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Measuring water expenditure in open canals with the use of sucker-rod flow meter


Designed water measured device is developed for open channels with immersed by a sensitive element in form of lattice. Offered flow meter differs simplicity, reliability, energy independent, does not demand reconstruction of existing hydraulic engineering constructions. Result of optimization of parameters of offered design allow to find optimum geometrical sizes of a sensitive element for typical channels of intraeconomic irrigating network.

About the Authors

A. A. Pakhomov
Volgograd State Agricultural Academy
Russian Federation

S. V. Tronev
Volgograd State Agricultural Academy
Russian Federation

K. M. Melikhov
Volgograd State Agricultural Academy
Russian Federation

N. A. Kolobanova
Volgograd State Agricultural Academy
Russian Federation


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For citations:

Pakhomov A.A., Tronev S.V., Melikhov K.M., Kolobanova N.A. Measuring water expenditure in open canals with the use of sucker-rod flow meter. Land Reclamation. 2010;(1):65-69. (In Russ.)

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