
Land Reclamation

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No 2 (2019)
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5-12 250

The methods and technical means of cleaning the closed drainage system from silt were analyzed. The classification of cleaning devices by type, type of working body and design features was performed. The areas of effective use of mechanization were identified.

13-17 192

The article discusses current and future issues of large diameter polymer pipes using on land­reclamation systems instead of part of open channels, which allows to reduce the contour of the fields, to leave large areas allocated for channels in agricultural circulation. At the same time, normal conditions are created for the operation of widerange agricultural machinery and reduced operating costs for maintaining an open network. Provides information on the usage of large diameter pipes and an assessment of their economic efficiency when replacing channels with polyethylene corrugated pipes with a diameter of 200 to 400 mm. The nomenclature of polyethylene corrugated pipes with a diameter of 160 to 500 mm, which can be used on land improvement facilities, with their cost, is given.

18-25 245

The method of water balance calculations for irrigation management with the use of an improved bioclimatic method for determining water consumption of irrigated crops is presented. When establishing the operating mode of irrigation to control the water consumption of plants, it is most convenient to use the maximum air temperature as an integral characteristic of the thermal energy resources of the atmosphere. The reaction of plants to a change in the maximum air temperature at different phases of their development is taken into account with the help of the biothermal coefficient. Its value is equal to the increment of water consumption of the irrigated crop when the maximum air temperature changes by one degree. This article presents the biothermal coefficients for the main agricultural crops irrigated in Belarus by decade of the growing season.

26-33 747

The article presents the results of the analysis of flood situations in Ukraine. Two main types of flood protection measures are identified: situational and preventive. The main criterion for evaluating ther effectiveness is proposed. Two main alternatives of preventive flood protection measures using hydraulic structures have been identified, functionally opposite in nature of implementation. By combining them, the possibility of reducing the cost of constructing protective hydraulic structures has been proved. For optimal distribution of flood flows using a combined alternative of flood protection measures, a new method and two algorithms for its practical application have been proposed.

34-41 227

The results of research aimed at establishing the frequency and optimal timing of mowing and removal of grass and aquatic vegetation along the banks and beds of channels. Established that this work is enough to be done 1 time per year. The optimal timing is the period from the first decade of August till the beginning of the first decade of September. Compliance with these conditions will give the following advantages over the current technological regulations for the care work on the channels. First, a 2-fold reduction in the required length of mowing will reduce labor costs for mechanized and manual work per 1 km of channel strips with a slope width of 1.9–5.5 m, respectively, by 0.84–2.96 machine-hour and 2,28–6,24 man-hour. Secondly, in the established optimal period of mowing, favorable conditions for its implementation are created, in terms of the small presence along the channels of untidy crops.


42-46 213

The article discusses the factors affecting the efficiency of tillage by large­scale agricultural equipment at land reclamation facilities. It is noted that the effectiveness of its work largely depends on the size of the contours of the fields, especially in areas with a dense network of channels. The time losses on the headland are shown depending on the rut length, as well as a result of a decrease in the productivity of the machines due to the small contour. Possible turning radii are recommended depending on the width of the grip, as well as the parameters of the pens, taking into account the location of the dryers and the agricultural use of reclaimed land. The data obtained will allow the development of land-improvement systems of improved designs, which will ensure the intensive use of aggregates with large­scale agricultural equipment due to the partial replacement of channels with plastic pipes of large diameter.

47-58 200

The problem of conveyor production of feed on the reclaimed lands of the Poozerie is considered. It has been shown that its basis is perennial leguminous grasses, especially alfalfa and meadow clover. It is established that the first of them surpasses other cultures in productivity. The economic assessment of the cultivation of herbs, cereals and corn for green mass is given. It is noted that the cultivation of the latter is more expensive than alfalfa.


59-63 224

The article presents the research results obtained in longterm experience in Geographical network experiments with fertilizers for the study of agrobiological changes in sodpodzolic sandy loam soil under the influence of precipitation of urban wastewater and dolomite. It is concluded that reclamation of the doses of salt have a noticeable effect on agro-biological parameters of the soil and the yield of a crop.

64-68 233

An assessment of the anthropogenic load and the classification of the ecological state of the Pripyat river basin (within the Western Polesie of Ukraine) has been made. The calculation was carried out using four independent models of the main subsystems of the river basin: “Radioactive contamination of the territory”, “Land use”, “River flow utilization”, “Water quality”. The value of the induction coefficient of anthropogenic load is determined. The overall ecological state of the Pripyat basin river is assessed as “satisfactory”.

69-72 222

The assessment of the current condition of tree­shrub ecosystems on the fixed drifting sands of the Astrakhan Volga region, which have preserved the integrity of the multi-tiered structure of phytocenoses, depending on the method of fixing the Sands, their overgrowth by forage pasture plants, the period of reclamation of the foci of deflation and the mode of operation of the restored pasture lands.


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ISSN 2070-4828 (Print)