
Land Reclamation

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No 3 (2022)
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5-12 174

On an on-farm irrigation network, often the geometric dimensions and cross-sectional profile of the water conduit are dictated by the physical need for its throughput in a given area. The question about the rational transverse profile of the conduit directly related to its stress-strain state during operation. Рroduction and operational experience shows that the installation of water conduits is carried out without a proper analysis of the total stresses in the soil and in the structures themselves. The object of study is a water conduit with a rectangular cross section under the influence of various loads on it: static, dynamic, and their combinations.

13-18 123

The results of three-year field studies on the effect of irrigation on the yield and quality of sugar beet are presented. While sugar beet irrigated on sod-podzolic light loamy soils, the maximum yield was observed on a variant with a lower limit of humidity regulation of 70 % HB in a layer of 0-40 cm. The sugar content of root crops according to the variants of the experiment practically did not differ, the difference was less than 1%. The largest collection of refined sugar was obtained in the irrigation variant with a lower limit of soil moisture regulation of 70% HB and with fertilizer doses within the limits of N90–120P70–100K150–260. When the dose of fertilizers to N150P110K300 increased, there was no increase in the collection of refined sugar. In general, it can be concluded that irrigation gives a significant increase in yield without reducing the sugar content in root crops.

19-23 137

The modern state, quantity and type of salts of the experimental area of Khizi in the Siyazan-Sumgayit massive were analyzed. The performed researches 2019–2021 indicate that an amount of salts is (for dry residue) 0,20– 1,28 %, a salt types are sulfated and chlorinated–sulfated, pH is 7,5–8,8. According to the obtained consequences, the measures are proposed for improvement of the same soils.


24-29 122

Algorithms for designing effective agricultural systems for various field conditions are presented, providing cost savings due to the differentiation of fertilizer application, taking into account soil diagnostics and plant protection products, methods of tillage, as well as optimizing the structure of acreage on peat soils of varying degrees of transformation. The economic effect can reach 40-80 rub./ha for each field due to the comprehensive consideration of soil and weather conditions of the growing season, the precursor, fertilizer doses, intensification systems.

30-47 141

The formation of soil protection complexes on deflationary lands is based on the grouping of mineral lungs by granulometric composition, peat and degraded peat soils by the degree of potential deflationary danger. Depending on the component composition of soils with different potential deflationary hazards and the magnitude of deflation, the types of deflationary agricultural lands are distinguished and their use is determined. The use of deflationary lands (for arable or meadow lands), the structure of crops and the types of soil-protective crop rotations are determined based on the values of prevented and residual soil losses during deflation. When compiling a tillage system in crop rotations, biological features of agricultural crops, the order of their alternation in crop rotation, the nature and degree of contamination of fields, the granulometric composition of the soil are taken into account, along with the deflation of soils.

48-57 113

The issues of an economically justified increase in the content of digestible protein in feed due to the formation of legume-grass agrophytocenoses on reclaimed peat soils of the Pripyat Polesia are considered. The relevance of increasing the the crops of legumes and leguminous grasses in the structure of forage lands is substantiated. With an increase in the share of legume components in agrocenoses, the zootechnical quality of feed will increase, which will allow the feed rations of cattle to be saturated with digestible protein at a level of more than 100 g/kg. Actualization of the need to place crops of perennial grasses on peat soils will contribute to the ecological conservation and restoration of peat-wetlands of the Pripyat Polesia region.

58-64 109

The results of the study of macrophomosis in pomegranate orchards in the west of Azerbaijan are presented. The studies were carried out in 2018–2020 in pomegranate gardens (Ganja-Kazakh geographical zone). In the course of field and laboratory experimental studies, it was found that macrophomosis, after the main diseases, is a minor, rare, but harmful disease of pomegranate bushes. The results of the use of chemicals Azoxifen, Konazol, Selfat and P-oxiride are shown, their influence on the development and prevalence of macrophomosis.


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ISSN 2070-4828 (Print)