
Land Reclamation

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No 1 (2007)


5-20 271
It is shown that methods of reclamative systems designing under initial construction, oriented on technical criteria, are inapplicable at reconstructions in condition of the deficit resource. There is offered the methodology of reconstruction designing, basing on optimization on economy-ecological criteria. The methodology is realized by means of multiversion calculation of system parameters on models. There are presented cardinal principles of modeling of processes in all subsystems of reclamated agricultural object.
21-30 150
The results of analysis of dependences of the rate of bed scribing mechanical equipment travel and their efficiency on the change of the main influencing factors are presented. The given results of calculations with the help mathematical model at this stage may be considered as the minimal capabilities of the technological process under consideration. The economic indices of efficiency of the training mechanism manufacturing project calculated with the use of new methods on estimation of efficiency of scientific research results, showed that it may be taken at total output of mechanisms not less than 40 pcs. with the level of production profitability at the manufacturing plant not less than 15%.
31-38 186
The mowing off and removing of greenery from the channel bottom, slopes, banks is one of the major operations of handling of the reclamation projects. The difficulties of this operation mechanization are caused by different height, thickness and diameter of grass stalks, availability of tree and bush vegetation, banks and slopes relief irregularity, foreign objects at the work regions, different soil conditions. The analysis of the designs of domestic and foreign mowing machines shows that they demand improvement of the mathematical models. During development of the operating embodiments of KBF-2,5 mowing machines and with KPP-1,5 pneumatic picking up of the mass mowed off from the channel slopes, the mathematical models describing the technological regimes of work and determinative optimal parameters of their cutters were used.


39-46 188
The prediction of yield crop by the meteorological factors in due time or at the initial stages of grains development is of great practical significance for the agriculture. The article is dedicated to the results of research of the influence of moisture, accumulated temperatures at the initial phases of development on the spring triticale crop yield. The influence of the same factors on duration of the periods “3 leaves - end of bushing out”, “end of bushing out - flag leaf” of the spring triticale development is considered. It was ascertained that duration of the periods depends not only on the accumulated temperatures, but on the complex of factors. Under the favorable environmental conditions the durations of the spring triticale phases are prolonged, which may positively affect the final yield crop increase.
47-75 215
The complex of proposals on the reclamation project reconstructions is presented, including: the recommendations on investigations, algorithm of multi-choice designing, methods of determination of the basic level and loss of crop yield because of the level mode violation, earth reservoir parameters matching during the renaturalization of lowerings. The solutions on the plant growing intensification provide for the formation of stubbling optimal structure, estimation of the economic possibilities for the crops adaptation to the soil and topographic conditions of the worked-out peatbog with the average degree of the meso-relief development.
76-83 209
The results of researches of influence of the reclamation and the cultivated crops on accumulation of the plant residues in the sod-glei connected sabulous soil are presented. The reclaimed and unreclaimed areas with different crops raised were subjected to comparison. The higher yield of annual herbage, barley and oat was gained on the drained area than on the area without reclamation. At the same time the trend to increase of accumulation of the stubble and root remains was observed. Their largest number came to the topsoil from permanent grasses. As to the long-standing haymaking, there the reclamation practically had no effect on this index.
84-94 215
On the basis of the long-term data of instrumental observations the regularities of thickness reduction of an individual peat layer at the deposit depth after the reclamation were determined at the trial plots. The empirical dependences which allow, by the indices of physical properties of each kind of peat in the deposit before the reclamation (by the data of geological engineering surveys made before the reclamation), to predict the decrease of individual peat layers on any date after the reclamation, as well as the deposit surface deformation depending on the character of agricultural utilization of the peat dried out.
95-101 173
As a result of the analysis and processing of decrease characteristics, revealed at the inspected reclaimed objects at the farms of the Glubokoye region, Vitebsk province, with the use of the principles of the decrease typification developed earlier by the authors, 10 types of decreases were marked out on the reclaimed mineral lands with hilly-starved relief; their parameters and description features are given. The differences between the types of decreases are determined by the specific features of the relief, hydrogeological and soil formation conditions, that are reflected on morphometric characteristics, specific features of water relationships and capabilities of agricultural utilization. The typification made will serve as the basis for development of additional decrease drainage techniques on the reclaimed mineral lands.


102-111 175
According to the results of the field experiments on studying of productivity of the Brasilian clover and its mixture with the meadow clover at the post-peat soil complexes with different contents of organic matter (4,5-32%) under the Belarusian Polesje conditions the estimation of influence of the precipitation and the cultivation techniques on productivity of the homotypical Brasilian clover crops is made. The comparative productivity of the homotypical Brasilian clover crops and its mixture with the clover is presented. It was ascertained that the soils of the Belarusian Polesje (pH more than 4,5, water table more than 1 m) are suitable for cropping of Brasilian clover in pure form. During the long-term utilization of the Brasilian clover grass at such soils the productivity may be of 60-120 centner/hectare feed unit per a year-1 depending on the contents of organic matter.
112-118 802
In this article the research of the meadow reformation procedures with preliminary field period and accelerated at the sod-podzol loam soils showed that it would be better to make meadow reformation of the aged pasturage grasses by the acceleration method. During meadow reformation with utilization of preliminary field period within one year the pasturage grasses are characterized by high contents of clover during the first and the second years of herbage utilization. During the accelerated meadow reformation of pasturages the herbage yields during two years at the average were 22% more than during the meadow reformation with preliminary field period. The crop gains as a result of application of small doses of nitrogen fertilizers against a background of phosphor-potash fertilizers at utilization of the accelerated method of creation of pasturages were higher and 90 standard unit/hectare more efficient than during meadow reformation with the field period.
119-129 235
The worked-out peat soils at observance of the complex of measures of their reclaiming and improvement provide the high productivity and cost efficiency of agricultural utilization. During meadow formation of the worked out peat soil the complex mixed grass crops are mostly efficient on the basis of awnless brome. The peat layer working out results in some decrease of grasses yield. The least decrease of the yield, the energy and cost efficiency may be observed at utilization of early-ripe cockfoot grasses for meadow formation of such soils. The average soils productivity with the residual peat thickness is more than 30 cm was 8,5 t/hectare solid, net profit - 515,3 thousand Ruble/hectare, profitability- 271,2%.
130-136 169
The researches showed that the application of preliminary cultures during the worked-out peat soils meadow reformation, being long time in the agricultural use, contributes to positive change of the grass botanic composition and, as a consequence, to the increase of crop capacity, cost and energy efficiency of poic grass cultivation. The grass structure is determined to a greater extent by the meadow formation technique; the time of meadow formation influenced slightly on the grass composition and productivity.


137-144 165
The short analysis of the trends of artificial rain improving is presented, the specific features of overhead irrigation with utilization of livestock waste are shown. The design sprinkling nozzle is proposed, which will allow to reduce the ecological load on the areas, irrigated by the livestock complex wastes and the adjacent territories, as well as to decrease the waste discharge into the drainage network not reducing the utilization rate. The results of factory testing of the proposed design showed that its utilization allows to increase the irrigation norms to 20-30%, especially in the territories occupied by the crops nitrogen tolerant (rape, permanent grasses).
145-151 178
The researches made at the Pripiat soil-reclamation stationary showed that without soilconservation measures it is impossible to reduce accumulation of Сs-137 by permanent grasses at the bottomland peat soil of the Belarusian Polesje. The plant growing products raised on these lands, depending on the conditions of water relationships, level of inorganic nutrition, especially nitrogen, not always under the RDU requirements, may be fit to utilization as the fodder. The day-to-day management of the water table and application of the inorganic fertilizer balanced doses allow to reduce the contents of radioactive nuclides in the permanent grass herbage of the Polesje regions to 6-11 times.
152-155 173
It was shown that fires cause the extensive damage not only for the environment and result in losses of the material and natural resources, but often present danger to the people’s life and health. Some aspects of fires influence on the environment (air combustion and release of chemical agents into the atmosphere, water transport, heat-and gas exchange, contamination with different agents used during the fire suppression) were examined. In connection with that the specified aspects are interrelated, such problems as biocontamination, impact of the products of combustion and fire suppression on living organisms should be considered fully.


156-162 201
The agroecological specific features of growth, development and seed production of different varietal specimen of the painted grass at the sod-podzol sabulous soils of the central part of Belarus are studied. The experimental data characterized by the productivity and quality ratings of the painted grass plants: high contents of crude protein in forage (up to 18,5%) at average index of the standard 16,1%, high indices of magnesium supply was found. The indices of the forage supply with calcium are optimal, with potassium and phosphorus - within the norm. On the basis of the study of biological features of the painted grass taking into account the zonal soil-climatic conditions for cropping under the Republic conditions the varietal specimens are prospective having the valuable economic-biological properties, from the Sverdlovsk province, Karachai-Cherkess, Krasnoyarsk Territory, Murmanks province and Komi Republic. For the Republic of Belarus conditions the varietal specimen of painted grass proved themselves good from the Novgorod, Pskov and Vologda provinces.


163-173 210
The actions of the reclamation institutions, land-utilizers during the reclamation projects operation, regulation of the organogenic soils water relationships at the technically correct system are determined. The principles of open pipe repair technology are given, as well as the tillage (chinking) soilconservation techniques of hay-mowing and pastures soils are proposed, improving the quality of water relationships management.
177-181 172
The analysis of the data on the marsh cranberry pollination and productivity improvement of the marsh cranberry plantations under the conditions of Belarus is set out. The description of the experimental device for the blossom pollination is produced and the main results of its use are presented. The proposals on organization of production for getting of the full-value yields of marsh cranberry in the years with unfavourable weather conditions.


182-192 169
In brief terms the analytical materials of the Department of Rural Economy and Agricultural Statistics for the Central Administration of Land-Utilization and Agriculture at the Ministry of Finance of Russia of the state of agriculture of four Belarusian provinces - Vitebsk province, Grodno province, Minsk province and Mogilev province are presented. In the first publication the wintering of the winter grain crops in connection with the meteorological conditions of the first half of spring, the data of the ploughing up areas and the beginning of spring field works are analyzed. In the subsequent publications with the same systematization the grain crops growth and development, formation of the natural grassland yields are examined, the forecast of crop yield is made, the results of harvesting and the series of any other questions are analyzed.



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ISSN 2070-4828 (Print)