
Land Reclamation

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No 2 (2013)


7-15 189
Calculation of requirement for the main specialized meliorative equipment for realization of the State program "Preservation and use of the reclaimed lands for 2011 - 2015" is given. Standards of requirement for equipment on 1000 hectare the reclaimed area taking into account planned volumes of reconstruction and to restoration of meliorative systems, carrying out agromeliorative actions on meliorative systems, to maintenance are developed. Necessary for delivery for planned year the number of cars is established taking into account existence and wear of meliorative cars in Republic of Belarus for the beginning of performance of State program.
16-21 166
The article deals with the computer-aided design of drainage systems based on GIS tools, a description of the implemented GISbased application that provides automated design of drainage and collection systems on the plane.
22-28 182
In article fluctuations of an urovenny mode of ground waters are considered influence of a drenirovannost of irrigated lands on a water-salt mode of soils. It is shown efficiency of drainage systems at regulation of a water-salt mode of soils in the conditions of growth of deficiency of superficial water resources.
29-39 147
The results of field complex natural processes of flooding systems, the effectiveness of subsurface drainage on undrained and lowdrained areas of forest-steppe zone of Ukraine.
40-46 171
Results of long-term researches of the maximum sizes of modules of a drain on meliorative system RUP " OfPolessie Experimental Station of Ameliorative Agriculture and Grass Farming" during the periods of winter, spring and aestivo-autumnal high waters are resulted. It is established, that the observable greatest size of the maximum module of a drain of a spring high water makes 0,97 l/ at security of 5 %. The maximum settlement modules of a drain of a spring high water 25 %-s' and 10 %-s' securities are accordingly equal 0,65 and 0,83 l/ Observable greatest sizes of the maximum modules of a drain of aestivo-autumnal and winter high waters are accordingly equal 0,83 l/ at security of1,9 % and 0,8 l/ at security of 4 %. The maximum settlement module of a drain of an aestivo-autumnal high water 10%-s' securities makes 0,56 l/ It is recommended to inspect a meliorativenetwork on the admission of the expense of an aestivo-autumnal high water 5-2 %-s' securities for creation of conditions of more operative tap of freshet waters. To this security there will correspond settlement maximum modules of a drain equal 0,66-0,83 l/


47-54 175
In article are submitted data on change of biochemical processes in the peat soils located in various gidrologoclimatic zones of Belarus. It is established that activity of the main enzymes decreased by 1,2 - 2,3 times at advance from the South to the north. It testifies to considerable delay of processes of transformation of OV of peat soils and longer period of their preservation. It is established that in the southern and central zones activity of enzymes is defined by the content of organic substance in a layer of 0 - 20 cm. Activity of a peroxidase in the central zone and all studied enzymes in a northern zone doesn't depend on a stage of transformation of peat soils. The activity indicator полифенолоксидазы can be used for an assessment of the contents easily hydrolyzed, mineral (ammoniyny and nitrate) nitrogen.
55-65 161
In article are submitted data on intensity of issue of CO2, size of microbic weight and its respiratory activity, intensity of peat soils of various stages of transformation. It is established that these indicators substantially depended on intensity of drainage of soils, extent of their transformation, a way of use, fertilizers applied to systems, etc. factors. Close connections between activity дегидрогеназы and intensity of issue of CO2, and as the size of microbic weight (R2 = 0,81 and 0,91 respectively) are besides defined. The last dependences can be used for an assessment of influence of a way of agricultural use on the speed of a mineralization of organic substance.
66-72 149
Results of studying of influence of processing methods on growth processes фитоценозов long-term herbs are stated. It is established that productivity of long-term cereals and bean and cereal herbages at the 4th-hay cutting use it was more, than at the 2nd hay cutting. Clover creeping, a lyadvenets horned in one-specific crops at 4 hay crops formed big productivity, than at the 2nd for 32 and 22%, respectively. At introduction nitric подкормок N20 and N40 before a hay crop this difference was insignificant. Bean type of riding type - a lucerne the sowing campaign was steadier against change of number of hay crops and productivity practically didn't change. Allelopatichesky activity of the soil rizosfer of bean and cereal and bean herbages in the first year of life practically didn't differ. Rizosfera of a lucerne of a sowing campaign possessed bigger allelopatichesky activity, than a clover creeping or a lyadvenets horned. When subsowing in дернину on the peat soil tsenotichesky activity hedgehogs of the national team was above, than at a herd grass meadow by 1,7 times. Profitability of subsowing hedgehogs of the national team in made 45,6% (on a factor cost), and herd grasses meadow - 40,3%.
73-79 174
The article presents results of research overall content and the qualitative composition of humus of Brest Polesye gleysoils. The character changing the composition of humus of gleysoils, depending on the type of land, the degree of moisture and particle size distribution is considered. Shown that the humus content of gleysoils in the south-west Belarus increases and qualitative composition of humus improves with increasing degree of hydromorphic soils.


80-94 161
On the basis of generalization literary yielded and results of own experiments the general approaches to designing meadow агрофитоценозов, adapted for northern part of the Republic are formulated. Information on influence of various factors on tsenotichesky activity of herbs is provided. Are revealed dependence of quantity of leaves on cleaning terms. On the basis of it it is offered to prefer at haying use to those herbs which in process to preparation of forages lose leaves less. It is established that the lucerne has advantage in comparison with a clover meadow as long culture capable to grow without a perezaluzheniye on the same site not less than 6-7 years.
100-104 166
Results of researches of efficiency of bean and cereals are given in article travosmesy with participation of a cock's head sandy and a kostreets bezosty various norms of seeding. It is established, at creation of highly productive herbages on the basis of a cock's head sandy and a kostreets bezosty the ratio of seeds of these cultures respectively 100,0% + 40% where productivity of absolute solid is 15,0 c/hectare higher, than in chistovidovy crops of a cock's head sandy is optimum.
105-112 159
The article presents the results of studies on the cost-effectiveness of methods of improvement in the staroseyanyh less productive swards. Revealed that among the most effective methods studied were overseeding legumes sod and grass cover legume-grass mixtures after treatment with sod. Exit kormoproteinovyh units depending on the mineral nutrition was 3,74-7,61 and 4,44-7,75 th./Ha with the level of profitability and 184,55-246,56 148,70-191,06%.
113-118 202
Are submitted data on efficiency of a lucerne of the sowing campaign cultivated on anthropogenous transformed peat soils of Polesye with the different content of organic substance from ~5 to ~21% and level of ground waters - 1,5 and 1,0 m respectively. It is established that efficiency of herbage of a lucerne can reach 53,4-77,7 c .Ññ./hectare depending on soils and applied agrobioprocessing methods. At lucerne cultivation on soils with higher content of organic substance the exit of fodder units from hectare is 8,2-13,9 c higher, than on soils with the content of organic substance of ~5%.
119-128 168
As a result of the conducted researches behind growth and efficiency of various types on biological features of meadow herbs in the conditions of a poyemnost it is established that at creation and maintenance of a long botanical variety polderny meadow for receiving biologically full-fledged forage it is required to include in not only bean herbs, but also a herd grass meadow, a fescue meadow or a foxtail meadow. The maintenance of 30% of bean cultures in cereal and bean herbage is equivalent to application of 90 kg of nitrogen in active ingredient, and economic effect makes 0,86 million rub/hectare;


129-140 181
Theoretical and experimental results of researches of a vlyaniye of parameters of replaceable distributing devices to the hydrothrower on range of flight of a stream of suspension are reflected. The data provided in article are recommended to be used at design and operation of technical means after service and repair of meliorative systems, dams, dams, slopes of roads, grassy lawns.
141-148 163
The technical characteristics, the devices developed by Institute of Land Improved (-Institut melioratsiyi‖) and the equipment (means of small-scale mechanization) for an assessment of internal state of a drainage network, washing of ustyevy and adjacent part of a collector, and also devices for a complete set of the drenopromyvochny UPD-120 car are given. Their application when performing ukhodny and repair work on the closed network provides productivity increase, minimization of operational expenses.


149-153 180
Data on professor A. N. Kozlowski - the graduate of the Gory-Gorki agricultural institute (nowadays the Belarusian state agricultural academy), constructed the first drainage for drainage of lands in the territory of Belarus are submitted. The short description of drainage systems of the known reclamation expert is provided.


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ISSN 2070-4828 (Print)