Influence of irrigation on growth, development and yield of sugar beet
This article presents the results of three years of research on the growth, development and yield of sugar beets during irrigation. For the experiments we used a zoned variety of sugar beet – Belpol single-seeded. As a result of the studies, it was previously established that for soddy-podzolic light loamy soils, when irrigating sugar beets, the maximum yield was observed on the variant with a lower limit of humidity control of 70 % HB in a layer of 0–40 cm. It is shown that sugar beets are most sensitive to lack of moisture during the period from seedlings to the beginning of leaf closure in rows. A decrease in humidity in the calculation layer during the main period of root crop growth for a long time (control) led to the death of the suction root hairs of plants. According to the experimental options in sugar content they differed slightly on this. The difference was less than 1 %. The maximum value of sugar content on average for three years is in the variant with a lower limit of regulation of 70 % HB. It can be concluded that irrigation gives a significant increase in yield and does not reduce the sugar content in the root crop.
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For citations:
Nabzdorov S.V. Influence of irrigation on growth, development and yield of sugar beet. Land Reclamation. 2019;(4):66-73. (In Russ.)