
Land Reclamation

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No 2 (2011)


5-16 174
Drains in well permeable soils (Polesie) and impermeable connected mineral soils (Poozerye) have fundamentally different capabilities of drainage, different functional purpose and therefore, different ways of calculating the parameters. In the reconstruction of drainage systems on heavy soils better by the criterion of economic efficiency will be adaptive options, including adaptation of the agricultural usage to complex water regime. The use of draindryers, diverting gravity water by filtering on soil profile, does not make sense on these lands. In reconstruction it is appropriate to maintain at maximum level the drainage in a serviceable condition. Taking into account the actual conditions of the drainage in Polesie, we can conclude that the deepening of the drains more than 1.0-1.2 m is impractical.
17-26 175
Here are defined the areas of land drainage systems which are for maintenance on an annual basis taking into account the growth areas at the expense of renovation and new drainage and decrease during the melioration activities.There are analyzed facts of the actual amount of maintenance work on drainage systems and their funding in 2008-2010 and projected figures in the State program for the conservation and use of meliorated lands in 20112015.It is shown that the projected costs of maintenance work, taking into account changes in the construction work index is 32.4% loweron average in the republicin 2011 compared to 2009.
27-33 176
In this work it is presented the results of reconstruction’s estimation of flooding polders with adjustable duration of flooding in not flooding polders in the area of the bottom land around 495 km from the estuary of the river Pripyat. Results are based on a study of the maximum spring overflow. Reconstruction of flooding polders in not flooding will let to use these lands for all cultures, to respect the optimal agronomic sowing terms, to increase the efficiency of agricultural production.
34-38 198
Here are considered the influence of wind on the contour irrigated by sprinkling apparatus at irrigation by livestock waste. It is analyzed changes of the intensity of the artificial rain when the irrigation contour is changed. It is proposed the dependence for determine the increase of average rainfall intensity depending on wind speed.
39-46 169
Theoretically justified the possibility of combining the processes of hydropolymer emulsions preparing of structure builders and preparation of suspensions for hydroseeding based on them in one combined process without any additional mechanical means. It is prepared the technique of timing of preparation of solutions of hydropolymer emulsions in horizontal mixers (hydroseeding tanks). It is given the example of numerical calculation of hydropolymer emulsion preparation time.
47-56 169
The authors of the article have developed on the basis of theoretical and experimental studies the working body for the front mower with the cutting device. The mower cuts the stalks at mowing and grinds rude stalk plants, providing lower energy costs by 20-30%. The authors have developed and proposed a number of new cutting devices with a combined cutting stems.


57-66 201
Here are the results of studies on the effect of long (50 years) agricultural use of peat soils on the transformation of their bioenergy potential. It is shown that under the influence of anthropogenic energy reserves in agro peat soildecreased: a monoculture of grass by 37%, cultures of sow rotation monoculture row 85%. Bioenergy potential of agro-sward soils of 0-25 sm layer averaged 2.2 thousand GJ / ha, with swing of 0.81 (the humus content of about 1%) to 2.97 (humus content of about 3%). This is lower than in degro-sward soil used for a long time under monoculture row.
67-74 160
The analysis of long-term trends of water balance deficits changes showed that their vibrations are characterized by an uptrend. In the territory of Belarus the average deficits of water balance for vegetable crops from 1980 to 2009 increased by 29 mm for perennial grasses (pasture) 24 mm.
75-81 183
Analysis of the results of field studies by various authors about the effect of hydrothermal vegetation conditions on crop yields confirmed the legitimacy of usage and sufficiently high accuracy of the model in which productivity depends on the amplitude deviation of influencing factor from its optimal value. The proposed dependence can account for the effect on yield as a food regime and the conditions of moisture and heat supply of growing seasons.
82-88 182
It is presented a methodology for analysis of soil samples for total content of nitrogen in soil, using as an extractant concentrated sulfuric acid. It is also presented the usage of photometry and data processing analysis using a personal computer.
89-95 160
It is presented data on the magnitude of agriculture yield reduction in micro lowering of drained soils, on microrelief changes, agrochemical and water-physical properties of the soil surface when planning by long-baseline scheduler. It is shown dependences of changes in the density of dried soil in the arable layer on the number of passes of the scheduler.
96-102 242
The article presents data on phytotoxicity and biochemical parameters of the synthesized new derivatives of pesticides, with pesticide properties. Effect of the compounds was evaluated by the degree of response of soil dehydrogenase activity and weight of watercress salad seedlings at different concentrations. Analysis of experimental data showed that all synthesized compounds are toxic to soil microflora and watercress. However, in view of the fact that bis-quaternary ammonium compounds 1 and 2 are largely inhibit the growth of cress salad seedlings and the activity of dehydrogenase even at the lowest concentrations, they are likely to be considered as potential herbicides, and soil application is limited to pre-treatment of seeds. Use of the compounds 3-5 at not low concentrations does not harm any plants or soil microflora. So, they can be regarded as biorational pesticides.
103-108 206
Here it is shown the dynamics of grain production in the Republic of Moldova for the last 32 years. It is made the analysis of the influence of yield and acreage to changes in the average annual grain production. It is also justified the mathematical connection between the cost and productivity of products. In this work there is a formula of profit determination per 1 ha of ground. The ways of increase of productivity of land as well as conversion to intensive method of production of grain cropshere are reasonable.


109-116 249
Evaluating of effectiveness of formation and use of multi-pasture with white clover and perennial ryegrass, as in field experiments and in industrial conditions, showed a fast payback in profitability of milk production, not lower than 40-50%. Their formation at rate of 0.40 ha for one head of grazing cattle can get up in 5 years income of 261 units. On the basis of experimental data obtained in different soil and climatic conditions of Belarus, it is worked out the technique of evaluating of effectiveness of creating and using of pastures of multi-intensive type. It includes ways to measure the productivity of pastures, the algorithm of calculating the cost of carrying out major operations on their creation and operation.
117-124 210
It is considered the most important harvest making factors, determining productivity of hayfields and pastures. The state of fertility of the meadow soils reflects the nature of the agricultural operation and is a consequence of modern agricultural technologies. It is identified measures to ensure the needs of grass forage, to improve their quality performance, cost reduction.
125-131 164
Here are the results of the study of modes of prairie grasses - twice mowable, combined and pasture. There are also basic data on yield and productivity, quality of forage grass and legume-grass herbage. Provision of a feed unit of digestible protein corresponded to zootechnical feeding standards for all modes of use. Provision of digestible protein at legume-grass herbage with red clover and creeping at twice mowable mode was 99-111, at triple mowable mode - 111-117, and at four time mowable mode - 115-121 g/k.unit. It is estimated the cost of designed activities of creation and use of hayfields and pastures. It is calculated the cost-effectiveness and profitability of milk production at different modes of herbage. It is made an algorithm for calculating of the area for the combined use of herbage and the costs of itsmaking.
132-136 183
The article presents the results of the research legume-grass mixtures productivity with white sweet clover of different seeding rates. It is found out that if there is at least 30-35% of clover in structure of improved herbage, overseeding can be considered successful. Yield increase 1.5 times, in the herbage increase the number of bean component that does not require nitrogen fertilizer. The most productive were mixtures with clover white with a seeding rate of 8-10 kg/ha, where the harvest of absolutely dry matter, feed units and digestible protein are respectively 70,0; 60,0; 6,2 and 71,0; 62,0; 6,5 hwt /ha.
137-144 180
The results of the research showed that the hydrothermal conditions have affect the growth, development and formation of winter triticale crop capacity. The highest level of crop capacity during the experiment (65.3-68.3 c/ ha) was achieved after NPK fertilizer application in relatively favorable weather conditions of the vegetation period in 2008. After fertilizer application the crop capacity increased up to the 21.4c/ha. It is mentioned that the hydrothermal conditions at every plant organogenesis step form the most objective index P, considering the total moisture discharge in a given period instead of precipitation total (Selaninov hydrothermal index).


145-151 159
It is developedthe multi-sectorial rules of operation of legume-grass pastures of intensive type. They establish the requirements for technical operations manual and maintenance of them. There are compositions of the most productive legume-grass mixtures, starting date, intensity and duration of grazing usage. It is shown the ways of cutting of remains. It is given doses of mineral fertilizers, depending on the species composition of herbage. Pastures of intensive type provide feedreceiving containing 1 kg of dry weight of 0.9 1.0 k units. It is considered the principles of repair of sowing by herbage grasses (seeding dates, types of grasses, seeding rates). Costs of agricultural practices account - 35 units of money per hectare at a payback period of reception 1.3 years and cost 2535%.


152-160 173
T is considered in materials the main trends and results of studies of agroecological potential of soils as the basis for food and environmental security. It is also considered the problems of agriculture adapting to critical situations, the introduction of soil conservation technologies and scientific organization of the territory. It is analyzed aspects of the development of GIS and Internet technologies for the stabilization of the processes of land degradation and improvement in mapping. It is presented the results of studies of natural and anthropogenic stresses on soil properties and changes of their ecological functions, as well as preserving and enhancing natural soil fertility under stress.

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ISSN 2070-4828 (Print)