Basis for soil water regimes model operation
Ascertained: Similarity indices for soil water regimes according to the laws of similarity of physical systems based on the hydraulic model operational experience. Water supply index of farming soils characterizes boundary (regional) conditions and is applied for foundation of the requirement of using water conservation. The indices of soil water capacity, internal soil water exchange and surface flow are characterized as local factors of making up water balance and may be used at foundation of the required relationships of reclamation and humidification (irrigation) land developments. Depending on the task to be accomplished each local factor may serve as for evaluation of initial conditions, or to be presented as an index of dynamic similarity. The evaluation and comparison indices of soil water regimes of root-inhabited soil layer is recommended to be used for research-founded adaptation of experimental results obtained in the process of model (stationary) experiments to natural (operating) conditions of water balance control, as well for evaluation of water relationships of reclaimed soils that considerably change their water-physical properties in the process of long-term farming exploitation.
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For citations:
Likhatsevich A.P.
Basis for soil water regimes model operation. Land Reclamation. 2010;(1):15-23.
(In Russ.)
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