
Land Reclamation

Advanced search
No 1 (2008)


5-13 167
Developed: scale of complex assessment of drainage and watering works resources provided groundwater level control enabling to realize in full measure the resources of soil water state settlement in drainage regions and to select the priority technology of control; drainage and watering works arrangement procedure for operational management and control of water regime of reclaimed areas. The procedure not only defines the priorities, but also makes it possible to perform most efficiently the distribution of assigned investments, even if they are not sufficient for total reconstruction of all reclamation works. The suggested arrangement including design stages and practical realization of the project makes it possible to realize most efficiently on practice the procedures for water regime control of drained areas developed by the Institute of Land Improvement.
14-25 199
Examined: Methods of remote sensing of the Earth and commercial satellites with parameters available for investigation of the state of reclamation works. Given: two main groups of tasks being perspective for application of data of remote sensing of the Earth for reclamation works, evaluation of need to carry out damage control works or reconstruction; active efficiency assessment of agricultural utilization of drained areas. Given: assessment of possible technical parameters of survey that may be quite effective for solution of specific reclamation tasks. Given: an example of search of archival pictures with high and medium image resolution aimed to investigation of wettings on a certain area.
26-35 177
Presented: systematic approaches on quantitative estimation of loads entering into the open landreclamation system. Revealed: regularities of transformation of bed and hydraulic conditions of open landreclamation system with respect to time and space. Stated: problems of complex influence of water-erosive and deflationary processes onto the elements of open land-reclamation system.
36-43 177
Stated: features of drainage work in cohesive soils. Given: characteristics of processes and effects con-nected with physical and mechanical properties of clay soils. Shown: function of protective-filter materials in drainage work. Presented: analytic dependences for estimation of drainage parameters in cohesive soils with respect to imperfection of absorbing wells and contact strength structures. Assigned: water intake power of absorbing wells in cohesive soils can be increased with the use of depth filters. At drainage reconstruction it is recommended to use plastic pipes with the area of water intake holes being no less than 20 cm2/m.
44-51 196
Procedure from the Manual П1-98 to СНиП 2.06.03-85 is inapplicable for analysis of standard columnabsorbers. Suggested: new principal analytical models of improved design. Based on the analysis of hydrodynamic systems for principal models of various design of column-absorbers developed: estimated dependences by evaluation of their hydraulic performance.
52-57 245
Determined: process approach to local irrigation of high areas at land-reclamation irrigation on shallow-lying peatbogs. Presented: technical characteristics, connection diagrams and principle of operation of up-to-date equipment for irrigation of vegetable crops with the use of mobile drum-hose plants and systems of drip irrigation. Suggested: machines system for process of irrigation of crops in the open soil including also self-contained mobile diesel station and field quick-dismountable pipe-line 1200 m long.
58-69 190
In article is realized the conclusion of formulae for calculation of layer drain work. There are received de-pendencies for calculation of pressure losses, as well as inflowing and water flow in layer drain with provision for water motion in it with variable mass. Dependencies provide the possibility of account drainage action of layer drain at calculation reclamation systems parameter when designing reconstruction.


70-74 194
Investigation of effect of machine and tractor aggregates running systems to mineral soils in typical for the Republic of Belarus conditions made it possible to establish the regularities of change in density of sabulous and loamy soil on sod and broken areas depending on the number of runs of wheeled and crawler tractors. Obtained: experimental data about the influence of consolidation and thinning of soil to crop-producing power of potatoes, beet and maize.
75-83 168
The study of cultivation and repartition of soil with knives mounted at the edge of bars showed that cultivation depth is adjusted within 0.15-0.30 m by setting sealing and supporting rollers for required height relatively the cutters or with replacement of knives. The surface of sealing roller may be designed smooth or corrugated so enabling to create special lengthwise furrows at soil consolidation providing for the improvement of uniform distribution of seeds and fertilizers at succeeding working operations. Loosened strips have trapeziform section with small lower base. Unprocessed strips between the loosened strips keep soil from sliding to the channel bed. Trapeziform sections of unprocessed balks increase their strength.
84-90 196
Carried out: investigation of the process of interaction of mobile machine wheeled mover with peat soil.Assigned: dependencies enabling to define thereat the resistance to movement and the depth of track


91-99 183
In the article presents methods of shaping the problem of agro-enterprise agricultural use optimization: accommodation of cultures on fields and choice of plant growing intensities. There are analysis is made and different variants of the problem optimization shaping are given on the type of criteria, restrictions, used dependencies of the harvest and expenses from harvest forming factors value.
100-110 158
In the article are analysed and received formulae for calculation of the number of experience variants forreception dependencies to productivities from harvest forming factors, necessary number of fields and number of years for their undertaking.
111-119 191
Analyzed: water demand of spring triticale during the period of vegetation on peat-mineral soil in 20012005. Demonstrated: total water demand as a complex characteristic of heat and water provision for the period of vegetation in Polessie can be used as a factor of influence to productivity of spring crops. Given: dependences of spring crops productivity on research field from total precipitation during the period of vegetation, described: tendencies observed in long-term series of precipitation and temperature of Polessie station.
120-126 167
Given: The characteristic of drainage soils after the reconstruction of reclamation works. Stated: basic meliorative and agrotechnical techniques on their amelioration and involvement into intensive agricultural use. Shown: their cost efficiency.
127-137 195
Presented: data on fermentative activity of investigated long-arable peatbog soil (during 30-450 years). Shown: efficiency of using qualitative parameters of fermentative activity for evaluation of biochemical processes that occur in peat and postpeat soils of various terms of reclamation and agrticultural utilization. Presented: dependences of fermentative activities (hydrolase and oxidoreductase) of the content of organic matter, movable forms of phosphorus and nitrates, the depth of soil profile. Activity of enzymes is one of perspective factors of the processes of peatbog transformation enabling to reflect longevity of utilization accompanied by preservation of productivity. Provided reasonable agricultural utilization of reclaimed postpeat soils (cautious cultivation, best combination of organic, macroand micro-fertilizers, selection of crops) these soils may be used over a very long period of time.
138-144 211
Performed: comparative study of adaptability parameters of various sorts of winter ryes, which passed official tests in 2003-2005. Disclosed: specific reaction of separate sorts in dynamics of this very property.
145-150 165
Investigated: under the conditions of Belarussian Pooserie site the influence of hydrothermal state to cropproducing power of winter wheat on drained and undrained mineral soils and determined: optimum land conditions of its growth. Confirmed: appropriateness of using hydrothermal factor for description of connection between agrometeorological conditions and crop-producing power.
151-158 188
Studied: agrochemical features of drained sod-gleyey soil depending on the longevity of agricultural utilization. Ascertained: positive effect of reclamation onto the content of movable forms of P2O5 and K2O, though their total reserves have not been practically changed. In comparison with undrained areas here is observed intensification of the processes of nitrification, that is especially expressed during the years with elevated atmospheric precipitation per vegetation period. At the same time the tendency of descent of total content of calcium in the topsoil is observed in the drained area that stipulated some decrease of pH salt extraction. Thereat no particular distinctions by experiments versions with respect to heavy metals are revealed.


159-166 181
The process of variation of species composition of sowed meadows on drained peat and mineral soils is determined by: ecobiological characteristics of sowed grasses, soil crop-producing power, weather-climatic conditions. In the process of syngenesis homotypical seedings of bent-grass under study turn to multitypical ones with a definite floristic composition which corresponds to conditions of the given ecotope. On mineral soils during 6 years the stability of rootstock grasses, such as painted grass and meadow foxtail, is to a great extent higher than loosebunch grasses, such as meadow fescue and cocksfoot. Under the conditions of peat soil the highest stability in cenosis are characterized plants of cocksfood which may become as sodominant in agrocenosis within the period of 10-15 years. Rootstock grasses are characterized by more adaptive potential on peat and mineral soils.
167-171 293
Ascertained: the best pasture performance (61.2 t/hectare of green mass, 14.4 2 t/hectare of dry matter,11.6 t/hectare of fodder units) provided paiza in the phase of milky-wax ripeness. Binary mixtures surpassed homotypical ones in pasture performance for 14.5-36.8%. Ensilage of paiza with lupine had high energy and aleyronic feeding power: 9.77 MJ of metabolizable energy in 1 kg of dry matter, 0.86 fodder units, 123.3 g of digestible protein per 1 fodder unit. Economic effect per one cow for experimental period at feeding of ensilage of paiza with lupine made up 29.5 thousand roubles.
172-176 189
Based on the results of long-term investigations and production experience of agricultural enterprises of Belarussian Polessie ascertained: perspectives of sowing extension of important high-albuminous planting - catgut, including on drained peat soils. Its pasture performance within 6-7 years is preserved at the level of 9-10 centners of fodder units from hectare.
177-184 180
Presented: data on influence of subsoil waters levels to accumulation of 137Cs in permanent grasses. Determined: level ranges of subsoil waters in volume moisture content of soil providing for minimum accumulation of 137Cs in permanent grasses. Calculated: transition quotients values 137Cs to permanent grasses on not deep bedding peatbog.


185-190 180
Studied: peculiarities of seed production of painted grass on sod-podzol sabuluous soils of central part of Belarus. Obtained: experimental data characterizing the influence of different components to seed production of planting. Based on the received data disclosed: the most perspective varietal examples possessing high seed production. Under the conditions of the Republic of Belarus the highest seed production revealed varietal examples from Karelia, Karachai-Cherkess and Komi.
191-196 165
When viewed from economical and environmental point proved: the need of creation of permanent grazing grass stands on peat soils. Permanent grazing grass stands dissolve organic matters significantly slowly than shortterm grazing grass stands and annual plants. Such grass stands present sources of cheap and efficient fodders. Considered: examples of creation and use of permanent grass stands in Russia, Estonia and Belarus.


197-205 167
Presented: Techniques of cultivation of fescue-ryegrass hybrid for seeds on peat soils of Polessie Experimental Station of Meliorative Agriculture and Grass Farming (Brest region). By all the elements of technique shown: trends connected with the character of soil covering, hydrothermic regime, physiochemical and agrochemical properties of lands. Seed production of fescue-ryegrass hybrid at the level of 5-6 cnt/ha is the evidence of apparent perspectives of planting.


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ISSN 2070-4828 (Print)