No 2 (2012)
5-13 206
The paper analyzes the characteristics of watersheds from the standpoint of fractal geometry. Questions of the formation of surface runoff and its simulation on the surface fractal considered. Detailed coverage of the relief for the sound design of drainage network analyzed.
14-23 213
The article presents the change of provided water levels and discharges in Pripiat River in the current conditions prevailing after the melioration works on its water inlet. It is determined profiles of levels in Pripiat River at location of the object «Eagle» by flooding of taken provisions for different types of wetlands fencing. The results of profiles analysis allowed justifying the structure of not flooding polder instead of initially planned flooding polder.
24-32 205
T is proposed regulation of water management regime on gravity-pumping systems, based on assessment of the need of pumping station work by the way of comparing of water horizons situation with the required maximum operating water level at the mouth of the main canal. Regulation allows provide a discharge of excess water flow and maintain the required water level in an open conducting network not depending on the transformation of dried territory surface during drawdown of organic soils and the state of water intake after prolonged usage.
33-43 185
It is determined that the rational between repair period of decolmatage of wells depends on type of aquifer, hydrogeological conditions, availability of gravel backfill and its quality, the right service. It is less depends on absolute values of the Rizner and quantity of dissolved iron. It is made the method of between repair period calculations of actual water inlet of groundwater. It determines the time of productivity reduction Qд of working water inlet to the value of actual water supply Qs of a village. Based on natural data of water inlet survey it is made the system of equations of dynamic equilibrium of groundwater inlet taking into account colmatation factors and mutual influence of wells. Solution of the system determines the change of water inlet productivity in time as well as justifies terms of reparative actions and fulfills the correct selection of submersible pumps based on allowed reduced levels and the maximum possible performance of wells.
44-48 162
The article proposes method of different determining of allowable intensity of sprinkling when irrigated by livestock outlets, based on difference of allowable intensity of sprinkling by outlets with a dry matter content of 2 %, 3 %, 4 %, and clean water. The method can significantly reduce the amount of field experiments, as well as to avoid contact of researcher with biologically and chemically hazardous wastes.
49-57 219
The article describes how to set up automated database and software application designed for the storage and retrieval of historical satellite images collected on the territory of the Republic of Belarus for locating images on various options for ameliorative objects anywhere in the Republic, including in the field.
65-72 214
He article presents information about the drainage role of ravines on adjacent land. Drainage and ravine watershed spaces leads to a deterioration of the hydrological regime of the territory and influences on groundwater debit and soil moisture reserves a key element in soil fertility. Together with draining moisture nutrients of mobile form are delivered. This article assesses the influence of ravines on draining the surrounding land and the content of mobile forms of NPK, micronutrients in soils of ravine territories.
73-79 193
The article presents results of experimentally done soil and ecological zoning of Dzerjinsk region, typical for Belarusian ridge. It is indicated geomorphological confinement, their squares by own type, grain size, degree of moisture, soil erosion, data of cadastral valuation, direction of their economic usage, a set of improvement measures.
80-88 189
The negative impact of agricultural pollution with biogenic materials on surface water bodies is a relevant problem. This problem is addressed by limiting or prohibiting certain activities in so called buffer areas. The biogenic materials are carried by surface or groundwater runoff. Water infiltration is influenced by the lithological composition of sediments. River basins of sandy lithological structure were selected throughout the territory of Lithuania. An installed system of lysimeters in the boreholes allowed to monitor the change of water quality of sediments over time. The migration patterns of nutrients where identified during the investigation in the spring, summer and autumn seasons.
89-94 176
The article presents the results of creating a network of gauge-standard areas of disturbed peat deposits (PD) taking into account the main directions of their usage (peat extraction, re-waterlogging, agricultural usage). It is showed their function and solving tasks based on space shooting «Ikonos». It is proposed the GIS of Grichino Starobin polygon, which includes four interrelated Geographical Data Base (satellite, ground based monitoring, GPS and attribute information). Their structure and functional loading provide their operational management, updating and improvement towards the realization of PD monitoring tasks .
95-102 158
For estimation of moisture-heat supply it is proposed to use bio thermal factor equal to the algebraic sum of known indicators of water regime of plants. Bio thermal factor depends on the level of dietary regime and increases with increasing yield and water supply of plants. And its growth is based on a curvilinear, stopping when it reaches the optimal soil moisture for plants.
103-112 199
The content of hydrolysable substances in arable layers of the cultivated peat soils substantially lower, and not hydrolyzable - higher, than in analogues layers from the drained virgin soils. The lowest content of hydrolyable substances is observed at cultivation raw crops.The maximal quantity of hydrolyzable substances is containing in arable layers of soil profiles, the least - in subsurface layers. Distinctions in the content of hydrolyzable substances in upper and lower layers of soil profiles make up from 13 till 38 % to total soil organic matter. Biochemical stability of organic matter in subsurface layers is essentially higher, than in the arable ones.
113-120 183
Soils of different stages of evolution differ in the ability to form crop yields. The highest potential (grain 5060 kg / ha or more, potatoes 300 kg/ha and more, corn for green mass 500 kg/ha or more) have an agro-peat soil and agro-mineral peat soils. The mineral residual peat soils have less productive capacity.
121-131 174
It is examined the results of surveys of the drainage effect and long-term cultivation on agrochemical properties of soils in conditions of Belarusian lakes area. It is determined that drainage of area improves power plants with nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. Soil moisture, on the contrary, leads to the accumulation of phosphorus and retrogradation of nonexchange potassium. Despite of 29 years usage of fertilizers and putting them more than 1,700 kg/ha of P2O5, it is not observed in the sod-gley soil an excessive accumulation of heavy metals. Because the grass fodder often occurs unfavorable ratio between potassium and sodium is recommended to improve the system of fertilizers.
132-144 370
The results of 20 years studies of the melioration Institute on drainage efficiency and cultivation of sod-gleyconnected sandy loam soil in the Lake area showed these activities create more favorable conditions for the growth and development of plants. They contribute to the productivity of crop rotation by 59.7 %, longstanding of cultural hay - by 12.8 %.More than half of the regions melioration systems are in service for more than 30 years and the state of the water regime of reclaimed land need to be improved. In such cases, it is necessary to carry out agro-ameliorative actions on reclaimed farmlands in order to drain the excess water on the surface layer of soil and crops, as well as to increase subsurface runoff and create additional reserves of available moisture in the subsurface layer, and other measures aimed at improving the productivity of reclaimed land. It is important that is necessary to keep the moisture on upper relief’s elements by making slits across the slope. It increases the productivity of green mass of corn at 105 cwt. (20.2 %) and spring wheat by 5.6 cwt./ha (14.0 %). Making of agro-ameliorative actions is most effective in the background to optimize the agrochemical properties of soil by fertilizing of full demand.
145-153 185
Research results of the regional features of the formation short-term pastures are presented. Bioenergetic and economic evaluation of the effectiveness of the creation and use of short-term herbage are given. Seeding of perennial grasses during the laying of short-term pastures should be carried out under the cover of switchgrass with vetch. This increases the yield of pasture feed an average of four years, to 5.15 t/ha of fodder units, provides maximum bio-energy ratio (3,4) and the lowest cost of one ton of feed units.
154-160 191
The article presents the results of analysis of the botanical composition and biochemical characteristics of perennial grasses, taken in long-duration fixed experiences at Minsk Experimental Agricultural Station.
161-166 188
The article describes method of preparation of stem mass, which accelerates the process mass of sealing and provides rapid reduction of air content in the mass. As a result the initiation of lactic acid fermentation is reached. It is Also described the design of device, which increases process reliability of method.
167-175 186
The article presents the results of experimental studies of mass breathability of crushed herbs as well as of ground of wall zones of horizontal storages. It is proposed coefficient dependences of breathability from porosity of the sample at different humidity.
176-187 175
It is proposed gradual technology of drainage system washing with application of developed at the Institute of melioration small-scale mechanization tools. The cost of labor in comparison with the existing technology is reduced to 1,3-1,4 times, operation of machinery in 1,7-2,4 and the total value of direct costs to 1,7-2,2 times.
188-197 172
The authors analyzed the experience of scientists, engineers and inventors of the former USSR, created in the period of 1960-1995 years best technologies and patterns of melioration technics that can significantly increase the profitability of the economy in the reconstruction, maintenance and operation of drainage systems.
198-202 165
The article presents the characteristics of the water resources of the Samur River, its watershed. It is said about coordination between countries on the use of the river flow. The reasons that caused the decrease in runoff are unfounded intake of water for service needs.
ISSN 2070-4828 (Print)