Conditions of application of two-layer corrugated polyethylene pipes “CORSIS” on meliorative objects
The article discusses issues related to the use of polyethylene double-layer corrugated pipes “CORSIS” of large diameter in the reclamation industry as discharge and conducting manifolds instead of some conducting channels. This reduces the contours of the fields being processed. The most significant factors are noted – the length of the run, the configuration or relief of the field areas, affecting the productivity of agricultural machines. The most rational sizes of the fields to be processed are recommended. The hydraulic characteristics of the “CORSIS” pipes of 200, 315, 400 and 500 mm diameter examined and the possible drainage areas with the use of polyethylene double-layer corrugated “CORSIS” pipes as conducting and drainage manifolds with partial replacement of some channels are given. It has been found that if the slopes are greater than 0.001 and the fill degree h/d is greater than 0.3, all pipelines provide nonbinding flow rates.
About the Authors
A. I. MitrakhovichBelarus
V. M. Makoed
S. M. Lavushev
A. P. Sergeenya
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For citations:
Mitrakhovich A.I., Makoed V.M., Lavushev S.M., Sergeenya A.P. Conditions of application of two-layer corrugated polyethylene pipes “CORSIS” on meliorative objects. Land Reclamation. 2020;(1):15-23. (In Russ.)