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Experimental Investigations of Interaction of Tractor and Mounted Tool inLinearVertical Plane


While performing tilling operations as well as at crossing irregularities of relief tractor body acquires different caused by imitating the country ground and deformation of suspension bracket spring. Experimental investigations revealed dependence of force in the upper rod of mounted device from different of tractor body and elevation of crossed relief irregularity at different pulling resistance of plow, that enable to develop of automatic control systems. Experimental condition consists in setting movement of plowable aggregate across smooth surface followed by crossing of relief irregularities of various profile. The experiment proved the proposed theoretical dependence of force increment in the upper rod from tractor body different and pulling resistance.

About the Author

A. V. Vashchula
State Enterprise "Belarusian Testing Machine Station "


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For citations:

Vashchula A.V. Experimental Investigations of Interaction of Tractor and Mounted Tool inLinearVertical Plane. Land Reclamation. 2010;(1):95-99. (In Russ.)

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ISSN 2070-4828 (Print)