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Features of qualitative composition of humus in Gleysoils of Brest Polesye


The article presents results of research overall content and the qualitative composition of humus of Brest Polesye gleysoils. The character changing the composition of humus of gleysoils, depending on the type of land, the degree of moisture and particle size distribution is considered. Shown that the humus content of gleysoils in the south-west Belarus increases and qualitative composition of humus improves with increasing degree of hydromorphic soils.

About the Authors

A. S. Domas
Brest State University of Pushkin

N. V. Klebanovich
Belarusian State University


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For citations:

Domas A.S., Klebanovich N.V. Features of qualitative composition of humus in Gleysoils of Brest Polesye. Land Reclamation. 2013;(2):73-79. (In Russ.)

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