
Land Reclamation

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No 3 (2019)
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5-10 212

The article discusses issues relevant to agricultural production related to the negative impact of weather conditions on it: more frequent dry and wet periods. Measures are proposed that can somewhat mitigate these situations, in particular due to the wider use of irrigation based on drainage wells and their ability to provide groundwater for irrigation equipment. The data was obtained from BelNIIMiVH, which conducted studies of the effectiveness of vertical drainage in the pilot production sites of POMS of the Luninetsky district and the Osipovka facility in the Maloritsky district of the Brest region with a total area of 1320 ha in the 1970–1990s. It is noted that drainage wells should be considered as a guaranteed source of water supply for irrigation equipment with groundwater in the required volumes in certain hydrological conditions.

11-19 169

Speed and flow rates of water flow (pulp) in drainage pipelines at various diameters and slopes are analyzed. Speed regime for transporting washed-out sediments, hydraulic slopes of pipelines to form the necessary transporting flow rate, the influence of the flushing hose on the speed and flow rates of the flow of washed-out sediments are defined.

20-29 182

The calculation of groundwater inflow to the side drainage of the spray pond is given. A series of laboratory experiments was carried out to determine the averaged filtration coefficient as it is impossible to obtain data on the water intake capacity of wall drainage structures due to the boundary conditions of the formula. In laboratory conditions at the experimental installation, the results of the water intake of wall drainage structures with expanded clay and crushed stone as filter layers of the inverse filter were obtained. According to the obtained empirical formulas, water drainage was calculated by 1 m of reservoir drainage. Conclusions on the appropriateness of using wall drainage construction with expanded clay, medium-grained sand and geotextiles as the separation membrane of the filter layers and the separation membrane of the filter layers are drawn.

30-37 627

High water issues as an essential component of the modern global water problem on the planet are considered. In view of the structural complexity and the urgent need for an effective solution to this problem, the expediency of high water classification and protection measures systematization has been proved. The classification of floods of various intensities has been performed. A systematic scheme of hydraulic high water control measures has been developed. Two types of high water protection are considered: situational and preventive, and the main types of situational and preventive high water protection measures are highlighted. Recommendations on choosing the most effective options for protective measures at the stage of integrated high water risk management in river basins are given.

38-47 177

The technique of operational assessment of relevant expenses of pumps and efficiency of electromechanical pump units of polder pumping stations with siphon spillways is considered. The example of its practical application on actively working pump is given.


48-52 212

This article presents the results of the introduction of non-traditional oilseed crops (camelina and safflower) in arid conditions. Their economic value is in the heat and drought tolerance, the ability to produce stable yields in the driest years. The fat content of seed of these crops reaches up to 60 %. The unique fatty acid composition allows the use of oil in many sectors of the economy. Cultivation of camelina and safflower increases the biodiversity of agricultural landscapes with oilseeds, reduces the agro-ecological tension of arid territories.

53-59 160

The productivity of pasture legume-grass stands on the mineral soils of the Belarusian Polesye was assessed. It has been established that the most productive are the grass stands cultivated on well-drained sod-gley sandy soil. Cultivation of legume-cereal grasses on sod-podzolic soil is impractical due to their very low productivity. The additional legume component inclusion in grass mixtures (red clover, sowing alfalfa, bird ҆s-foot trefoil, sainfoin) did not contribute to a significant increase in the productivity of grass stands on the studied soil types.


60-66 216

When studying the mobility of heavy metals, a mainly positive role was observed for various fertilizer systems in reducing their content in the acetate-ammonium extractant (pH 4.8). The maximum yield was obtained on the option with the integrated application of lime, organic and mineral fertilizers. On highly contaminated soil, barley grain accumulated 0.98 mg/kg Pb, and 0.18 mg/kg Cd, which exceeds the maximum allowable concentration (MЗC) of these metals in the grain. All applied agrochemical reclamation systems contributed to the reduction of metal intake in plants. The content of copper and zinc in the grain did not exceed the MAC.

67-75 196

Contamination of agricultural land of the Republic of Belarus with long-lived radionuclides as a result of the Chernobyl disaster required a change in the practice of agro-industrial production. Radical protective measure was the removal from circulation of land, which was not guaranteed production of standard clean production. In article on the basis of administrative documents and departmental information provides a detailed analysis of the dynamiCs of their withdrawal in the Mogilev region, updated current departmental affiliation. Restoration of information about the exact location of local sites allowed to conduct radiological and cultural survey. The results of the inventory of land withdrawn from circulation in connection with radioactive contamination, was the creation of the geographic information database and assessment of the return possibility.

76-84 217

A comparative analysis of the applied methods for calculating the permissible concentrations of pollutants in sewage discharged from urban wastewater treatment plants into natural water bodies is given. It showed that the values of permissible concentrations assigned taking into account the best available technologies and differentiated by the equivalent population significantly exceed the values according to the calculation formulas and an average of 10–20 times higher than MPC. Formulas for determining the length of a section of a watercourse in which the permissible concentrations of pollutants in treated wastewater are reduced to MPC values are developed. At this length, one should not allow another discharge of wastewater from treatment plants in order to avoid environmental damage to the water body. It is shown that in order to increase the accuracy of determining the coefficient taking into account the hydraulic conditions for mixing wastewater with water of the watercourse, Shesi’s coefficient and the function of the speed coefficient should be entered into the calculation formula, and not the average value of their product should be taken. If the treated wastewater is discharged into natural watercourse through the water channel, it is recommended to take into account channel assimilative capacity.


85-91 253

A database structure and software modules have been developed for modeling unsteady water movement in sections of the Karshi main canal, as well as water supply to the cascade of pumping stations equipped with axial rotaryvane pump units. The results of modeling unsteady water movement in the isometry in the (x, t) plane in sections 1 and 2 of the change in the flow rate and water level of the Karshi main canal, as well as daily operating modes of the pumping station 1 of the Karshi main canal cascade are presented.



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ISSN 2070-4828 (Print)