
Land Reclamation

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Change in Phytologic Composition of Longevous Pascual Grass Stand


The problem of productive macrobiosis of meadow grass stands is priority. Under the natural conditions thestability of biocenosis to a great extend depends on the composition and the structure of poiums. Many years’ investigations showed high stability of meadow grass stands on peat soils and the ability of productive macrobiosis of the given grass stands without meadow reformation within at least 20 years. Out of perennial graminifolious herbs the most adaptive potential is characterized by meadow foxtail. The deserving plants for long-term cultivation on peat soils is meadow foxtail, meadow grass and cock's-foot grass.

About the Authors

A. S. Meyerovsky
RUE "Institute for Land Reclamation"

S. N. Brel
RUE "Institute for Land Reclamation"

E. M. Mishuk
RUE "Polesye Experimental station for Reclamation Agriculture and Meadow Cultivation"


1. Марков, М. В. Об агрофитоценозах / М. В. Марков, В. В. Тургаев // Бюлл./ Моск. о-во испытателей природы. Отд. биол., 1976. - Т. 81. - С.124-133

2. Работнов, Т. А. Луга как биогеоценозы / Т. А. Работнов // Проблемы биогеоценологии. - М.: Наука, 1973. - С. 18-43

3. Марков, М. В. Агрофитоценология / М.В.Марков. - Казань: Изд-во Казанского ун-та,1972. - 270 с

4. Семенченко, А. В. Полесская опытная станция / А. В. Семенченко, Н. М. Авраменко; под ред. Н. М. Авраменко. - Пинск, 2006. - 67 с


For citations:

Meyerovsky A.S., Brel S.N., Mishuk E.M. Change in Phytologic Composition of Longevous Pascual Grass Stand. Land Reclamation. 2009;(1):202-207. (In Russ.)

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