% and mineral nitrogen - from 0,2-0,3% to 0,5-0,6% relative to the total N). Carbon dioxide emission from the surface of peat soil with more than 60% organic matter content was in the range of 999±66 - 1360±142 mg C/m2 per hour either at undrained or involved in agricultural use areas. Organic matter content reducing in soils up to 5-10% leads to emission decreasing by 2-10 times: 127±56 - 1561±123 С/m2 per hour.
84-89 175
This article is devoted to questions of formation of working sites on the basis of typification of lands in the Polesye agrolandscapes. Allocation of working sites demands the accounting of a set of factors that in practice of land management is realized extremely seldom. Typification of lands promotes optimization of formation of working sites, specification of their form, the sizes, structure and стуктуры; it defines the concrete directions of economic use of these lands.


90-99 160
Examines the impact of fertilizers and other factors on the productivity of crops. The expediency of reducing the dose of nitrogen at the foot of the slope with respect to the upper elements of the relief in the cultivation of wheat. In this case the better option stood with foliar application of microelements and retardant terpal NPK on background. Responded to weaker funds fertilizers oats, especially due to rainfall in 2013 of barley was less effective retardants chlormequat 750.
100-104 167
The results of study of productivity and nutrient intake of various species of perennial grasses in haylands use. It is established that among the main cultivated middle-ripening types of grasses, festulolium has one of the highest yields of dry matter (5,65 t/ha) and output of fodder units (4,33 t/ha).
105-113 171
Results on studying of influence of basic elements of technology of cultivation of slough grass are presented in article ordinary on seeds. New experimental data are obtained, statistical dependences are established, influence of elements of technology (norms of seeding of seeds, doses and terms of introduction of mineral fertilizers and biologically active agents) on formation of seed efficiency of slough grass which will allow to receive quality competitive production at productivity of seeds of 3,0-3,5 c/ hectare is defined.
114-123 169
Data of lucerne dry weight quality tilling on anthropogenically-transformed peat soil of Polesye with diverse organic matter content ~5 до ~21 % was presented. It has been found experimentally that on the anthropogenically-transformed peat soil of Polesye lucerne can been efficiently cultivate and provide green mass productivity level on 410-700 c/ha, raw protein 19,69-22,13 g/kg d.w., row fat 2,97-3,56 g/kg d.w., exchange energy for cattle 10,07-10,91 MJ, fodder unit - 0,82-0,96 respectively, subject to the intensification method and cutting sequence.
124-131 155
The condition of pastures on peat soils according to the specific activity of the soil and the plants on the basis of which the transfer factors and rates of 137Cs accumulation in meadow plants are calculated. The dynamics of 137Cs content in milk from 1996 to 2011 is demonstrated. A correlation analysis of the specific activity of plants and, consequently, the specific activity of the soil and moisture analysis is conducted. The correlation coefficient between the content of 137Cs in plants and soil density is calculated. It is discovered that plants specific activity increasing is observed when parameters of 137Cs content in soil increase, when there are moisture conditions and density of peat-bog soils decrease.


132-146 158
Results of tests and researches of the mixing device (MIK-500-1 machine). It is established that it evenly distributes on all volume of the bunker components of peat mix for landing of shrubby and flower plants. Values of its key design data for bunkers up to 4,5 m3 are optimized. The technique of optimization of technological modes and design data is given.
147-163 137
The analysis of the operational performance of mobile units to make different types of fertilizers. Displaying imperfect system PTO tractors are designed and tested stable and economical tractor PTO shaft "BELARUS."
164-170 168
This paper introduces a technique for determining the amount of hydrochloric acid needed for reagent regeneration of intake and drainage wells. A simplified formula for reaction stoichiometry coefficient calcucation based on known chemical composition of colmatant was deduced. The paper gives an example of calculation.
171-176 182
The technology of inspection and performance the service of works on the closed drainage network with use of the OD-100 device is given. On the basis of time supervision approximate norms of time for performance of a number of technological operations with use of the OD-100 device are given.
177-184 168
Data on studying of influence of term of operation of drainage systems on filtrational characteristics protective filteringmaterials are provided. Meliorative systems with drainage corrugated pipes and the geotextile protective Typar SF 27 filter are picked up. The term of operation of a drainage from 2 to 8 years. Drainage excavation is carried out, technical condition of pipes and filters is filled. The zaokhrivaniye of pipes and filtering materials is noted. Laboratory researches of filtrational characteristics of geotextile materials and water reception ability of pipes with samples of ZFM which were in operation are conducted. It is established that coefficients of a filtration of samples of the geotextile material Typar SF 27 from various objects at operation term from 2 to 8 years decrease on the average by 40 - 60% in comparison with the new. Water reception ability decreased by 20 - 30%.
185-194 278
Two main technological schemes to cleaning of channels of deposits are considered: cross development when for one pass the excavator completely develops channel section, and bilateral cross development on which the design section of the channel is carried out for two working passes. The dependences considering performance data of the excavator and parameters of the channel are developed for selection of excavators for each technological scheme. The developed dependences significantly differ from existing since consider design features of each brand of the excavator. For the main brands the one-backed of excavators with the equipment the return shovel, reclamation systems available in the enterprises, dependence of radius of digging on depth of the channel is presented graphically. The technique of selection of excavators which is considered on examples is offered. At possibility of performance of work by several brands of excavators the most economic option with use of schedules of a factor cost gets out.


195-200 166
Summary of Braslavsky Poozerya's lake ecosystems is given in work, sources of pollution of a surface water are defined.A number of receptions on minimization of receipt of polluting sources in waters of lakes of national park "Braslau lakes" is offered



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ISSN 2070-4828 (Print)