
Land Reclamation

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Role of Reclaimed Areas in Intensification of Fodder Production in Non-Chernozem Zone of Russia


Shown: State and agroecological peculiarities of reclaimed (drained, irrigated) areas in Non-Chernozem Zone of Russia, their role in stabilization and further development of livestock farming in the region. Substantiated: Ways of step-by-step solution of tasks for intensification of field and grassland fodder production in reclaimed areas of the region based on multi-version systems of keeping fodder production with maximum use of factors of agrophytocenosis biologization, allowable resources providing for high ecological safety and stability of agrogeosystems as a whole.

About the Author

N. G. Kovalev
All-Russian Scientific Research Institute for Agricultural Use of Reclaimed Lands
Russian Federation


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2. Бакланов А.М., Смирнов А.А., Иванов Д.А. и др. Адаптивные системы и технологии производства кормов на пахотных землях в гумидной зоне России: Методические рекомендации. -Тверь, 2005. - 41 с

3. Кобзин А.Г., Тихомирова Т.М. Адаптивные системы ведения луговодства на мелиорированных агроландшафтах. - Тверь, 2005. - 33 с


For citations:

Kovalev N.G. Role of Reclaimed Areas in Intensification of Fodder Production in Non-Chernozem Zone of Russia. Land Reclamation. 2010;(1):158-169. (In Russ.)

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