Influence of microfertilizers on yield and quality of cereallegume grass mixtures on peat soil
On peat soil, the effect of micronutrient fertilizers in the form of nanopreparations, chelate compounds, and salts of metal on the leguminous-grass herbage was studied. In the first year, Elegum-Copper, ElegumManganese and manganese sulfate increased the number of shoots of pasture ryegrass by 76.3–119.5 %. The number of creeping stalks increased after the application of Nanoplant – Co, Mn, Cu, Fe, ElegumCopper and Elegum-Manganese by 33.8–42.6 %. In the second year, the introduction of Nanoplant – Co, Mn, Cu, Fe, Nanoplant – Co, Mn, Cu, Fe, Mo, Zn, Cr, Se, Elegum-Copper, Elegum-Manganese, copper sulfate increased the number of shoots of cereals and legumes. The introduction of manganese sulfate also increased the number of stalks of creeping clover. The yield of dry mass of leguminous-grass grass stand of the first year of life from the application of Elegum-Copper increased by 17.4 %, and manganese sulfate – by 34.1 %. In the second year of grass life, the application of micronutrient fertilizers increased their productivity from Nanoplant – Co, Mn, Cu, Fe, Nanoplant – Co, Mn, Cu, Fe, Mo, Zn, Cr, Se, Elegum-Copper, Elegum-Manganese 19.2–26.5 %. The crude protein content in the cereal component was 16.0– 16.5%, in the bean – 17.0–17.2 %.
About the Authors
A. N. ZelenayaBelarus
A. L. Biryukovich
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For citations:
Zelenaya A.N., Biryukovich A.L. Influence of microfertilizers on yield and quality of cereallegume grass mixtures on peat soil. Land Reclamation. 2019;(4):45-51. (In Russ.)