Dynamics of species composition and productivity of agrocenoses of perennial grasses with spring cruciferous crops
The article presents the results of research on the dynamics of the species composition and yield of forage grass stands created as a result of joint seeding of perennial grasses and spring cruciferous crops. It was found that in these communities, the yield of dry matter increases by 3–42% and the content of exchange energy increases by 0.07–0.64 MJ/kg, in comparison with independent grass crops. In the first year of use, the dominant species are oilseed radish and spring rape (53.5–78.8%). A high proportion of cruciferous crops leads to a decrease in the number of legume species by 1.2–5.6 times. In the second year of use, the content of meadow clover approaches the level of double legumecereal mixtures or is inferior to them by 0.2–5.4%, and the reduction of alfalfa occurs by 2.1–15.6%.
About the Authors
V. MakaroBelarus
L. Rutkovskaya
S. Gavrikov
B. Babich
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For citations:
Makaro V., Rutkovskaya L., Gavrikov S., Babich B. Dynamics of species composition and productivity of agrocenoses of perennial grasses with spring cruciferous crops. Land Reclamation. 2020;(1):78-83. (In Russ.)