
Land Reclamation

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No 2 (2008)


5-22 151
Are considered: methodological principles of the organization of system of agro-ecology-meliorative monitoring for a supply with information of decision-making at all stages of life cycle of meliorative agricultural objects. Ways of fixing of data transmission and their storage are classified and analysed. Questions of creation of information system for storage and data processing of monitoring are stated.
23-34 186
The maximum improvement of efficiency of the agricultural ameliorative complex of Belarus is achieved provided the scope of repair-and-operation works (costs of their performance) correspond to the achieved productivity of the lands ameliorated. The more efficient is the agricultural production of the landowner, the higher shall be the quality of the recommended water regime of the soils ameliorated.
35-42 212
The investigation of the experimental absorbing columns at the ameliorative objects of the Vitebsk Region has shown no wettings in the depressions. There are no overwetted areas on the territories adjacent to the structures; the crops on such areas are in satisfactory condition. It has been ascertained that the filling of the working area of filtering in the central zone of the top element with sand-gravel mixture has actually no topsoil admixture that is confirmed by the analysis of the granulometric compositions of the samples taken. The basic mixing of the sandgravel mixture with the topsoil takes place over the contour of the top element to the depth of not more than 10 cm. The obtained results lead to the conclusion on the efficiency and sufficient reliability of the operation of the absorbing columns КПФ-1, КПФ-2 and КПФ-3.
43-49 195
As the drainage area is expanded with reduction of the drainage density, it is necessary to improve the efficiency of the measures for withdrawal of the surface flow. The investigations of the technical conditions of the surface-flow absorbing wells in the drained lands of Lithuania, conditions of inflow of the surface water to the absorbing wells and degree of silting of the inlet holes are evidence of the tendency of increase of the fault rate due to insufficient care when operating the absorbing wells. The retention of the surface flow in a number of closed depressions of the relief can be considered a water-protective measure and reduce the pollution of the surface waters from the agricultural fields.
50-58 160
The investigation of the experimental absorbing columns at the ameliorative objects of the Vitebsk Region has shown no wettings in the depressions. There are no overwetted areas on the territories adjacent to the structures; the crops on such areas are in satisfactory condition. It has been ascertained that the filling of the working area of filtering in the central zone of the top element with sand-gravel mixture has actually no topsoil admixture that is confirmed by the analysis of the granulometric compositions of the samples taken. The basic mixing of the sandgravel mixture with the topsoil takes place over the contour of the top element to the depth of not more than 10 cm. The obtained results lead to the conclusion on the efficiency and sufficient reliability of the operation of the absorbing columns КПФ-1, КПФ-2 and КПФ-3.
59-70 159
The criterial values of the risk-forming factors and assessment of the probability of appearance of strong wind and various-probability wave height have been stated. The calculation of the wave height with the probability of 1 and 5 per cent has been performed with the use of different techniques as well as their comparative analysis in test water bodies of the complex and ameliorative purpose has been presented. The coefficient taking into account the prevailing wind direction to the orientation of the waterfront of the water-engineering systems has been obtained. The analytical model for determining the fetch and the coefficient taking into account the prevailing wind direction has been given.
71-81 202
The new method for processing the experimental data of the artificial rain has been proposed. The peculiarity of this method consists in accounting the nearest points of measuring the rain in the reverse dependence on the distance to them. The mathematical model is algorithmized; the Dozhd computer program making it possible to perform the mathematical processing of the experimental data and issue the result in both numerical and graphical form has been developed on the basis of the proposed algorithm.
82-91 181
The key approaches to performing the analysis of the condition and use of the ameliorated lands for the tasks of planning the repairing and operation measures with the account of productivity of the lands have been stated. The variant of analysis of the ameliorative condition of the agricultural lands on the basis of several groups of factors (such as ameliorative, landand nature ones) has been considered. The analyzed information is sufficient for both the monitoring of ameliorated lands and planning the expenses for their operation. The assessment of the lands is presented on the example of the administrative district. The data for analysis was acquired according to the materials of statistical reporting of the Republic of Belarus.
92-98 161
The technique for construction of the typical hydrographs of the spring and rain floods has been presented. The effect of the tested conveyance on the duration of the flood and impoundment of the agricultural lands, delay of performing the spring field works, harvesting conditions, terms of sawing the winter crops, etc. that conditions the damages to the agricultural production are determined by the hydrological calculations. The conveyance is determined by the ordinary methods of hydraulics. It is recommended to determine the characteristics of the water regime causing the damages according to the design hydrographs constructed according to the watercourse analogues of regional belonging with long-term periods of observations after performing the ameliorative construction. Such an approach makes it possible to take into account the local conditions to the maximum extent and refuse the sophisticated calculations of the nonstationary waterflow in canals.
99-104 170
The results of the laboratory tests of various samples of needle-punched fabric manufactured from the waste of artificial fur production are presented. The filtration characteristics of the fabric are determined for the purpose of use for protecting the drainage against silting: filtration coefficients and mudding degree. The tests have shown that the filtration and physical-and-mechanical characteristics of this filtering material allow it to be used in the ameliorative construction for protecting the raining against silting in cohesionless soil with the iron content in underground waters of not more than 2 mg/l.
105-110 162
The results of calculations of the economic efficiency of the use of the bush vegetation from slopes and berms of the ameliorative canals for fuel and energy purposes has been presented. The two variants of disposal of bushes are considered: burning and conversion into fuel chips. The calculations show that the expenses for disposal of bushes by conversion into chips at the current procurement prices are 2.1 times lower than the expenses for the traditional burning technology. Under the conditions emerging, the most expedient is the utilization of chips as alternative fuel for replacing residual fuel oil and domestic stove fuel.


111-117 194
The problem of optimization of agricultural crops accommodation on fields of their cultivation is considered and formalized. Cultures are placed is extremely adapted for properties of fields, simultaneously there is an optimum distribution of means between factors which influence a crop. Program realization of algorithms is carried out and used as function of the purpose for profit. Program realization is executed for cases of a linear and nonlinear kind of dependence of a crop from factors.
118-130 150
The results of investigations for determining the regularities of the influence of the mineral nutrition regime and hydrothermal conditions of vegetation on the photosynthetic activities, formation of the components of productivity for each stage of organogenesis of plants and productivity of the spring triticale. The optimum parameters of the components of the production process and norms of the nutrition, water and temperature regimes ensuring the obtaining of productivity of 50-60 centners/ha are presented.
131-141 184
The field experiments have shown that the best conditions for growth and development of the majority of the investigated agricultural crops are created on the bottom elements of the relief, where the soils are characterized by increased content of humus and nitrogen. However, the productivity of leguminous crops is often reduced at the foot due to overwetting. It has been ascertained that, for the purpose of increasing the efficiency of nitrogen fertilizers, the doses of their application at the top of the slope shall be increased by at least 20-30% relatively to the bottom elements of the relief. The deficiency of contents of individual microelements, first of all, copper, zinc and manganese in the harvest of the crops grown on such lands. The content of heavy metal cadmium in the plants causes no special concerns on the background of the mineral and organic fertilizers applicable in field experiments.
142-153 173
The development of the fodder-production system on the anthropogenically converted peat complexes of Polesye based on the optimization of the species composition of the fodder crops, complex application of the intensification means and accounting of the peculiarities of the water regime is being performed. At the present time, the signs and criteria of formation of the efficient structure of the species composition of the fodder crops are determined. The discretization of the agricultural areas according to the natural characteristics of the soils and their water and agrochemical properties has been proposed. It is recommended to choose the species composition of the fodder crops with the account of the economical characteristics of the crops and farm’s need for fodders. The proposed complex approach makes it possible to use the drained peat and sand soil complexes of Polesye.
154-162 200
The data for determining the humidity of stable wilting of grain crops on today’s peat soils of Polesye has been presented. The dependences of the stable wilting humidity values on the organic substance content and bulk density of the soils have been ascertained. No considerable dependence of the stable wetting humidity on the terms of agricultural use and degree of automorphy of the soils. To obtain the comprehensive assessment, it is necessary to assess the stable wilting humidity value jointly with total water capacity. For this purpose, it is necessary to determine the capillary water capacity of the root layer of all the objects under investigation with reduced groundwater levels (>1.5 m) corresponding to dry periods.


163-170 175
The long-term investigations have shown the high stability of meadow plant stands on peat soils and capability of maintenance of the productive longevity without reseeding for at least 20 years. Among perennial grain grasses, awnless brome, common foxtail and smooth meadow grass are featured by the greatest adaptive potential. The systematic application of mineral fertilizers is a guarantor of high productivity of the pastoral plant stands on peat soils, evenness of the harvest formation by year and pasturing cycle. At the high level of productivity of peat soils, the application of mineral fertilizers ensures its growth 1.7-2.5 times. Here, from 54.2 to 77.3 per cent of the growth is caused by the nitrogen fertilizers and the compensation of one kilogram of the active substance by the growth in the yield is 16.8-23.3 kg of the dry substance.
171-177 162
The results of the field experiments with leguminous and grain plant stands on the sod-podzol soils are stated. The influence of the doses of nitrogen fertilizers on the productivity and species composition of the plant stands for various methods of use of the meadows has been considered. The influence of the nitrogen dressing on the condition of the leguminous and grain plant stands for various terms of performing such dressing has been shown. The data showing the dynamics of varying the content of creeping trefoil and meadow clover in the plant stands in both the haying and grazing use has been presented.
178-182 214
The main productivity factors for homotypical and mixed sowing of bird’s-foot with blue lupine. The mixed sowing exceeded the homotypical one in respect of the productivity of herbage by 49.5%, dry substance - by 56.9% and output of fodder unit - by 31.6% from a hectare. The provision of one fodder unit with raw protein was 218 and that of pure bird’s-foot was 185 g. Depending on the preservation method, the nutritional value of silage was 0.85 fodder units and 10.5 MJ of metabolizable energy in one kilogram of dry substance for the mixture of bird’s-foot with blue lupine with the provision of one fodder unit with digestible protein of 169 g.
183-188 167
Reed Canary Grass (Digraphus antndinacea) has the genetically conditioned winter resistance, which depends inter alia on the weather conditions and frequency of alienation of the top. The plant groups have different resistance to cold in comparison with the mid-ripening and late-ripening groups. The comparison of the group of sort samples in respect of resistance to cold in case of haying use and for seeding purposes has made it possible to reveal the best sorts in each group as well as to determine the influence of this factor for other signs and properties being valuable for the economy. The research has ascertained that the sort-samples from Karelia, Sverdlovsk, Murmansk and Vologda Regions had the best resistance to cold.
189-198 190
The data about the influence of irrigation with livestock waste on the fertility of the soil, variation in its agrochemical and hydrophysical properties, quality of the harvest of perennial grasses and economic assessment of growing the perennial grasses on the irrigated agricultural fields has been presented. The investigations have ascertained that the manure flows are valuable source of feeding the nutrient element to the soil. Their application increases the fertility and content of the mobile forms of nitrogen, phosphor and potassium, reduces the soil acidity and increases the fertility of perennial grasses. In case of long-term application of manure flows, the soil is overcon-solidated, therefore the complex of measures for eliminating this negative phenomenon is required.


199-205 156
The results of three-year investigations for studying the expense structure and efficiency of growing the differently-ripening pasture plant stands in the haylandand pasture-turnover system has shown that the grass mixtures ensure the greatest output of fodder units being 7.8 to 11.4 tons per hectare with the profitability level of 105.8314.3% in case of alternating use. The most expensive links in the technology of growing the plant stands in the haylandand pasture-turnover system are costs of fertilizers, energy carriers plant-protection means, the share of which in the total scope of expenses is 80.8-87.5%.
206-214 198
The relative humification coefficient (polyphenol oxidase to peroxidase activity ratio) of the anthropogenically converted peat-sand complexes of Polesye has been measured. It has been ascertained that the maximum humification coefficient is observed in case of application of manure and full fertilizer for maize, spring triticale and mixture of Austrian winter pea and oat as well as phosphor-potassium fertilizer for perennial grasses. The fodder crops are featured by the maximum productivity of the fodder crops. The soil treatment, application of fertilizers and growing the fodder crops caused the alteration of the biochemical soil processes: strengthened the processes catalyzed by hydrolases (invertase, urease, phosphatase) and reduced the activity of polyphenol oxidase.


215-220 176
The technology of interplanting the perennial leguminous and grain grasses into turf including the assessment of the plant standing condition, selection of the species of perennial grasses and norms of their interplanting; list of basic operations and machinery for interplanting and content of the works for care of the plant stands after interplanting is stated. The data about the economic efficiency of interplanting the grasses into turf is presented.



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ISSN 2070-4828 (Print)