
Land Reclamation

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The analysis of drainage pipes functionality with different level of soiling on land-reclamation systems of Polesye is presented. Structural solution for drainage pipes lines conjugation via filtering filling is considered. The study results of its water capacity are given including pump entry; parameters such as manifold patch length, perforation area, amount of filling are presented which gives a chance to provide drainage area of 0.8 ha with flow rate 0.5 l/sec on hectare. Drawbacks of this cojugation method developed by RUE »Belhyprovodhoz« are disclosed. Carrying capacity of drainage pipes with filtering elements preventing drain drifts entry into manifold is studied. The minimal amount speed of eroding velocity in drains is specified which maintain erosion and removal of laydown with 0,05-0,25 fineness mm.The results of research are premise for constructive solutions development of drainage lines conjugation methods and proving the rinse necessity.

About the Authors

A. I. Mitrakhovich
RUE "Institute for Land Reclamation"

E. N. Shkutov
RUE "Institute for Land Reclamation"

V. M. Makoed
RUE "Institute for Land Reclamation"

I. Ch. Kazmiruk
RUE "Institute for Land Reclamation"

V. V. Lebedev
RUE "Institute for Land Reclamation"


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For citations:

Mitrakhovich A.I., Shkutov E.N., Makoed V.M., Kazmiruk I.Ch., Lebedev V.V. THE RESEARCH OF DRAINAGE PIPES CONJUGATION METHODS SUBJECT TO SOILING FACTORS. Land Reclamation. 2013;(1):46-56. (In Russ.)

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