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Effect of Anthropogenic Load on Structure of Zooplankton Organisms


Data received in the result of investigations permit to state that there occur no significant changes of qualitative factors of zooplankton in the areas under investigation. Abundance and biomass values in generally accepted classification allow relating Lake Svitiaz to mesotrophic type. Zone of macrophytes is characterized by the largest species diversity. Submersed and emergent vegetation participates in self-purification and creates more favorable conditions of existence, this stipulates appearance of species that are not found in two other areas under investigation. Existence of higher aquatic vegetation in places of inflow of soil-reclamation canals and return waters from watering fields promotes absorption of biogenic elements and stimulates development of zooplankton additionally participating in self-purification.

About the Author

S. N. Basa
RUE "Institute for Land Reclamation"


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For citations:

Basa S.N. Effect of Anthropogenic Load on Structure of Zooplankton Organisms. Land Reclamation. 2010;(1):221-226. (In Russ.)

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