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Results of studying of influence of processing methods on growth processes фитоценозов long-term herbs are stated. It is established that productivity of long-term cereals and bean and cereal herbages at the 4th-hay cutting use it was more, than at the 2nd hay cutting. Clover creeping, a lyadvenets horned in one-specific crops at 4 hay crops formed big productivity, than at the 2nd for 32 and 22%, respectively. At introduction nitric подкормок N20 and N40 before a hay crop this difference was insignificant. Bean type of riding type - a lucerne the sowing campaign was steadier against change of number of hay crops and productivity practically didn't change. Allelopatichesky activity of the soil rizosfer of bean and cereal and bean herbages in the first year of life practically didn't differ. Rizosfera of a lucerne of a sowing campaign possessed bigger allelopatichesky activity, than a clover creeping or a lyadvenets horned. When subsowing in дернину on the peat soil tsenotichesky activity hedgehogs of the national team was above, than at a herd grass meadow by 1,7 times. Profitability of subsowing hedgehogs of the national team in made 45,6% (on a factor cost), and herd grasses meadow - 40,3%.

About the Author

A. L. Biryukovich
RUE "Institute for Land Reclamation"


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4. Бирюкович, А.Л. Реконструкция старовозрастных луговых агроценозов путем подсева бобовых в дернину/ А.Л. Бирюкович, Р.Т. Пастушок матер. научно практ. конф., Минск 2009 С. 142-145

5. Буткевич, Т.А. Аллелопатический режим ризосферы - важный фактор функционирования бобовых трав в поликомпонентных агроценозах на мелиорированных почвах/Т.А. Буткевич [и др.] матер. IIой междунар. научно-практ. конф. - Минск: «Минсктиппроект», 2012. С. 300-303


For citations:

Biryukovich A.L. REGULATION OF GROWTH PROCESSES MEADOW PHYTOCENOSISES. Land Reclamation. 2013;(2):66-72. (In Russ.)

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