
Land Reclamation

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Information on growth processes' regulation of lucern on different stages is presented. It is ascertained that treatment of seeds with BAV 1 allows to increase seeds' growth energy to 77 % and stimulates the growth of rootlet to 40 % and 30 % as against BAV 2 and microelements per se respectively. This helps lucern germs ecize and use necessary nutrients from soil for the further plants growth, increasing the quantity of vegetative short-cut sprouts up to 1,1-1,6 depending on agrobiotechological methods.

About the Author

O. V. Ptashets
RUE "Institute for Land Reclamation"


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For citations:

Ptashets O.V. REGULATION METHODS OF LUCERN GROWTH PROCESSES. Land Reclamation. 2013;(1):162-170. (In Russ.)

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