
Land Reclamation

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Given: The results of study of the influence of Dactylis glomerata and Festuca pratensis onto cropproducing power, phytologic composition, the quality of fodder and eating of gramma. It is established that crop capacity of dry mass of grass stand while introducing such very species increased for 9.9-16%. The content of raw protein for control mixed grass crop made up 18.7 %, for Dactylis glomerata made up 16.4% and for Festuca pratensis made up 17.7%.The reaction of meadow clover to unfavorable weather conditions was specified. Optimal proportion of seeds of Trifolium pranse and Pheleum pretense in mixed grass crop was proposed for after-grass use.Assessment of use of cereal grass showed that at long-term use of grass stand on sod-podzolic loam soil to receive 4000 kg of milk from a cow the application of nitrogenous fertilizers is required starting from the first years of using this grass stand.

About the Author

A. L. Biryuckovich
RUE "Institte for Land Reclamation"


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3. Оверчук, В.А. Использование бобово-злаковых смесей при создании культурных лугов / В.А. Оверчук, Г.А. Бушмакина// Наука - производству. - Пружаны. - 1983.- С. 4-8

4. Синицын, Н.В. Луговое кормопроизводство в Нечерноземной зоне./ Н.В. Синицын, А.П. Лихацевич. - Смоленск: Смядынь. - 2003.- 263 с


For citations:

Biryuckovich A.L. . Land Reclamation. 2009;(1):208-214. (In Russ.)

Views: 184

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ISSN 2070-4828 (Print)