Economic Efficiency for Elimination of Woody-Shrubby Vegetation from Canal Slopes with the Use of Timber as a Fuel Material
Presented: Calculation results of economic efficiency of standard process chart for removal of woodyshrubby vegetation from canal slopes, developed by RUP "Institute of Amelioration". For comparison technique with complete recycling of land wood-pulp and its use as a fuel material is taken as basic technique. Distinguishing feature of new technique consists in the following: after felling the residual stubs are completely sawed off and their face planes are applied with concentrated solution (1:1) of silvicide to prevent from regrowth of root sucker. Growing offshoots later on are additionally processed with silvicide. New technique makes it possible to exclude from processing labour-intensive procedures on uprooting and removal of loot residues as well as their utilization, combustion or burial of waste so providing significant reduction of costs for summary of woody-shrubby vegetation.
1. Титов, В.Н. Определение характеристики древесно-кустарниковой растительности на каналах мелиоративных систем / В.Н. Титов, К.А. Гуцанович, Н.Н. Прокопович // Мелиорация. - 2009. - №1(61). - С.222-228
For citations:
Titov V.N.,
Gutsanovich К.A.
Economic Efficiency for Elimination of Woody-Shrubby Vegetation from Canal Slopes with the Use of Timber as a Fuel Material. Land Reclamation. 2010;(1):86-94.
(In Russ.)
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