
Land Reclamation

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No 1 (2012)


5-16 180
In the article there are methods and principal constructions of drainage systems that provide the dischargewaterexcess in water receiversby gravity method by favorable levels of water. As alternatives to enhance the deepening of water receivers by stock eliminationin exposed conductive network of backwater drainage systems, it is proposed to solve this problem by pumping more water into limiting periods, allowing lower water levels in the exposed conducting network with the pumping unit. This mode reduces to the unit of new constructions of drainage systems a gravity-pumping.
17-22 228
Thearticle presents guidelines for the needs of mowers for drainage channels mowing on 1000 hectares of drained landaccording to their length by regions and in general for the Republic of Belarus. Calculation of mowers needs is made on the basis of developed production schedules. Regulation provides for the use of different size of reclamation mowers depending on the parameters of channels as well as depending on the availability of mowers at contractorsand their production in the country.
23-42 169
The authors have shown some historical aspects of creation of active action planners-rippers to prepare the slopes of channels for sowing grass in the Republic of Belarus. They proved the necessity of further improvement of scheduler-ripper NO-10 depending on the chosen energy base for its sample.
43-49 202
It is made the analysis of the materials used for the device filters water wells. It is marked the features of their work in the presence of gravel backfill and without it. It is examined the influence of various factors on the loss of pressure in the filter and the flow rate per well. It is shown the method for calculating the flow rate of wells taking into account the imperfect nature of wells by the character of baring with a surface water intake of fibrous polyethylene. It is the optimal duty cycle for filter diameter of 200 mm and 300 mm. The use of filters on wells of polyethylene fiber can reduce their costs and improve efficiency as compared to wells with wire filters made of stainless steel.
50-60 227
The results of the analysis of reclamation objects relief in different landscapes of the Belarusian Lakelands are proposed. It is found that the reclamation objects relief is a basic system of independent contiguous watersheds. It is determined the range of change of parameters of elementary catchment drainage facilities, and in different watersheds the number and range of change of the area and depth of overhumifying decreases with prolonged stagnation of surface water.
61-72 192
It is proved the necessity to develop new design solutions for the reconstruction of drainage systems in relation to changing environmental conditions of Polesie. We propose new principles of their actions. There are economic indicators of one of the most promising drainage systems with selective drainage compared to an open network and systematic drainage. It is shown the efficiency of the control of soil water regime of this system, and increased by 2.3 times the land productivity as a result of its use in the reconstruction of objects. Based on research it is proposed the schemes of reconstruction of drainage systems, designed to ensure the conditions of intensive agricultural production on lands under different natural conditions, including extreme.
73-90 151
Comprehensive survey of drainage facilities along the perimeter of exclusion in four districts of Gomel region have shown that there is a possibility of introducing into the agricultural revolution about 3000 ha of reclaimed land. Even after the reconstruction of drainage systems, the drained land is still the risky area for agriculture. Therefore, they required a detailed account of the density and composition of pollutants, soil conditions and water treatment provided by a network of reclamation.
91-102 174
The results of studies of the effect of polder systems on the water regime of the adjacent forest are considered, the practical capabilities of groundwater flow modeling are used. It is analyzed the variants of development of dynamics of groundwater flows under the woodland depending on the presence or absence of polder systems. The measures to improve water management regime are proposed.


103-118 191
In the sod-podzolic sandy on automorphic soils less extra productive moisture to plants by 10-13 mm, than in gleyey soils. Soil tillage influence accumulation and preservation of a productive moisture in a soil. Chisel soil tillage and the mini-till on normally humidified soil in comparison with ploughing promote additional accumulation of a moisture during the period of vegetation of crops in an arable layer on the average on 3-6 mm. Moldboardless methods do not provide extra productive moisture accumulation on soil of gleyey. The variant with chisel soil tillage under the maintenance of a soil moisture is equivalent to ploughing. Disk and mini-till lead to decrease in stocks of a moisture in an arable layer of earth on 2-5 mm. The yields of grain oats leguminous mix spring wheat handling chisel tillage equivalent moldboard treatment. Mini-till on automorphic soils increases the yield of grain on 2,8 quintals per hectare of grain units, and on the gleyey soil reduces the productivity 3,8 quintals per hectare. Disk tillage reduces the yield on automorphic soils and soils gleyey of 3,7 quintals per hectare of grain units.
119-127 169
It is shown the method of photometric determination of organic nitrogen compounds in peat and anthropogenically transformed peat soils at various stages of evolution. It is set the the method for analyzing soil samples for the maintenance of light and hard hydrolysablenitrogen compounds using as extractant 0,25 M and 2,5 M sulfuric acid.
128-134 211
It is shown the data on the reduction of crop yields in micro depressions of agricultural land relief, as well as the data on changes of microrelief and fertility of drained connected soils by planning of surface by long-baseline leveling. It is also considered the results of experience in the restoration of connected soil fertility by introduction of different standards of organic and mineral fertilizers.
135-142 160
The article presents the results of research of the influence of drainage and long-term agricultural use of peat soils on the transformation of their biological activity: nitrifying, ammonifying and nitrogen-mineralized ability. It is shown the data close relation (R2 = 0,88-0,89) of nitrogen-mineralized ability of peat soils with a content of organic matter and their diagnostic signs of biological activity.
143-148 232
The study shows the dynamics of crops grown on peat soil with different levels of nitrogen fertilizer. Soil changes have different effects on different cultures. Yield of barley and potatoes is reduced, and corn and clover is increased


149-157 213
The research has shown that using clover interplanting into sod of flood-meadow and applying potash fertilizers in the dose equaling Р60К60 kg/ha it’s possible to increase the meadow productivity 1,4 - 1,6 times and improve its botanical composition. The second year after the interplanting legumes comprised more than 50 % of the grass.
158-166 167
The studies allowed to establish the optimum seeding rate, dose and timing of mineral fertilizers and their effect on seed yield of cane reed canary grass.
167-175 160
It is examined contamination with radionuclides of perennial grasses flooded floodplain of Pripyat river (within the Brest region). It is made the proposals for the use of perennial grasses of flooded part of river Pripyatfloodplain in grassland.
176-182 186
The article shows the ways of increasing the effectiveness of floodplain meadows in the valley of the River Pripyat and methods for increasing the productivity of improved grasslands. In the polder system with alluvial peat soil by growing perennial grasses for 30 years and setting mineral fertilizer, their ash content level has been increased. Yields of cereal grass stands for 11 years with GWL = 0.5 m, have been depended a little on rainfall and temperature.
183-192 157
The quantity of seeds of the herbages on the meadow and pasture lands, sowed on the unit area, is closely connected with the coenotic activity of the species included in the grass mixtures. To soften the competitive relations among herbages (especially, it concerns the longevous ones) it is rational to be guided by the quantity of sowing seeds during the seeding rates composition rather than by the weight rates.
193-202 197
It is shown the results of research of Flint maize hybrid productivity from seed technology and doses of fertilizers. It is given the qualitative and quantitative analysis of variants of the experiment. It is revealed dependences between the productivity of maize and photosynthetic capacity of the biological activity of soil. The economic evaluation of the proposed technology is given. It is detected the positive impact on productivity of maize in its cultivation in Lakeland conditions on the crest technology.


203-210 325
It is proposed rational technological schemes using new mowers reclaimed in the production for mowing slopes of channels. This allows increasing the width of mowing slopes up to 5.5 m, eliminating manual mowing and reducing costs compared to standard technology card up to 46% depending on the width of mowing slope.
211-219 172
In this article it is said about technology of the work simple mentation for the drainage network using the device OD-100.The device OD-100is designed for partial purification of drainage pipe from silt and plant roots. There are results of field studies to assess the internal condition of closed collectors after washing with the use of this device, as well as the results of cleaning the mouth of the collectors.Based on chronometer observations it is installed the cost of the direct expenses to assess the internal condition of collectors and the potential cost-effectiveness of its application.


220-229 177
Sapropels are characterized by the ability to bind a large number of physically bound water and its amount in some types of sapropel is higher than in mineral soils. As a result of the calculations it is obtained the depending which takes into account changes in soil and pore size particles capable to be gone out of it, due to the formation of slicks around the bound water.



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ISSN 2070-4828 (Print)