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Intensity of Evapotranspiration for Rapid-Growing Willow


Ascertained: Interconnection of willow crop to levels of ground waters. It is also proved that at igh level of ground waters willow uses more water than traditional field crops during their vegetation period. The efficiency index of water use (WUE) reflecting the ratio of plant mass yield to quantity of water used has the most favorable value in light soils at a depth of ground waters equal to 100 cm. The results of investigations show that growing willow for the purposes of energy requires large quantity of water, in what connection shortage of water considerably restricts crop-producing power of willow plantations. Taking into consideration the restricted water resources of Poland the expansion of willow production to industrial scale may result in increase of water deficiency.

About the Authors

S. .. Yurchuck
Institute for land reclamation and water management

M. .. Rydalovsky
Institute for land reclamation and water management


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For citations:

Yurchuck S..., Rydalovsky M... Intensity of Evapotranspiration for Rapid-Growing Willow. Land Reclamation. 2010;(1):56-64. (In Russ.)

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