
Land Reclamation

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No 2 (2009)


5-21 179
Questions of the task of the border conditions are considered in detail in article at modeling reclamative agricultural objects by differential equations in quotient derived. There are considered particularities each of subsystems and corresponding to them types of the border conditions on internal border of different types water flow contact, as well as input influences on external border from the external ambience.
22-29 251
Existing approaches in substantiation of cost efficiency of complex meliorations do not consider the ecological factors to proper extent, that can cause its’ overestimation. The priority should be given to ecological factor (minimization of negative impact on the environment) at maximum possible productivity of agro landscape. The models and methods developed to substantiate ecological-and-economical efficiency of complex meliorations allow giving scientific grounds for adequate complex melioration impacts, including agrochemical, agro-forestry engineering, hydro engineering meliorations, proportions of agricultural lands and biological diversity of the land area with a view of formation the sustainable and productive agro landscapes.
30-41 160
Examined: Rate calculation on crests of weir-openings of drowned polders at arrangement of weir-openings at upper, lower transverse and middle part of longitudinal embankment. Stated: Dependences for approximate calculation of dynamics of levels in drowned polder and rates at weir-opening crest during flood. Proposals are given regarding the procedure of structural design of drowned polder, resistant to washout during flood.
42-50 168
Method of physical modeling is accepted as a basis for hydrostatic test of spillway dam of Grodno NPP. The scale of modeling is defined as 1:72. It is stated that designed flood discharge of 3% occurrence passes through 0. 45 m higher than normative headwater level (NHL), and verifying flood discharge of 0.5% occurrence is 0.67 m higher than maximum flood level (MFL). To avoid ice cake stroke against overflow surface of the dam and baffle weir structures of downstream pool, passing of ice cakes is to be started when elevation of water in downstream pool equals 98.0 m, that corresponds to 960 m3/s. of throughput discharge.
51-58 170
Methods of integral assessment of reclaimed lands is presented, by using various factors with due consideration of technical and melioration condition. The main objects of situation analysis on reclaimed lands аnd for carrying out of operational works are defined - element of melioration system and maintenance section. Key indices, characterizing technical condition of reclaimed lands are defined. Numerical values formula for each index are given. Method of their categorizing is proposed, which allows defining the order of carrying out operational works on reclaimed lands. Application of proposed methods will allow planning and exercising complex repair-and-operational works on melioration systems, providing the most effective utilization of resources, allocated for repair-andoperational works and agro reclamation measures.
59-63 232
Main trends in reconstruction of melioration systems on lands with worked-out peat swamps are presented and the most effective measures in these conditions are put forward - excavation of selective plastic drainage with water absorbing elements. . Parameters of constructive elements of drainage are recommended. Effect of upsilting degree of drainage on reduction of its discharge capacity is marked. Requirements for construction technology of closed drainage are stated with due consideration of soil humidity degree. Characteristics and conditions of application of new materials and devices are given.
64-73 193
New algorithm of calculating the cost efficiency of reconstruction of melioration systems is proposed. Difference of cadastral valuations before and after reconstruction is used to calculate growth of useful properties of land area. Additional profit from reconstruction is defined by using correlation of integrated score with net profit received.Necessity to introduce changes in methods of cadastral valuation is grounded and algorithm of calculating the coefficient of meliorative state is proposed.
74-81 204
It is found that treatment works of agriproduct processing plant have treated surface discharges from oil products in the best possible way (by 97%). Amount of Ntotal in biological treatment ponds reduced by 27%, and ammonia N - by 45%. There was no effect from nitrate and nitrite treatment, because concentration of these elements was very low in rainfall run-offs. The water was drained clean into environment; concentration of chemicals in treated surface (rainfall) run-offs was below permissible level by 2-21 times.
82-87 198
Analysis of functioning conditions of ameliorative systems, which effect the hibernation of winter crops and perennial grasses, was carried out. Possibility of ground water table control in polder systems with pump water drain closer to the surface, than it is required according to condition of preventing heaving of soil, was considered. It was demonstrated that higher position of ground water tables during no vegetation period, from one side, aggravates hibernation conditions and results in increasing the danger of soil heaving, from the other side it reduces the danger of crops losses from blowout and enables saving of energy, required for pumping out of water.
88-93 196
Presented: Engineering performance data of aggregate prototype model to perform package of works for maintenance (whitewashing and painting of waterworks; lifting and lowering of flood gates-regulators; hydroseeding of grasses; formation of holes in toes for staking during consolidation of soil reclamation canals; mouth cleaning of drains and trays; cleaning of drain pits; washing of works before painting) and the main results of acceptance test. Positive results, achieved during test, allow launching “AUG-3” aggregate for production.
94-105 185
Data on procurement of the Republic of its’ own energy resources is given and perspectives of their utilization. Problem issues are considered, related to achieving high energy efficiency of firewood utilization at various technologies of incineration. Experience and possibilities of the Republic are generalized in chipping operation and waste wood processing into fuel chips, re-equipping of the operating fuel plants for effective incineration of fuel wood. Possibilities of ameliorative industry are demonstrated and reasons, restraining utilization of wood-and-shrub vegetation, removed from canal sides as fuel, as well.
106-118 183
Investigation of applied in industry and experimental design of inverted drainage wells were conducted for 27 years in field conditions at reclamation objects of Vitebsk oblast. As a part of the investigation the main design and operational drawbacks were found, design faults and reasons, causing their inefficient operation.It is proposed to make inventory of inverted drainage wells on ameliorative systems with the aim of their modernization or replacement of obsolete design by more advanced one. On the base of laboratory and field study of experimental designs, standard project decisions were developed of lightweight inverted drainage wells for various soil-and-reclamation conditions of reclamation objects.
119-125 198
Immitation of irregularities of macrorelief by echelon-type, spaced apart, hinged aggregate is provided by length regulation of top links of front and back mounted tools. At this, the limiting corrections are spread in time, that enables one hydraulic liquid vessel to be used for both regulating systems. If regulation is not available, aggregate doesn’t provide cultivation according to agrotechnical requirements while traveling to a slope. It is possible to regulate the length of top links in advance to prevent different while traveling on slope. Top link of the front mounted device is to be extended by 6 mm at 5° slope, and top link of back mounted device is to be shortened by 10 mm.
126-132 168
In this article main parameters are given, which are to be considered at operational tillage of soil, i.e. density, moisture content and category of soil, type of soil by grain size composition and depth of tillage.Short technical characteristics and structural schemes are given for RPP-50 plow soil ripper and КЛЗ-20 ripper’s equipment, designed at RUP «Institute of Amelioration».
133-140 248
Biological drainage (forest planting, perennial grasses (Lucerne and others) with deep root system (2-4 m and above), main crops (e.g. wheat, cotton plant and others) embrace leakage and ground waters and utilize them for transpiration. Due to this the level of ground water comes down, ground water rise and salt build-up in active layer are reduced. Biodrainage, as against artificial drainage and antifiltration measures, requires low capital investments, softens microclimate, protects crops seeds from harmful effect of dry winds, reduces evaporation from water surface and lowers wind speed over the surface of soil.
141-146 164
Mathematical models are developed for crop yield forecasting. Calculated values and actual data have quite satisfactory convergence and after carrying out adaptive study they can be applied in different countries. Scenarios «Variations of water volumes between crops», «Variations of crops’ areas» and «Variations of water volumes and crops’ areas» were developed, in which perspectives of distribution of water and land resources in water user associations for in time correction of water consumption plans and performing monitoring in farms and dekhane (peasants) households are taken into consideration. For the programs to be realized, it is necessary to determine exact market value, amount of water resources and sufficient number of water meters.


147-152 198
50 years after drainage of peat bed a tendency to reduction of organic matters and carbon content in its’ upper layer was found out. Content of iron, calcium and nitrogen is also reduced. In peat soil, used in agriculture, content of phosphorus, potassium, calcium and magnesium in 0-20 s layer, as well as in 21-40 sm layer, is increased (as compared to wild lands), and correlation of С/N practically is not changed. Due to long time agricultural application, mineralization of organic matters in peat and smacking of undersoil transformation of chemical composition occurs: content of chemical elements is reduced in top soil as well as in subsurface layers, correlation of С/N is sky-rocketing, approaching the values, peculiar for area sod-podzol soils. Intensity of transformation of quantitative and qualitative chemical content of peat soils is enhanced in case of saturation of crop area by tiller crops.
153-159 235
Inoculation of lupine seeds by sapronite preparation, stock culture of legume bacteria R. lupini 1422, while growing pure, provided yield increase of green fodder on the level of 7.5 c/ha. Bacterization of seeds of leguminous component in composition of binary mixture with oak of Asilak grade is non-effective due to raise of oak competitiveness and reduction of lupine competitiveness. At this competitiveness grow of oak plants in agrophytocenosis was observed not only due to application of biologically assimilated nitrogen, but also due to application of mineral nitrogen.
160-168 217
Investigations in conditions of Belarus Poozerye revealed advantage of corn productivity compared to Lucerne. As for collection of crude protein quite inverse dependence was observed: for Lucerne this index changed within limits of 19.6-20.7 c, for corn - 18.4-18.7 c/ha. It was found that to reach balance in digestible protein of green materials of corn with productivity 194 c/hа of c. un., it is required above two hectares of Lucerne planting with yield level of 86 c/hа of c. un. Comparative analysis has also shown that corn is better to be fed to dairy cows. At this, cost-efficiency reaches 21.7-38.1. And on the contrary, feeding of cattle stock by corn appeared to be loss making. In summing up expenses and earnings from milk and meat realization, cost-efficiency changes within limits of 1.1-15.1%.
169-175 146
Complex methods were developed for expediency consideration of measures for deep loosening, exercised with the aim to provide required water proofing of soil profile. The methods enable selection of required parameters of loosening, i.e.: depth of loosening and distance between passages of working elements of ripper, and also assess dynamics of changing the filtration coefficients during years after the above measures and to determine periodicity of deep loosening.


176-181 160
Results of investigations are given in productivity of mixed plantings and quality of silages from corn with protein rich crops. It was found that usage of corn silage with protein rich crops enables increase of milk-yields by 4.46-4.85%. Economic effect per one cow during testing period has made 806-864 thousand rubles.
182-187 186
Botanical composition and productive longevity of meadow grass swards in many aspects is defined by modes of their usage. It is expedient to apply combined modes of usage by years (browsing - semination triplemowing - doublemowing - browsing), this has positive effect on yield, and also reduces the percentage of unplanted gramenious crops and motley grass. Combine modes are particularly important for peat soils, more subjected to trampling. The given system will contribute to preserving organic matters of peat soils.
188-195 171
Results of three-years field studies are presented, carried out at peat-sand soil complexes of Polesye. Assessment of efficiency is given for growing quite a number of feeding crops: corn, cereals, millet, lupine and perennial legume grasses. Data of their productivity is presented depending on fertilization programs. Economic feasibility of their growing has been assessed. Crop rotations, which could be realized on stationary basis are proposed, and also models of crop successions, including a set of feed crops; economic evaluation of their realization are given. Investigations have shown that crop rotations and/or crop successions, adapted to hydrological and agrochemical properties of peat-sand soil complexes, will allow increasing of productivity of given complexes up to 90 cc. un./ha and get fodders, balanced in protein.
196-202 227
Results of study are stated for application effect of various methods of presowing cultivation of soil on yield level of blue lupine seeds of Pershatsvet grade, carried out in field trials on sod-podzol clay sand soils. Positive effect is found of using combined aggregate in system of presowing cultivation of soil, providing yield level of blue lupine above 30 c/ha and cost effectiveness of its usage - 73%.


203-213 182
Presented: Characteristics of hydrological regime of mineral soils of Belarus Poozerye and the main agro reclamation measures, aimed at increasing water proof of cohesive soils and acceleration of water accumulation in root layer; descriptions of devices for exercising agro reclamation measures; technological features of exercising agro reclamation measures; economic efficiency of application water accumulation on slopes.

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