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Effect of Sowing Technique and Fertilizer Application Rate on Forming of Generative Shoots of Beckmannia Eruciformis (L.) Host


Under experiment conditions the maximum quantity of innovation shoots were formed at entire drill and alternating drill sowing modes. At entire drill sowing maximum quantity of innovation shoots was in the version without fertilizer application and fertilizer application rate as N45P30K45, and at increase of fertilizer application rate there was observed a tendency of quantity drop of innovation shoots. At alternating drill sowing the maximum quantity of innovation shoots was in the version of fertilizer application rate as N60P60K90. Output efficiency of generative shoots out of innovation shoots made up 23% in average. Minimum output of generative shoots (9.5%) was observed at alternating drill sowing with fertilizer application rate as N60P60K90, and the maximum one (47.7%) at wide-row sowing technique with fertilizer application rate as N45P30K45. At considering influence of fertilizer application rates and sowing modes to forming of generative shoots it became evident that optimum fertilizer application rate is N45P30K45, and out of investigated sowing techniques the best is a wide-row one.

About the Author

N. M. Modnikova
RUE "Institute for Land Reclamation"


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For citations:

Modnikova N.M. Effect of Sowing Technique and Fertilizer Application Rate on Forming of Generative Shoots of Beckmannia Eruciformis (L.) Host. Land Reclamation. 2010;(1):214-220. (In Russ.)

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