
Land Reclamation

Advanced search
No 2 (2007)


6-16 169
Projects of scientific concepts for the strategy of integrated management of water-land sources for the benefit of efficient use of natural agricultural resource potential; development of stable and ecologically balanced agro-ecological systems; rating of anthropogenic stress of said systems, and for restoration of fertility of ameliorating lands. Presented: reclamation projects, their rating in total ameliorating lands of damp regions of the Ukraine and distribution of ameliorating lands among land tenures by instruments of management (state and farmer plants, private plants, share societies and cooperative societies). General estimation of environmental and climatic conditions and technical specifications of reclamation projects; examined: structures of sown areas and main causes of production reduction; stated: principals of ecologically safe and rational trends of efficient working on drainage soils.
17-25 219
Presented: the profile of computerized informative system of an agricultural plant as database providing successful management. Stated: formation of base component, i.e. Manual of the history of crop rotation fields on geo-informative technologies. System integration with other data resources, inclusive data bank of temporary results of agro-, hydro-, environmental and reclamation monitoring.
26-42 136
Model experiment for area budget of operative reclamation systems evidenced that under the conditions of maintenance, repair and reconstruction of reclamations systems similar to the conditions of the 80-90s of the 20th century, the losses of reclamation areas will be inevitable even in case of the best investment strategy of the State. The efficiency of the investments in reclamation sector could be increased significantly at the costs of development of the management of service and maintenance, renewal of the efficient supervising system, adaptive maintenance of reclamation systems to meet the requirements of plant cultivation, actual hydrological conditions on the reclamation areas.
43-47 196
With the objective to develop water sources for damping and elimination of intake conduit con-tamination with effluents from agricultural reclamation lands, they apply water rotation systems. To reduce the costs of accumulating pond construction, water rotation system of temporal accumulating container has been suggested herewith. Test results evidence utmost operation of system units under flood and discharge of temporal accumulating container.
48-57 157
Given: specification and algorithm base of software for retrospective calculation of soil water balance in various conditions of water supply. Presented: examples of calculations, original data and calculated indexes, methods of probability line design of unfavorable water conditions and parameters of irrigation and drainage soil conditions.
58-68 177
Developed: hydraulic desk for hydraulic and filtration test of water absorption devices; tested: improved models of column absorbers and their parts of actual size. Hydraulic study evidenced that drain-pipes subject to the diameter carry 4 through 22 L/s across the bottom filter. Filtration study evidenced that the capacity of column-absorbers depends mainly on penetrability of fill filter of the upper cell, water intake area of the mean cell and water stratum on land surface. Hydraulic and filtration model study updated basic parameters of the low and mean cells of three types of the constructions subject to the features of the upper cell. The investigations determined penetration capacity of filter column absorbers: 0/22 L/s (FCA-1); 0.45 L/s (FCA-2); 0.71 L/s (КПФ-3).
69-72 171
Historical excursion to the past of the development of land-reclamation evidences its positive influence on socio-economic and cultural conditions of the village and agrarian plants as a whole, on employment of able-bodied citizens that significantly reduces the migration to cities and other regions. State Program of renewal and development of villages in the Republic of Belarus requires conservation and restoration of reclamation lands to make agricultural products competitive and ecological.
73-79 162
In the work are stated methodological questions of creating the decision-making automatic system on agricultural use of lands, including forming of economy-ecological level purposes, structuring multitude of alternatives and creation optimizing-simulation model for best variants choice.


80-86 295
Drainage improves water condition of soil increasing air penetration and ventilation. Such changes of water profile influence the structure, the density, the porosity and filtration features of the soil as well as drainage. The investigations of three plots in the district of Kaunas revealed that within 30-50 years grain composition of drain and non-drain lands has undergone no changes. The density of drain soil decreased, the structure improved, still humus reduced.In heavy loam soil, the position of the drain line effects the density and filtration of soil; the closer the drain, the less the density; the filtration factor is higher if compared to drain spacing.
87-91 170
Examined: space-time analysis of the efficiency of water resources of mineral soils in the territory of Belarus. Examined: geography of major risks subject to water resources of soils, i.e. soil drought and soil over wetting. Extremal are considered the years of rare reproducibility of soil moisture values less 5% and more 95% of the provision. Revealed: zones with the highest extreme features of the efficiency of soil water resources.
92-98 178
Investigations of water relationship of the active stratum of soil and the yield of crops and forage on slope lands of Pooserie revealed that at the actual agro-technical level and under the conditions of adaptive crop distribution in crop rotation fields, subject to type of top-soil, relief features and water relationship of soil, it is possible to get high and table yields of crops and forage at the vegetation stage.
99-104 222
Example: reclamation project in the district Glubokoie, Vitebsk region; analyzed: the conditions and pattern of growth formation of the lower relief under secondary water logging. There is stable tendency of the development of succession processes towards coenosis of predecessors with genepool more active during moisture years. Determined: vegetation distribution, its species composition and the variety depend on soil hydro-geological conditions and diagnostic characters of the intensity of the processes of secondary water logging.
105-111 174
Presented: data on the productivity of crops (maize, millet, lupine, Lucerne, bird’s-foot, Galega Oriental), cultivated in peat and sand soils of Polessie, organic matter being less 7.0%. Evidenced: organic matter content is not a limiting factor to determine the crop yield. While selecting the most efficientmethods of intensification (list of cultivated crops, application of organic, microand macro fertilizers) on peat and sand lands, it’s possible to yield maize up to 103 centner/hectare, permanent legumes - more than 70, up to 29.5and 33.4 centner/hectare lupine and millet (if cultivated for green fodder) respectively. The green fodder production line combined with fodder crops (lupine with stubbly sowing of fodder millet) will permit to get the forage of high quality. The effect of such technology is 47.2-60.4 centner/hectare. The fodder obtained is rich of protein.
112-117 171
Presented: results of three-year study of mineral feed and frequency of amortization on the yield of fescue-ryegrass hybrid. Determined: said crop responds to the application of nitrogen and contributes to high yields. More frequently grass stand cut, the higher the quality of the products and cost recovery of 1 kg of nitrogen as well as more stable feeding during vegetation period.


118-122 162
Investigations evidenced that applying pre-cultures in meadow reforming of waste bog lands treated for a long time in agricultural plants contributes to positive transformation of the botanical structure, higher yield and efficiency of grass stand work. Alongside with traditional spring sowing terms of meadow reforming, alternative terms of sowing are either efficient.
123-127 181
Carried out: long-term (7 and 10 year long) investigations of timothy specimen under various environmental conditions on reclaimed bog and mineral soils (southern Karelia). Estimated: coenotic activity of sowed and intruded specimens. The influence of chemical fertilizers on the botanical structure of timothy grass is insufficient under various environmental conditions. Sowed specimen under discomfort is followed by the specimen of the local flora. Stable grass stand with dominating timothy grass on bog lands is three years, and on mineral soil is five years. Coenotic activity of timothy grass on mineral soil is much higher than on bog soil.
128-132 161
Presented: the results of investigations in comparative productivity of winter rye in combination with re-sowed cultures and maize for silo; determined: the most productive structure of specimens of forage on anthropogenic transformed degraded bog lands of Polessie.
133-139 160
Presented: the results of energy estimation of technological process of forage in meadow estates. Evidenced: energy costs for basic technological procedures under meadow reformation of hayfields and pastures. Determined: to complete with the calculations of costs of finish product (total energy costs per feed unit) while estimating and comparing technological methods for energy costs. Calculated: costs of forage at various levels of the meadow land productivity. Higher yields require higher energy costs for application of fertilizers. If compare an advanced technology and a basic one, it’s evident that seed and fuel costs per product unit reduce. The lands serve more if no reformation of meadows is adopted, hence the costs for soil treatment reduce twice, seed consumption reduces 1.5 time, and mineral fertilizers are applied less.


140-146 282
The contamination of surface and underground water with nitrates is one of the main concerns in nature protection. In the Lithuania the rainfall exceeds significantly the evaporation contributing to soil rinsing and consequently the process of salt leaching of the soil profile and salt production over reclamation area. Nitrogen is lightly washed out as nitrate due to lack of resistance in soil. The investigations of the dynamics of nitrate migration in cores of the original structure evidenced subject to water relationship of soil nitrate diffusion under the utmost soil water conditions, and nitrate migration is 30 time slower than under convective transport of substances.
147-156 144
Presented: investigations of quality of surface water of drainage systems in the Ukrainian Polessie area on the basis of the developed method of evaluation of aquatic vegetation by specimen variety of the higher aquatic vegetation, and comparative data of the method and analytical research. The new method of phytoindication of ecological conditions of the aquatic environment applies higher aquatic vegetation and represents an alternative to the traditional method, hence can take priority as phytoindication implies significantly less costs.
157-162 155
Analyzed: data on chemical content of the river Pripiat water starting from 1953. 19 parameter monitoring of the chemical content of effluent and surface water in the town of Pinsk close to treatment facilities evidenced insufficient effectiveness of treatment facilities regarding mineral oils, various nitrogen forms, synthetic surface active substances and Fe. The contamination level of effluent exceeds the acceptable concentration, hence has a negative impact on ecological balance of the river Pripiat. The reconstruction of treatment facilities will permit to eliminate or reduce significantly the negative anthropogenic impact either on the river Pripiat or on adjacent territories.
163-170 156
Laboratory investigations evidenced that the parameter to intensify the process of kinetics of mudding sediments is reagent speed. The process of leaching is significantly reduced subject to reagent speed. Determined: logarithmic dependence of leaching time and reagent speed. The evidenced function is eventually a basis for calculation of step reagent de-mudding with section circular device subject to reagent speed.


171-175 157
Presented: research results on climate, dose and method effect of chemical fertilizers consumption on yield and quality of crops of spring triticale on degraded bog lands. Evidenced: fractional fertilizer application favor an increase in protein content by 2-3% against single application (before sowing) and stabilizing the yield of grain of spring triticale 45-50 centers/hectare. Evidenced: correlation function of mineral nutrition content in soil, nitrogen, phosphate and potassium of the spring cultures of triticale and protein yield.
176-183 176
Stated: key approaches to subject mapping of reclamation works based on geo-data technologies aimed at computerized cadastra of technical conditions. Subject mapping of reclamation works is considered as simulation base on the advanced geo-data technologies and aimed at practical application of the developed systems by reclamation plants, at usage monitoring, accumulation of information as a unique system. Presented: main objectives of the development of informative technologies in the field; presented: the project of subject electronic map of reclamation works of the region, its system characteristics and requirements, specific possibilities to use and develop the system either for introduction of consumption monitoring of reclamation works.


184-193 169
Stated: principals of feed crop selection according to their productivity and economic efficiency for systems of meadow and field forage production in natural man-caused soil complexes of Polessie. Given: specific features of cultivation of certain agricultural crops. Presented in graphics: conventional profit of cultivation of forage crops and economic and energetic estimation of crop rotation.



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ISSN 2070-4828 (Print)