No 2 (2010)
5-18 192
Methodological principles of information system and environmentally sound decisions and assess the effectiveness of their implementation in the reclamation and crop production - GIS “Reclamation agricultural objects” are developed on the basis of system analysis.In detail the organization of storage of information on the structure, parameters, variables of processes, reclamation objects, methods and sources of information, including remote sensing and GPS surveys are presented. Levels of unified information system, the subjects forming them (agribusinesses, PMS, design institutes, the Ministry) are allocated. The principles of their information on the basis of automated aggregation on initial observation data are substantiated.
19-26 184
An algorithm of model analysis of reclamation design order was elaborated for coordination of reclamation components of pilot and working areas. This algorithm implements a condition of dynamic similarity and balancing of water schedule of soils of model and working areas. Components of reclamation design order of a working area pre water storage and reclamation rate are set by application of this model to the established reclamation order of a pilot area.
27-35 190
Study of periods of alluvial plain flooding and maximum levels of spring flood in different periods after land reclamation in Pripyat drainage basin. Reduction observed of periods of alluvial plain flooding in 1980 2009 period if compared to 1945 1970 period. Maximum levels of spring flood defined by observed curves of such levels show even lower values than the designed ones. These deviations may be explained by the fact that calculations done without considering regulating influence of soil aeration area after drainage and decrease of groundwaters.
36-43 176
Results of model calculations and field experiments on land drainage study in loamy soils. Functions with two parameters (sediments and soil moisture dependence of daily drainage) obtained while different agricultural application. Advisability of application of variable drainage limit for calculations improvement of reclaimed soils water balance.
44-52 158
Quantitative assessment of pumping volumes by water and wind from field surfaces of reclamation systems, its re-distribution and accumulation in open drainage system by application of the existing techniques and a developed one. Assessment of open reclamation system current state considering transportation duty of pumps. Complex impact of water, erosion and deflationary processes on components of open reclamation system.
53-60 197
Technologies of water duty management at drainage and dampering systems (DMS) are based on standard operations: opening or closing of backwater structure gates and water supply from outside systems with guaranteed dampening. Deviations include technological level of management decision making. Choice of technological level shall be carried out considering DMS resources. Assessment method of resources of reclamation drainage and dampening systems is offered for water duty management, as well as recommendations on choice of management of a technological level.
61-69 172
Results of calculations of key parametres for free surface curve for water stream at Svislochs cascade reservoirs considering maximum stream flow through water overflow. Assessment of interpositioning of adjacent hydrounits; conclusion most part of the reservoirs included into the cascade are located within an impact area of backwater curve. The results of the researche show that consequences of potential hydrodynamic failures are even more serious, if a free streambed area between water reservoirs is available, than if such failures happened in backwater due to water stream speed increase in such area.
70-77 154
Change of hydrological conditions of a reservoir results to a renewal of abrasion processes. To be able to forecast abrasion risks processes at lake water reservoirs, as well as water with alterations of hydrological order (water level increase), a mathematical model based on criteria of similarity was developed for forecasting of abrasion processes. Deviation of the forecast data from the actual one should not exceed 15-20%.
78-88 210
Approaches and principal technological schemes for maintenance and field operation of open drainage system. Groups of processing methods and measures for maintenance of open system, scaled by orientation of protection from detrimental effect of erosion processes on reclamation systems. Technical and economic comparison of various production technical modules for servicing of reclamation channels and its right frequency.
89-96 169
Estimation of operating conditions of absorbent wells filtering elements shown that for prevention of sedimentation in drainage overflow headers most hazardous periods are those of summer and autumn when storm rainfalls results into creation of land runoff and wash away of soil landscape. For specification of characteristics of extinguishing coupling of absorbent well, principal dependences according to calculations of land runoff volume and its flow speed generated during storm falls considering saturation capacity of the soil were stated. Sand-and gravel pits of Gluboksky region and Sennensky region served as an example for feasibility study of application of polyethylene fibrous filters in blind wells located below soil level providing that sand-and gravel silting fractions and small erosion particles (non-silting) are not spilt through filter cells.
97-103 198
Described features of strike cutting machines operation when cutting and crushing of solid stem weeds, new improvements of its cutterbar unit, theoretical justification of a choice of knife parameters for suspension members of cutterbar units, technical and economic indexes of cutting machines application in agriculture and reclamation.
104-108 180
Results of research on improvement of water duty and efficiency increase of mineral soils at Poozerie lands by soil slitting. It was shown, that soil slitting of the drained light loam soils stimulates increase of drainage flow layer 1.2 1.5 times, as well as increase of cultivated cultures crop capacity for 10-25%. The most effect is observed at soil slitting according to a hybrid scheme: crop capacity of spring coleseed oil seeds increased by 5.1 kintal /hectares (25.4%), and winter wheat crop capacity increased by 5.2 kintal /hectares (10.6%). As soil slitting, tillage and moling are typical measures, it is advisable to perform tillage and moling according to a hybrid scheme.
109-122 204
Here are given the results of the study of peat soils organic substance structure with various peat ash contents. Contents of active organic substance and carbon of microbial biomass in peat boggy soil with 20% peat ash contents is 3.0 3.5 and 1.6 1.8 times higher correspondingly, than thus in peaty gley soil with 70% peat ash content.At peat boggy soil with low peat ash content 137Cs transition into hay is min. 14 times higher than at peaty gley soil with 70% peat ash content. Application of fertilizers at peat boggy soil reduces 137Cs transition factor 4.7 6.4 times if compared to peaty gley soil (2.1 4.7 times). Close positive interconnection between 137Сs transition factors from soil into plants and organic carbon soil contents, absolute contents of potentially mineralized carbon and mineralization degree.
123-128 183
Results of perennial field researches on efficiency studying of stimulation measures for winter triticale cultivation at anthropogenically transformed peat soils. It was stated, that the highest level of system efficiency (63.2$ / hectare) and profitability (13.8%) obtained after application of P80K120N'60 and application of additional nitrogen fertilizing (N30) combined with growth retardant (Terpal) at the beginning of booting phase. Application of additional stimulation measures for winter triticale cultivation at more favorable weather conditions for vegetation is even more economically justified.
129-138 242
Reasons analyzed of environmental pollution reasons by liquid organic fertilizers, recommendations given on improvement of soils, water and plant ecological condition in operational area of large intensive livestock units. Efficiency assessment of application of liquid manure processed in biogas units. Attention is paid to inadmissibility of application of excess doses of liquid organic fertilizers when cultivation of perennial grasses.
139-147 165
Application of hydrocrop technology is possible and is of great importance for fine grained coleseed crop. Sprouts of coleseed have appeared earlier, and developed faster, which is a result of soil moisture sufficiency, heavily needed for coleseed especially during germination period. During hydrocrop coleseed ripened faster, than traditionally. Crop was 10% higher than traditionally. Practical application justifies efficiency of hydrocrop application.
148-155 172
Leguminous crops according to its nitrogen-fixing activity possess the following indexes (stated in decreasing order): haying agrocoenosis-birdsfoot deer vetch, broad-leaved clover, and Lucerne; pascual agrocoenosis - white sweet clover, and lucern. Lucerne, awnless brome and birdsfoot deer vetch intensively accumulated phenols and free amino acids in rhizosphere, thus determining high soil allelopathic activity in its rhizosphere and influencing to some extent nitrogen-gathering activity of leguminous crops when these cultures included into grass mixtures. Amid reclamated soddy - podzolic soils during haying Lucerne and birdsfoot deer vetch had the highest level of nitrogen-gathering activity. Intensity of broad-leaved clover nitrogen-gathering activity in 3-4 times lower. Application of plant formation (2 and 4-cutting) did not influence intensity of symbiotic nitrogen-gathering activity of Lucerne plants.
156-162 198
Results of quadrennial investigation on history of botanical compound of heteromature plant formations in haying and rotation grazing system. It was revealed, that combined application of plant formations stimulates increase of crop specific weight of high and semi high grasses (by 10.9 12.4%), broad leaved clover (by 12.3 20.2%), as well and facilitates decrease of weed infestation by herbs and inferior wild growing grasses (1.3 3.0 times). At the same time decrease is observed if compared to pasturable application of lower cauline-leaves grasses specific weight (by 14.5%).
163-169 194
Due to perennial observations of agrocenological plants of meadow agricultural ecosystems researches managed to estimate life length of ontogenetic groups during control and fertilization phase. Analysis of the data obtained shown, that, irrespective of the experiments, life length of middle-aged and old generative ontogenetic groups of agrocenological plants in both experiments was identical and accounted to 48 months. Ontogenetic structure and density of dominating species are very informative data with a possibility of further predictions for existence of grass species at sown meadow.
170-177 245
Results of reclamation influence study on hayfields and pastures in Belarus and Ukraine. Influence of recla-mation on botanical compound, crop capacity of grass and leguminous grass plant formation dry mass, efficiency of fertilizers application, and eatability of pasturable feed. Most effective was reclamation including irrigation while decrease of pre-reclamation humidity of light soils to 80%НВ, design layer: 0-60 cm. Spray irrigation with pre-set irrigation periods according to weather data (considering average indexes of relative humidity, air temperature and rainfall during corresponding period) is comparable to spray irrigation pre-set irrigation periods according to soil moisture and the same irrigation rate provides similar results for crop capacity of grass plant formations, and irrigation water spending. However, establishment of pre-set irrigation periods according to weather data is characterised by smaller labour input.
178-191 200
Intensive technologies developed for wild hooved animals cultivation in Slutsk region, and recultivation of deserted agrocoenosis at peat soils made for the purpose of additional fertilizing of game animals. These measures allowed to recover wild hooved animals populations and attract red deers; hoofed animals are feed at 5,000 forest hectares. New high technologies permitted to achieve the greatest possible outcome (number of species at 1,000 forest hectares); and total density of hoofed animals population many times exceeded average indexes for Belarus; pasture burden of hoofed animals has considerably decreased for agricultural lands.
V. K. Pavlovsky,
V. V. Grakun,
V. M. Burdyko,
P. I. Burdyk,
F. I. Privalov,
P. P. Vasko,
S. V. Аbraskova,
V. G. Samosuk,
V. P. Tchebotarеv,
I. M. Labotsky,
N. K. Vakhonin,
A. S. Meerovsky,
A. L. Birukovich
192-215 224
Describe basic processing methods and current maintenance of forage conservation including perennial grasses and silage cultures. When examining technologies of hay, haylage and silo conservation special attention is paid to quality of grass feed, in particular, to preservative agent application. Here presented a history of chemical compound of principal species of perennial grasses by vegetation phases, and impact of grass harvesting at different evolution phases on nutrients contents and energy value of feeds. Indexes of grassy feed potential loss shown during harvesting and storage. System of cars and mechanisms for grass harvesting and forage conservation produced by national and foreign manufactures within good agronomical terms is presented as well.
ISSN 2070-4828 (Print)