No 1 (2013)
5-19 177
The article presents the results of systems analysis of the complex automated information system issue for reclamation branch. Principal characteristics determining its structure, including reclamation objects, life-cycle stages, characterizing their indices, are considered. On this basis the structure of information system composed of 6 subsystems with automotized data exchange among them basing on geo-relational conception is developed. The system is designed to provide dataware to support decisions on reclamation and agricultutal use of reclaimed areas.
20-29 178
The report on improved calculation methods of project irrigation mode is presented. It is proved that the preservation while watering with overhead irrigation of backup capacity, intended for intake and keeping of fall out precipitation during vegetation, is an effective method which help to use water resources rationally. Calculations show that on the average, while watering at the expense of saving backup capacity, 10-15 % of irrigation water are economized during vegetation in soil and proportional amount of energy is saved for water feed from irrigation head to the filed.
30-36 166
In article the design procedure of is minimum necessary intensity of a sprinkler irrigation by cattle-breeding flows providing salvaging of their annual production is presented. Ways of the coordination admissible and necessary intensity of a sprinkler irrigation are resulted.
37-45 184
For determination of the most authentic coefficient of a filtering the statistical analysis of test data has been carried out.Subordination of results of filtrational studies to the law of normal allocation allows to observe arithmeticmean values of coefficients of a filtering as the most probable.
46-56 194
The analysis of drainage pipes functionality with different level of soiling on land-reclamation systems of Polesye is presented. Structural solution for drainage pipes lines conjugation via filtering filling is considered. The study results of its water capacity are given including pump entry; parameters such as manifold patch length, perforation area, amount of filling are presented which gives a chance to provide drainage area of 0.8 ha with flow rate 0.5 l/sec on hectare. Drawbacks of this cojugation method developed by RUE »Belhyprovodhoz« are disclosed. Carrying capacity of drainage pipes with filtering elements preventing drain drifts entry into manifold is studied. The minimal amount speed of eroding velocity in drains is specified which maintain erosion and removal of laydown with 0,05-0,25 fineness mm.The results of research are premise for constructive solutions development of drainage lines conjugation methods and proving the rinse necessity.
57-65 159
Theoretical estimation of distances between drains, the research results on pilot-porduction field and in laboratory conditions of drainage pipes water receiving capacity with different geotextiles safety filtering materials are given. Method of water receiving capacity idetification is tested in field conditions. It is discoverd that water receiving capacity depends on hydrogeological conditions of drainage laying, working hydraulic drop over drain and it increases with hydraulic drop's rise. Drainage pipes with various safety filtering materials over a year in use were tested. Their water receiving capacity doesn't differ considerably from one of new pipes so safety filtering materials are almost not muded. It is recommended to detect water receiving capacity of drains while testing drainage fuctionality for unsatisfactory water regime on land reclamation facility.
66-79 191
Spruce in "island" localities in Polesye there is a symbol of the rich biodiversity of this forest-swamp region in the center of Europe. In this article the comparative analysis of the variability in spruce tree-ring growth in "island" localities on reclaimed and unreclaimed areas under the influence of solar radiation, temperature and precipitation is done. In the modern climate warming the variability of spruce tree-ring growth is determined by the temperature of the leafless period (October-April) conditions. Tree-ring growth is an objective indicator of changes in Polesye environment with its large-scale drainage. It essentially eliminates the subjective approach of personal perception of its consequences.
80-85 214
The article presents a summary of the gully erosion status in the Republic of Belarus. The data on the inventory of ravines and their growth’s dynamics is cited. The ideas for the work to reduce gully erosion are suggested.
86-92 239
In the paper version of the efficiency of the State program "Engineering water activities to protect settlements and agricultural lands from flooding in the most flooding over a wide areas of Polesie on 2011-2015 years" at the expense of fisheries on the waters of complex assignments.
93-104 205
It is ascertained the bio-energy potential of low-capacity peat soils compounds 22, 0 hJ/ha. Under the influence of drainage and continious agricultural exploitation (50 years) peat soils lose its bio-energy potential and alongside with it the fertility level dicreases. In comparison with non-drainage soil bio-energy potential of organogenetic layer in agro-peat soils dicreaes to 22-35, in agropeat-mineral sois to 41, in mineral residual peat - 52-74 and mineral postpeat - 88 %. The models for bio-energy potential forecasting for peat soils and energy criterion for degro-peat soils diagnostics on different stages of evolution are proposed.
105-112 172
The influence of organic fertilizers different types and doses on a factional-group humus composition on sod-podzolic sandy loam soil is studied. Litter manure, chicken manure and composts application has increased content of HA-1 in 1,2-1,4 times, has ensured accumulation HA-2 to 5,5-6,8% (except chicken manure), has expanded the ratio of CHA / CFA to 0,87-0,99, providing the flow of humusification process in agriculturally favorable direction.
113-123 184
The results of research on painted grass seeds cultivation techniques are presented. The dependencies of grass stand density formation, seed crop capacity, crop structure elements from terms, planting methods alongside with using chemical plant defenders against weed are considered. The analysis determined optimal terms, methods and rates for planting as well as most efficient herbicides against weed verdure in seed crops of painted grass, which makes it possible to obtain 3-3,5 centners of seed for hectare
124-130 164
The article presents field study results of many years concerning the efficiency of different level for nitric, phosphoric and potassium fertilizers dosing in barley crops. It is discovered that sufficiently high level of net produce 251, 4 USD per hectare and profitability in amount of 41,9 % are obtained with adding 90 kilos nitric reactant per hectare against P80K120, provides crop capacity for barley at 57,7 centner for hectare. Using these variants of fertilizers usage energy profitability of 20,2 hecta J and high energy-conversion efficiency coefficient 1,3.
131-139 189
In agropeat, degropeat-mineral and mineral residual peat soil, in congenial hydrotermic conditions for organic compounds mineralisation (humidity 60 % and temperature 25-26 °C), the nitrification process' intensity prevail over ammonification and as a result nitrogen ammonic form turns more intensively into nitrate form and insignificantly amass in soil. And this nitrogen mineralizing ability compounds in soils 322, 312, 140 mg/kg of soil respectively.While composting soils in conditions which drift from optimal in humidity and in temperature, the ammonification process is on sufficiently high level and nitrification is suppressed in more or less degree, intensity and amount of mineralization of organic nitrogen matter dicreases. The process of organic matter mineralization in three types of soil in different hydrotermic conditions under study is similar itself, but differs in quantitative composition.
140-150 157
The results of studying the peculiarities of formation and evaluation of productivity of pasture herbage intense. Found that mixtures based on domestic breeding of perennial grasses can form at the level of productivity of imports, providing (averaged over four years) 6,70-8,23 t/ha of dry matter, 4,44-5,47 t/ha of forage units, ensuring feed unit of digestible protein at 135-142 grams.
151-161 183
Data on productivity and quality of perennial legumes and gramineous grasses in Poozerye region is presented basing on results of researches. Protective role of lucern and its advantage over meadow clover and positive influence of foliar molybdenum dosing on permanent grasses crop capacity is registered. The dependence of potassium, calcium, magnesium content in plants from mineral fertilizer is ascertained.
162-170 175
Information on growth processes' regulation of lucern on different stages is presented. It is ascertained that treatment of seeds with BAV 1 allows to increase seeds' growth energy to 77 % and stimulates the growth of rootlet to 40 % and 30 % as against BAV 2 and microelements per se respectively. This helps lucern germs ecize and use necessary nutrients from soil for the further plants growth, increasing the quantity of vegetative short-cut sprouts up to 1,1-1,6 depending on agrobiotechological methods.
171-176 160
The results of three-year study on the effect of fertilizers in combination with irrigation on legume-cereal plant in the conditions of the north-eastern part of Belarus. Revealed that in the optimization of water supply for irrigation of grass by fertilizer use efficiency increased by 48,8-58,8%. The greatest productivity on average for t three years at two harvests use grass mixture showed under irrigation on a background of supply P90K135 with complex micro fertilizers and growth regulators, and was 97.9 q / ha of dry matter.
177-184 199
Research studies show that reference (statistically average) data doesn’t reflect real nutrient values of forages to the full extent. Actual data obtained during the studies vary upwards and downwards in terms of reference values for the content of basic zootechnic indices to 1,2-3,0 times. These fluctuations are observed due to specific characteristics of edaphic-climatic zone where the farm plants are cultivated, quantity and type of applied fertilizers, types of feed crops, crop sequence in crop rotation, and different feed procurement and storage conditions. Replacement of limited macroand microelements in cattle diets should follow a graded approach and be based on the research findings about actual content of mineral elements in feedstuffs of a particular agricultural organization with additional application of vitamin-mineral premixes and protein-vitamin-mineral additives.
ISSN 2070-4828 (Print)